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Answer the fucking question

I said I read that as ironic.

What question?

A 9 year old account with zero posts appeared out of nowhere to cry for deplatforming/contacting advertisers in a cross-forum drama thread. Don't support that shit.

I've provided all of the context and information. If you can't get it at this point, I'm not sure what else to say.
What question?

A 9 year old account with zero posts appeared out of nowhere to cry for deplatforming/contacting advertisers in a cross-forum drama thread. Don't support that shit.

I've provided all of the context and information. If you can't get it at this point, I'm not sure what else to say.
You make my fucking head hurt dude

It looked like a parody post. It was everything we see posted from REE every day when they REE. And they REE everyday

It was all the words and dumb shit in one post. It looked like it was posted ironically.

So I fucking reacted to it as I seen it.

Still waiting to hear about this "mob".


I nominate the below to become a meme whenever someone goes into a nuclear meltdown. Can we call it "The user is having a danielberg" lol...

I hate myself for even posting in this shit thread and bumping it but can you stop pushing this absolute SHIT THREAD?
Some geniuses think its a good idea and feel the need to talk about sjw garbage and drag everything into it even one of the most important games, yeah how about not doing that?
You are literally making it a "thing" and attractive to attack for lunatics.
If you want to talk sjw garbage how about you do it in politics and dont paint a cross hair on FF7R with your shit what if/maybe scenarios?
I dont fucking give a fuck if you want talk about garbage sjw crap do it in politics dont drag a game into it that has nothing sjw happen to it yet and with it basically dangle a carrot in the faces of mentally fucked sjw "look we like this! dont you want to wreck it for us lolol! " what a fucking cancer of a thread pure dogshit.
Delete this thread OP and people stop bumping this just because you have a hard on talking about sjw crap, it has nothing to do with FF7R stop making it a "thing" stop fucking it up for everyone.

Here is a template for future use:
I hate myself for even posting in this shit thread and bumping it but can you stop pushing this absolute SHIT THREAD?
Some geniuses think its a good idea and feel the need to talk about (TRIGGER TOPIC) garbage and drag everything into it even one of the most important games, yeah how about not doing that?
You are literally making it a "thing" and attractive to attack for lunatics.
If you want to talk (TRIGGER TOPIC) garbage how about you do it in politics and dont paint a cross hair on (FAVE GAME) with your shit what if/maybe scenarios?
I dont fucking give a fuck if you want talk about garbage (TRIGGER TOPIC) crap do it in politics dont drag a game into it that has nothing (TRIGGER TOPIC) happen to it yet and with it basically dangle a carrot in the faces of mentally fucked (TRIGGER TOPIC) "look we like this! dont you want to wreck it for us lolol! " what a fucking cancer of a thread pure dogshit.
Delete this thread OP and people stop bumping this just because you have a hard on talking about (TRIGGER TOPIC) crap, it has nothing to do with (FAVE GAME) stop making it a "thing" stop fucking it up for everyone.


maybe i'm asshole, maybe i like to laugh

i support your efforts plushyp plushyp

when this no doubt bites me in the ass one day, i want to look back at this thread and grimace
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I do not understand why on earth that thread is still shitting up OT.

We come off a really good E3 period, forum numbers are up and the place is buzzing and then suddenly a bit of juicy dirt emerges about Reset to ruffle some feathers and the policy on confining Era talk to the specific community threads apparently goes out the window, for *reasons*. I get it that some people love the forum drama and I'm not opposed to poking a bit of fun at it myself on occasion but it's not why I come here and in large part, I thought we'd moved past it, and were blazing our own trail.


I'm not above criticizing REE's general attitude in a satirical manner, but so far I've managed to stay away from the community thread where the same people are obsessively fine-combing their forum in order to extract every little bit of controversy. I'm sure if I fine-comb GAF like that, I'll find lots of questionable comments too, it's a big place after all with a long history. Look, I get it, some of these comments are representative of the problem with the REE crowd in general, some are having a hard time to let go of the past and others simply have an ax to grind. The thread serves its purpose in bundling all that resentment so that it doesn't sh*t up the rest of the forum. I don't have a problem with that.

That being said, the general level of discourse in these threads is everything else but healthy as it is mostly driven by resentment and schadenfreude. What's actually being presented as evidence plays second fiddle to the chance of causing damage to that forum. Circumstantial evidence is presented in a hyperbolic manner with a sensationalist spin in order to make blanket statements about a whole demographic. No matter how much I dislike the ideological radicalism and the destructive zealotry of that place, the end doesn't justify the means.

I'm not interested in gloating in collective malevolence, taking words out of context in order to cause damage to others through inductive fallacy and guilt by association. Because that is exactly how that other place operates in order to cause damage to game publishers and developers who don't toe their line. It's the reason why I wouldn't want to touch these topics with a ten-foot pole.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So it stands to reason that such serious accusations need to be met with a healthy dose of skepticism in order to establish the validity and extent of the arguments presented. Unfortunately such is not the case, as those who did not immediately forsake their critical thought at the mere prospect of a "smoking gun" are labeled as being apologetic or supportive of something truly terrible. What we get instead is a huge circle-jerk of people confirming their own biases. I'm not interested in such discussion.

This forum is not your personal army, and that is exactly what that thread was designed to do. Use hyperbolic language in order to rile people up so that they form an angry mob ready to take out their pitchforks. Obsessively scrolling through their Discord in hope of dredging up whatever shred of evidence no matter how small or far-fetched, is exactly how the social zealots operate on Twitter when they seek to ruin the reputation of yet another game developer based on something they said a decade ago.

Whether the allegations hold water or not is not my point of contention, I'm not gonna wade into that swamp. It reminds me too much of that weird "pizzagate" conspiracy. But the fact that people were so readily willing to join the angry mob, while some of our most respected and prominent community members were cheering on the side-line, gives me reason for concern. I'm not disappointed that the subject is being discussed, free speech and all that, but rather how the whole situation was handled.

I'm aware that some of what I've said here will not be popular. I apologize for that. I'm also certain that some will construe it as me being apologetic or even defensive of that other place. F*ck that, but as a community we shouldn't be above self-criticism if we strive to be better than the REE crowd.

As Kadayi Kadayi said, we had a good run during E3, lots of good coverage, healthy discussion, lots of well-intended criticism, funny memes and satire only to let ourselves be dragged back into the mud due to our inability to stand above juicy cross-forum gossip. I truly love this newfound community, because it was mostly occupied with lifting itself up, striving for excellency rather than dragging others down like that other place does. The controversy that happened over these past few days flies a little bit into the face of that.

That is why I want to have no part in this. I'm not interested in being a platform for ideological vendetta and certainly not if innocent bystanders are being turned into collateral damage. So thanks for heeding Kadayi Kadayi 's advice and removing the thread from off-topic at least. GAF is better than that.
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I'm not above criticizing REE's general attitude in a satirical manner, but so far I've managed to stay away from the community thread where the same people are obsessively fine-combing their forum in order to extract every little bit of controversy. I'm sure if I fine-comb GAF like that, I'll find lots of questionable comments too, it's a big place after all with a long history. Look, I get it, some of these comments are representative of the problem with the REE crowd in general, some are having a hard time to let go of the past and others simply have an ax to grind. The thread serves its purpose in bundling all that resentment so that it doesn't sh*t up the rest of the forum. I don't have a problem with that.

That being said, the general level of discourse in these threads is everything else but healthy as it is mostly driven by resentment and schadenfreude. What's actually being presented as evidence plays second fiddle to the chance of causing damage to that forum. Circumstantial evidence is presented in a hyperbolic manner with a sensationalist spin in order to make blanket statements about a whole demographic. No matter how much I dislike the ideological radicalism and the destructive zealotry of that place, the end doesn't justify the means.

I'm not interested in gloating in collective malevolence, taking words out of context in order to cause damage to others through inductive fallacy and guilt by association. Because that is exactly how that other place operates in order to cause damage to game publishers and developers who don't toe their line. It's the reason why I wouldn't want to touch these topics with a ten-foot pole.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So it stands to reason that such serious accusations need to be met with a healthy dose of skepticism in order to establish the validity and extent of the arguments presented. Unfortunately such is not the case, as those who did not immediately forsake their critical thought at the mere prospect of a "smoking gun" are labeled as being apologetic or supportive of something truly terrible. What we get instead is a huge circle-jerk of people confirming their own biases. I'm not interested in such discussion.

This forum is not your personal army, and that is exactly what that thread was designed to do. Use hyperbolic language in order to rile people up so that they form an angry mob ready to take out their pitchforks. Obsessively scrolling through their Discord in hope of dredging up whatever shred of evidence no matter how small or far-fetched, is exactly how the social zealots operate on Twitter when they seek to ruin the reputation of yet another game developer based on something they said a decade ago.

Whether the allegations hold water or not is not my point of contention, I'm not gonna wade into that swamp. It reminds me too much of that weird "pizzagate" conspiracy. But the fact that people were so readily willing to join the angry mob, while some of our most respected and prominent community members were cheering on the side-line, gives me reason for concern. I'm not disappointed that the subject is being discussed, free speech and all that, but rather how the whole situation was handled.

I'm aware that some of what I've said here will not be popular. I apologize for that. I'm also certain that some will construe it as me being apologetic or even defensive of that other place. F*ck that, but as a community we shouldn't be above self-criticism if we strive to be better than the REE crowd.

As Kadayi Kadayi said, we had a good run during E3, lot's of good coverage, healthy discussion, lots of well-intended criticism and satire only to let ourselves be dragged back into the mud due to our inability to stand above juicy cross-forum gossip. I truly love this newfound community, because it was mostly occupied with lifting itself up, striving for excellency rather than dragging others down like that other place does. The controversy that happened over these past few days flies a little bit into the face of that.

That is why I want to have no part in this. I'm not interested in being a platform for ideological vendetta and certainly not if innocent bystanders are being turned into collateral damage. So thanks for heeding Kadayi Kadayi 's advice and removing the thread from off-topic at least. GAF is better than that.
I don't think you have to apologize for anything. GAF should be mature enough to separate criticism of how we handle a piece of drama from the act of supporting/defending the behavior itself. REEE lacks nuance. GAF does not. Our community can discuss both without having to defend ourselves with "...but hey! Please don't think I'm defending ERA". Posters who leap to those conclusions should be called out.

There was a burst of "sympathetic newbies" who joined to participate in the thread, as well as old accounts suddenly resurrected, as well as ERA defenders who participated in climate-altering handwaving of the evidence.. Some of these appeared to be deliberately spreading misinformation. Others appeared very interested in whipping up outrage and they wanted a "call to action".

Being suspicious of the information is the smart move. Participating is fine, but we shouldn't gleefully tumble down the internet mob hole just because REEE is the target.

I am not bringing this up to spread distrust among GAFers. There are not ERA members beneath every rock. There are not SJWs lurking in every thread.

Rather, I am mentioning something that -- I would've assumed -- every single internet user should be aware of. If you're not skeptical, you're gonna get trolled at best and misled into dangerous conclusions at worst. When drama is on the line, we tend to forget ourselves. When it comes to serious matters such as pedophelia, we shouldn't be flippant. I wouldn't want a single ERA user falsely accused on something they didn't do, and while I think the irony of the situation is delicious, we should not devolve to the point where GAF starts acting on the belief of "group guilt".
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'll admit to posting in that topic when it was fairly new, but only to try and offer a bit of humor to the situation to try and break the tension in there which was palpable. Because, well, that's what I do.

GAF is better than this though. We don't need to stoop down to the level of witch hunting and jumping at shadows, (I thought, at least) that was something that clearly separated us from the people who ultimately caused the big GAF split and left this place. Personally, I don't care what Era is up to most of the time because they seem like they're off in their own little la-la land. Sometimes I think "All my old SteamGAF friends are there, maybe I should make an account and catch up." but then remember all the news that comes out of that place about how they like to doxx game developers and how they promote a group-think that's toxic and very much not in line with my beliefs. It's sad, but in some ways it feels like losing a bunch of family members to a cult.

To the mods: I think any and all future Era drama should stay contained in the Era drama thread. If that thread starts luring in regular members who start calling for people's heads and/or jobs or otherwise gets out of hand, just shut the whole thing down.

Anyway, now that that thread has basically run it's course and has quieted down, let's get back to the stuff that makes GAF awesome: thoughtful debate, funny memes, and having discussions like rational adults.


Glad there is being some pushback against what happened at the weekend. I was wondering whether I should post something but didn't really know what to say.

Not sure really why it happened but it seems that people who don't even use GAF got GAF fired up into acting like their own little lynch mob and GAF fell for it.

Not sure whether we were trolled or it was genuine but we really don't need to get involved in dramas on other sites, especially that site.

We should stick to what we do best: chillin' and laughing at the crazies on the internet.

Dr. Claus

I don't think you have to apologize for anything. GAF should be mature enough to separate criticism of how we handle a piece of drama from the act of supporting/defending the behavior itself. REEE lacks nuance. GAF does not. Our community can discuss both without having to defend ourselves with "...but hey! Please don't think I'm defending ERA". Posters who leap to those conclusions should be called out.

There was a burst of "sympathetic newbies" who joined to participate in the thread, as well as old accounts suddenly resurrected, as well as ERA defenders who participated in climate-altering handwaving of the evidence.. Some of these appeared to be deliberately spreading misinformation. Others appeared very interested in whipping up outrage and they wanted a "call to action".

Being suspicious of the information is the smart move. Participating is fine, but we shouldn't gleefully tumble down the internet mob hole just because REEE is the target.

I am not bringing this up to spread distrust among GAFers. There are not ERA members beneath every rock. There are not SJWs lurking in every thread.

Rather, I am mentioning something that -- I would've assumed -- every single internet user should be aware of. If you're not skeptical, you're gonna get trolled at best and misled into dangerous conclusions at worst. When drama is on the line, we tend to forget ourselves. When it comes to serious matters such as pedophelia, we shouldn't be flippant. I wouldn't want a single ERA user falsely accused on something they didn't do, and while I think the irony of the situation is delicious, we should not devolve to the point where GAF starts acting on the belief of "group guilt".

Remaining skeptical is the best course of action, regardless of the situation - IMO. Too many people jumping at conclusions, trying to make every excuse to call someone a pedophile even if the information really didn't support that claim.

What felt like a fun little novelty at first, quickly wore off its welcome by the third to fourth page and it just spiraled downhill from there. I also agree with jshackles jshackles that all RE conversation should stay in the dedicated RE/Other Communities thread where it belongs.



I'm not above criticizing REE's general attitude in a satirical manner, but so far I've managed to stay away from the community thread where the same people are obsessively fine-combing their forum in order to extract every little bit of controversy. I'm sure if I fine-comb GAF like that, I'll find lots of questionable comments too, it's a big place after all with a long history.


Unfortunately such is not the case, as those who did not immediately forsake their critical thought at the mere prospect of a "smoking gun" are labeled as being apologetic or supportive of something truly terrible.
Oh thank God, someone finally said it lol.

This is mainly what I've been trying to get at regarding the Sqorin issue but I haven't really been able to make the case here due to a lack of longevity and presence and I didn't want to risk his or anyone elses chances at getting his account reviewed by having my posts being disregarded and labelled as a stealth Resetera member/pedo and I definitely didn't want to risk people interpreting my posts as threats, which was a very real possibility to me since a post I considered aptly expressed had gotten someone banned.

By and large, the main point I've wanted to underscore and point out is that due to Sqorin's account being banned, a matter that is still shrouded in mystery as Kadayi Kadayi pointed out, the precedent has already been set for the parts bolded in the quote above. I think that's something that would concern the more level-headed users here.


Agreed about Sqorin, a temp ban and warning to turn it down a notch seems apt enough, though the majority on here don't really have all the details to establish if it was deserved or not (previous post & ban-history)? Mostly want to say I -- and many others -- wouldn't mind having him back on here for now if possible.
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
We won't be allowing anything like that thread on gaf again.

Wise move. Fuck all this cross-forum drama bullshit. People shouldn't be giving Era clicks or attention. Keep the one thread open as there are a few here obsessed with posting things about Era, and I don't think it's worth killing that thread or banning people who want to talk cross forum stuff. Just keep it there for the people who want to participate and not have threads like the pedo one in OT that get a lot of posts and attention and shine the wrong kind of spotlight on this community.

Most here (outside of maybe the Politics area, I don't even click that as I don't care) aren't obsessed with ERA or SJWs and all that noise and are just chatting games on the gaming side and more lighthearted stuff in OT. Let's keep it that way and not become another Era type site that while having a lot more diversity of views is still way too much hemming and hawing about politics for a fucking video game forum.


We won't be allowing anything like that thread on gaf again.

Well, that's good to hear, but what about Sqorin? Quite a few people have questioned him being outright permed like that, least of all in a thread which should never have been allowed to float in the first place, versus be shut down.

Some explanation would be appreciated and also some clarification from moderation regarding such hot topics, because like it or not there's a wide cultural mix of members here from a variety of backgrounds and what one person might deem as beyond the pale doesn't necessarily register with others. kiiltz kiiltz summarizes it best: -

To prevent further cases like this might I suggest the Mod team clarify by what they define as paedophilia? The reason I say this is because from what I've observed in the last few days there seems to be a few distinct groups of people with slightly different views.

1. Those that believe anything regarding minors and persons under the age of 18.
2. Those that believe it varies between countries and states depending on the law.
3. Those that believe it only applies to persons who haven't reached the age of adolescence yet. (Sqorin)

So while everyone here unanimously condemns paedophilia there is still room for posts to be perceived as defending it thus leading to the current situation.

I'd add, I didn't read it that Sqorin was defending anyone, more he was clumsily attempting to put across what this article from Scientific American does a lot more plainly when it comes to various definitions: -

I didn't perceive it as condoning anyone's conduct or giving them as pass. Maybe I missed some aspects though?


Darkness no more
We won't be allowing anything like that thread on gaf again.

That’s good. It started out entertaining but got out of control with a few people combing through all their stuff. It might be healthiest for this place to move on from ERA stuff at this point.

As Kadayi Kadayi mentioned I think Sqorin’s ban should be reviewed again also.


That’s good. It started out entertaining but got out of control with a few people combing through all their stuff. It might be healthiest for this place to move on from ERA stuff at this point.

I don't know whether some people will ever move on (even now people still bitch out EA for killing Bullfog eleventy years ago, gamers never forgive or forget), but at the very least it should always be contained in the Community catch-all thread for those of can't let it go.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know whether some people will ever move on (even now people still bitch out EA for killing Bullfog eleventy years ago, gamers never forgive or forget), but at the very least it should always be contained in the Community catch-all thread for those of can't let it go.

Yep. There's a few people who pretty much only post in that thread. I don't think it's worth banning discussion of Era and then banning people who can't help themselves. Just keep it contained in that one thread. It's very out of site/out of mind as the communities sub-area is dead AF.

A related suggestion is it may be wise to just kill that off topic communties sub-forum, move that thread to politics and see if things like Fitness Gaf and other community threads that used to be popular get more activity if they're over here in OT and more visible. Currently it's dead as a doornail over there with the last thread on the front page having no posts since January and only 12 threads with posts in the past week.

That said, I know EviLore EviLore had said a while back that there were some big changes for how communities work planned. So if that's still happening that could perhaps make that point moot.
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A related suggestion is it may be wise to just kill that off topic communties sub-forum, move that thread to politics and see if things like Fitness Gaf and other community threads that used to be popular get more activity if they're over here in OT and more visible.

I dig that idea.

Your respectful and level-headed replies are much appreciated. At first I was a bit hesitant in posting this, because I didn't want it to be perceived as me backseat modding or hating on this place. So thanks for proving my unfounded assumptions wrong in that regard. I also can't fault the mods here, they do a fantastic job and it's a difficult situation to handle. Rather than prematurely shutting down discussion it's sometimes best to take a step back and see how things evolve. Maybe it didn't pan out as intended, sh*t happens but it's always good to see the community reflect on that in a critical manner. Lacking that ability, that other place handled the situation much much worse in that regard.

Controversial discussion and healthy criticism are fine, but where I draw the line is when it devolves into the call for harmful action and blind activism. Social media is already being weaponized enough for such destructive purposes by the social justice slacktivsists and ideological zealots. Ruining other people's lives for having an opinion, even if misguided, is not a good thing. If anything we should provide a safe haven for those developers and industry insiders who unjustly find themselves in its crossfire. Live and let live so long as you don't harm others, is what I say.

We won't be allowing anything like that thread on gaf again.

Good to see that reason prevails. Considering how much some of these people have wronged you, I truly appreciate that statement. Keep up the good work and let's stick to making this community the best it can be.
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Your respectful and level-headed replies are much appreciated. At first I was a bit hesitant in posting this, because I didn't want it to be perceived as me backseat modding or hating on this place. So thanks for proving my unfounded assumptions wrong in that regard.

:messenger_musical:Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll
Feeling it right
Everybody will be dancing and be
Doing it right
Everybody will be dancing and we'll be
Feeling all right
Everybody will be dancing to the
If you do it right
Let it go all night
Shadows on you break
Out into the light
If you lose your way tonight
That's how you know the magic's right :messenger_musical:

Btw, are you Archvanda but with a new name? Love you either way, man <3
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Winter John

I looked at some of that thread and it wasn't nothing but a bunch of over excited drama queens making fools of themselves. There ain't a doubt in my mind that there are pedophiles on Resetera. A forum that size is bound to have a couple of them. I wouldn't be surprised if there was one or two here as well. The thing is calling someone a pedophile without proof is about the worst thing you can do. If you did it in a bar you'd likely end up with a busted jaw. When it comes to something that serious I think definite proof has to be given to the mods before it's allowed to fly.
Did we ever find out what happened to Musky_Cheese Musky_Cheese 's avatar?
I think he took a break from GAF (hopefully temporarily).
Hopefully temporarily, indeed. He's done a lot for this community, and he'd definitely be missed. I hope everything's alright with you, Mr. Cheese.
I hope he comes back soon! :messenger_heart:

I didn't post Tuesday. The Nationals went on a win streak. I can't change what I am doing until the end of the win streak. So I couldn't post until that streak ends.
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