Anyone else do triage for life's stresses? I've never done therapy, but I think that may be a technique called mental compartmentalization. In a way it's like the serenity prayer; changing the things you can, and recognizing the things you can't. Only this also assigns levels of concern.
Anyways, I don't want to rewrite a psychoanalysis course. I'm not too interested in it. A few years ago though, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I've been trying various treatments the past few years with no positive reports, just getting progressively worse, albeit slowly, thankfully. The stress of the diagnosis and starting on treatments and readjusting my life had me at a breaking point. I never felt suicidal. I would never want to further hurt friends and family, but mentally and emotionally I turned into mush.
I started really embracing compartmentalizing problems into things I can change and things I can't, and further into things I can change quickly and things that would take longer. It really helped me to not only not worry about the things I couldn't change, but also to worry less about the changes that would require more time. It seems simple, but it saved me.
Also, I've had my first good news in my most recent scan results that most of the tumors have shrunk.
dude thats amazing! congratulations and keep it goin, you got this!

and i really like what you said about compartmentalizing. i think i may need to do some of that myself. thanks for that
so, not sure if im posting here to just get it off my chest, or if i actually want advice, or if im just wallowing, but my depression has been pretty bad lately. the medical marijuana helps a lot (i never want to go back to feeling this way and not having some weed to make me feel a little better), but it's not the answer of course.
like i was telling my brother the other day (also experiences depression/anxiety and benefits from medical mary jane), it's like a tool, and you should have many tools and they need to stay sharp. if you use one tool too much, it gets dull and less effective. you need to use all of your tools everyday, and you need to know when its time to put that tool away, or find a new one.
thats all well and good, but the real problem right now is i havent eaten much in the last three days, and there is no end in sight... i just dont want to. i have zero appetite, and im just mega numb and empty and sad all day. 2 days ago, i went the whole day blocking out the thing thats triggering me, like completely blocked it out/pushed it down or whatever you want call it, and it was a mostly okay/neutral day... but then i realized at the end of the day that i didnt eat anything. had a couple bagels yesterday and i havent worked myself up to forcing anything down today (its about 3 pm right now... havent slept much in the last three days either)
anyone have experience with this and have some feedback/advice/anything? i mean, obviously i know i need to eat, but its not that simple right now. my mind is fucking me lol, thinking about eating something right now is like thinking about going downstairs and smashing my dick in the car door. not fucking happenin. and its a really, really bizarre feeling if youve never had it... no idea how to explain, its just like im offended by the idea of eating anything right now lol... but no, seriously, its bad and i know i have to eat something eventually, but if someone has some tips or tricks on how to get my mind ready for that, it's be much appreciated
for some context, i dont want to go into it too much, but it is a particular event thats triggering me. and back then when this event happened i also stopped eating, and what im experiencing now is almost exactly the same and almost as intense as that was (but not quite... i dunno if anything will ever be that bad again). it happened about 2011, took me 5 years and an alcohol addiction to finally let it go, everything has been great for the last few years, but somewhere around summer 2019 things got bad, and it's been a mostly downward trend since then. and just this last week or so, i started dwelling on all that shit again, running back all the scenarios all the what if's all of the i should haves and i shouldn't have and just so many bad decisions i've made since then... and it laid hold of me and i haven't been able to shake it
and here i am. right back at square one. its like everything came full circle and i accomplished nothing. i feel almost every bit as bad as back then, and im running through all the same thoughts and emotions and hysteria in my mind just like i was doing back then. and not gonna lie, watching my depression manifest itself into reality (i lost 5ish pounds since saturday and went down a hole on my belt) has me really freaked out right now lol. i can still be pretty jovial about it and stay in good spirits, but man... the truth is im hurting pretty bad on the inside right now. thinking about it though, i do feel a tiny bit better having typed this out, so thats something...
anyway, my brother started therapy a couple months ago and suggested i do the same. im really optimistic that it will be helpful for me. hope you all are trying to keep your heads up out there. i know its hard.
tl;dr holy shit sorry for the book guys. basically im depressed and i havent eaten anything in three days and im looking for help or advice on how to want to eat something