How do I get boots that don't look terrible but can keep my feet dry and warm in the snow?
Something like ?
How do I get boots that don't look terrible but can keep my feet dry and warm in the snow?
lol are those trousers backwards.
I was thinking that, but even then those pockets wouldn't make any damn sense. "Wait, hold on, I got this *bends knee up like a Taboo video to open left knee pocket*"
How do I get boots that don't look terrible but can keep my feet dry and warm in the snow?
Lower the joggers (no skin, it's winter ffs) and lose the pockets. Win.
exactly. boots, thick ass socks... and exposed skin? it's not a bad outfit but come on lol
I prefer this as a menswear.jpg:
Yeah, this guy fucking kills it on the reg.
you are my new favorite poster.
you are my new favorite poster.
Sorry pops you're yesterday's news. A throwback. Old hat. Worn out.��
Lower the joggers (no skin, it's winter ffs) and lose the pockets. Win.
exactly. boots, thick ass socks... and exposed skin? it's not a bad outfit but come on lol
I prefer this as a menswear.jpg:
id on either one of those boots? or something similar to those? hopefully it isn't too expensive (< $200)
id on either one of those boots? or something similar to those? hopefully it isn't too expensive (< $200)
They look like Red Wing Iron Rangers but they don't seem to have that color in the website.
They look like Red Wing Iron Rangers but they don't seem to have that color in the website.
In my continued search for a new cologne, Tom Ford's stuff is on my radar. Haven't had a chance to check it out in person yet, but I hear good things about it.
I don't really want to get something everyone's getting, but I'll jump on it if the scent is good.
They more closely resemble Red Wing Mocs. The tongue and side don't completely match, though, so it's definitely a different brand.
kk ty, please keep em coming, anything like from the first pic?
or alternatives as well, I want to step up my boot game.
I just did a reverse image search on the picture, and ID'd it exactly
Wolverine Emerson
Red Wing Iron Rangers are nice. Keeps my feet warm and dry, but I don't know if it's great for walking in snowy and icy conditions. The soles on them are smooth.
You could resole them, though. I was thinking of doing this at some point, but my pair of IRs are still really new.
can someone help remind me what the sweat pants that look like jeans trend are called and where it originated from?
honoring the fine tradition of manshion bathroom mirror fit pics
peep that under-collar leather too
Open the stall next timehonoring the fine tradition of manshion bathroom mirror fit pics
peep that under-collar leather too
can someone help remind me what the sweat pants that look like jeans trend are called and where it originated from?
do you mean jeggings or joggers?
in either case the answer is "Hell"
can someone help remind me what the sweat pants that look like jeans trend are called and where it originated from?
then you have the classic moc, which I really like, but I'm not sure how the grip is on snow.
Joggers are dope. Huge fan of them.
I'm a bit torn between Air Max Tavas or Hyperfr3sh. I know jack shit about sneakers - the only non-formal shoes I've been wearing the last couple years are classic Converse sneakers. Now I'd like to have something else then the same same Converse stuff I've been wearing when I'm not at the office and I sorta took a liking to black and white Nike shoes. What's the opinion (if any) on these shoes.
you just looking for black and white?
I love the Flyknit Oreo 2.0
or Gel Lyte EVO "Samurai" (black/grey)
EVO Samurai