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I disagree that cool and collected = thinker.

Nobody is more collected than Nobody_Important, yet, nobody would think that suggesting him as a profound thinker was anything but nonsense. On the contrary, he hides behind that persona, twisting words and events to suit his agenda.
I'm not saying that cool and collected = thinker, either. Rather, that the cool and collected "mask" is usually pretty thin and all it takes is patience -- not constant callouts -- until you see that mask slip.

The words and actions are what matters. Not the optics. The idea that someone is speaking passionately, thus have nothing meaningful to say, is an ignorant one based around modern pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Do the words resonate? Do they express an idea worth considering? Then be as angry as you want.

A calm, quiet person can be an idiot, as much as a heated person. A heated person can be as profound as a calm, quiet person.

Wisdom is found in every nook and cranny in this world. Be careful not to arbitrarily restrict what you receive it from.
I'm not ascribing greater respectability to the person who is calm and collected. I think you've misunderstood the crux of my post.

You and I have clashed before on the topic of how to "properly" address these persistent issues in the community.

By all means, be suspicious of people and maintain a long memory. I don't mean "suspicious" dismissively, either. One should generally be suspicious and hide behind anonymity on the internet, but that should also open the door to be free and honest with one's opinions on a subject. The poison is when people abuse this to use the anonymity to do anything and everything to prevent free and honest exchange of opinions, if for no other reason than they do not wish to look in the mirror or to see others improve their lot in life.

I'll take a passionate person with whom I disagree as long as I get the impression that I am engaging with someone real, with real opinions.

I am regularly disappointed by the GAFer who is well-spoken on the surface but when prodded a bit they crumple into a pile of logical fallacies and dogma.

That is the dividing line, whether the person is or isn't presenting themselves honestly, or if they cower behind tricks of debate or stall tactics to avoid owning up to the persona they've chosen to create on an anonymous videogame board.

If you can't be honest on a videogame board, I truly wonder if that person has the capacity to be honest in their "real life". I doubt they are.

Even if you have a crystal-clear opinion of someone in your head, confronting them directly isn't always gonna get the result you want, especially if they can play the coy, polite shit-stirrer. Those folks certainly aren't adding anything good to the community, but "poisonous snake" isn't exactly banworthy, either.

That said,👌

Regardless of how you post, this is the holy grail. Unfortunately, I don’t think a large amount of these people exist, either on Gaf, or in general.
It doesn't matter if these people currently exist.

Do you believe they can be made to exist, i.e. they can be taught to expand their minds in this manner? I do, and I engage with GAF at large under the assumption that a not-zero number of people can improve their thinking and cross that threshold, given patience.


I'm not saying that cool and collected = thinker, either. Rather, that the cool and collected "mask" is usually pretty thin and all it takes is patience -- not constant callouts -- until you see that mask slip.

I'm not ascribing greater respectability to the person who is calm and collected. I think you've misunderstood the crux of my post.

You and I have clashed before on the topic of how to "properly" address these persistent issues in the community.

By all means, be suspicious of people and maintain a long memory. I don't mean "suspicious" dismissively, either. One should generally be suspicious and hide behind anonymity on the internet, but that should also open the door to be free and honest with one's opinions on a subject. The poison is when people abuse this to use the anonymity to do anything and everything to prevent free and honest exchange of opinions, if for no other reason than they do not wish to look in the mirror or to see others improve their lot in life.

I'll take a passionate person with whom I disagree as long as I get the impression that I am engaging with someone real, with real opinions.

I am regularly disappointed by the GAFer who is well-spoken on the surface but when prodded a bit they crumple into a pile of logical fallacies and dogma.

That is the dividing line, whether the person is or isn't presenting themselves honestly, or if they cower behind tricks of debate or stall tactics to avoid owning up to the persona they've chosen to create on an anonymous videogame board.

If you can't be honest on a videogame board, I truly wonder if that person has the capacity to be honest in their "real life". I doubt they are.

Even if you have a crystal-clear opinion of someone in your head, confronting them directly isn't always gonna get the result you want, especially if they can play the coy, polite shit-stirrer. Those folks certainly aren't adding anything good to the community, but "poisonous snake" isn't exactly banworthy, either.

It doesn't matter if these people currently exist.

Do you believe they can be made to exist, i.e. they can be taught to expand their minds in this manner? I do, and I engage with GAF at large under the assumption that a not-zero number of people can improve their thinking and cross that threshold, given patience.

Yay, multi-quotes. Lol.

I’m going to shrink things down a little bit, because I need to go to work soon, and I haven’t the desire (nothing to do with you, but I’ve been quite put to work over a whole day, for suggesting that some leeway for emotion during these times, might be prudent) or time for this kind of discussion, where it just keeps expanding and expanding, with more and more quotes. Hopefully, I can still address everything.

My impression was your original post seemed to link directly back to Starlight’s discussion of people being heated with him, and it’s hard to see a context where that isn’t the case, hence my defense. I also relish the chance to provide that perspective, because I think so many people tune out when someone gets heated, and... that shouldn’t necessarily always happen.

As for whether people that act, I guess, in the shortest manner, without ego and agenda can be attained en masse?

Frankly, based on lived experience, I would have to disagree with you. It’s the old adage of leading the horse to water. I think a lot of people don’t have the capability for that kind of thinking, and while I think some can change, it’s a rare kind of person, with stronger stuff, that can, and that person still might fall on occasion.

Even I feel that temptation to put myself above the truth. Every time, owning up to being wrong, feels like dragging myself to someone to offer up the admission. I’ve seen even you fall to that temptation, leading me to get quite heated at you during our last discussion of this nature. It’s just not in proper human nature, this ego/bias above facts problem, and has to constantly be fought, by everyone.

I find it to almost be a non-theological version of original sin, but sans half the dramatics.
To be fair to DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi . I did discuss the issue last year both in the thread in question and on Discord and I apologised to him privately if my post came off bad as he questioned my reasoning but he did so with much respect I gave him my honest answer in that thread, which is why have such high regards for him as he was not judgemental and actually gave me his own opinion on the matter.

I will admit that I may not 100% agree on a few things of course but he did leave such a great impression on me that the Community has a lot of good people here. It is that level of understanding as to why I take his opinions seriously here and I feel I can be honest with him without fear of being judged.

That is the key thing really. :)
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To be clear, I think if you try to train people to embrace that kind of thinking, you’ll drive yourself crazy, with the tiny success rate. The only thing you can do, is be honest, always, and hope something takes.

In my experience, people can internalize some of what is said, during confrontation (peaceful or no). Certainly not in the moment, but after. Rejection of an idea, particularly peer pressured, can lead to soul searching.

However, whatever method one wants to take on this issue, I will not begrudge.


To be fair to DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi . I did discuss the issue last year both in the thread in question and on Discord and I apologised to him privately if my post came off bad as he questioned my reasoning but he did so with much respect I gave him my honest answer in that thread, which is why have such high regards for him as he was not judgemental and actually gave me his own opinion on the matter.

I will admit that I may not 100% agree on a few things of course but he did leave such a great impression on me that the Community has a lot of good people here. It is that level of understanding as to why I take his opinions seriously here and I feel I can be honest with him without fear of being judged.

That is the key thing really. :)

And yet, here you are today, in this conversation, having learned nothing, as we saw in the earlier exchange.

You built a relationship, which is wonderful, but did you build a better understanding of why Politics treats you harshly? Not at all, it would seem.


Now that I’ve spent around 24 hours answering replies about a very simple statement, I’m going to move on. Feel free to proceed, but I’ve had more than enough of this singular discussion, which might be better served moving to PMs, given how much of the thread it’s eating.
And yet, here you are today, in this conversation, having learned nothing, as we saw in the earlier exchange.

You built a relationship, which is wonderful, but did you build a better understanding of why Politics treats you harshly? Not at all, it would seem.

I am starting to think you are trying to be Antagonistic when I merely offered the insight of why I respect DunDun.

I choose to not engage in Politics but it doesn't mean I learn "Nothing" by not engaging.

Respectfully disagree with your statement but I hope we have learned to agree to disagree
Yay, multi-quotes. Lol.

I’m going to shrink things down a little bit, because I need to go to work soon, and I haven’t the desire (nothing to do with you, but I’ve been quite put to work over a whole day, for suggesting that some leeway for emotion during these times, might be prudent) or time for this kind of discussion, where it just keeps expanding and expanding, with more and more quotes. Hopefully, I can still address everything.

My impression was your original post seemed to link directly back to Starlight’s discussion of people being heated with him, and it’s hard to see a context where that isn’t the case, hence my defense. I also relish the chance to provide that perspective, because I think so many people tune out when someone gets heated, and... that shouldn’t necessarily always happen.

As for whether people that act, I guess, in the shortest manner, without ego and agenda can be attained en masse?

Frankly, based on lived experience, I would have to disagree with you. It’s the old adage of leading the horse to water. I think a lot of people don’t have the capability for that kind of thinking, and while I think some can change, it’s a rare kind of person, with stronger stuff, that can, and that person still might fall on occasion.

Even I feel that temptation to put myself above the truth. Every time, owning up to being wrong, feels like dragging myself to someone to offer up the admission. I’ve seen even you fall to that temptation, leading me to get quite heated at you during our last discussion of this nature. It’s just not in proper human nature, this ego/bias above facts problem, and has to constantly be fought, by everyone.

I find it to almost be a non-theological version of original sin, but sans half the dramatics.
I don't accept the George Carlin-esque shrug that internet communities are doomed to spiral and that no meaningful progress can be made. We've spent a few 1000 years sending letters and publishing/orating arguments for others to critique. But for some reason there's a prevailing idea that because the internet is full of so many trolls and idiots, it would be impossible to cultivate such a thing online.

Well, it wasn't any easier in the past. I don't see why we should shrug and presume it can't happen now on the internet. The "leading horse to water" comment is nihilistic baby talk. Why bother at all? The reward isn't based on how many people will fail to "get it" along the way. Even knowing that the % of success is low, you continue trying because the payoff is worth it. The few % that gets it outweighs the 100s that do not get it.

And since time is flowing, even among those who do not "get it" at first may "get it" down the road. Converting someone's way of thinking is not done by a single debate won or a party defeated at a certain election. It is a gradual process that takes time. I'd like to think we have some people who are willing to play the long game and work toward those hard goals.

Evilore said above:

We’re still on a video game message board. There are other places on the net to express extremist positions (left or right). This isn’t one of them.

This isn’t war by any stretch. We don’t want to see real war.

That's the other side of this. Getting lost in the "seriousness" of it all and drawing such hard lines is itself a sort of betrayal of the spirit of community. One can focus so much on the "war" that you lose the point of hanging out with anonymous strangers on a videogame forum. I'm not here to win a war or to see a viewpoint prevail above others. I'm here to meet people and to sharpen myself. Political topics happen to be a very direct way to sort certain people from other people, in terms of that "honestly presenting yourself" thing i mentioned in the last post, so there's value in wrestling in that arena. But at the end, I'm here to find strangers on a videogame forum, people who like games and who have a curiosity about the hobby.

To be clear, I think if you try to train people to embrace that kind of thinking, you’ll drive yourself crazy, with the tiny success rate.
Low success rate is irrelevant if the effort invested is low and the payoff is high. Patrolling the borders for who shouldn't be in needs to be tempered with family life and laughter. Otherwise are you really a part of the "community"? I'm not here to be an instructor or to gather to myself "acolytes". I take the more direct route by simply posting my thoughts which hopefully resonate with others and help sharpen them, too. I've met a ton of nice people on GAF. My method seems to work pretty well for me so far. I think I've helped change a few minds, too, not to "my side" or to "my ideas", but to open minds to the simpler notions of honesty and mutual fact-finding. This results in more honest ideas being posted, more honest discussion taking place, snowballing in a positive way, flushing out the subversives as things ramp up and their masks slip.

I'm glad that you're one of the few willing to talk about the meta of how to maintain a good community.


The King has Returned

Easy now brother :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Dude, you're back. How are you? Everything ok?
Hello irmao, I am great what about you?
DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi You need to still teach me on how to git gud on Shmups as I am still terrible! :LOL:

I did Plat Battle Garegga though but that is an easy Platinum.
1. Pick one shmup.
2. Play it every day for 10 minutes.
3. Continue until 1cc and beyond

That's the truest answer to your question. A lot of the tricks and skills learned are "personal". A shmup is kind of like learning a puzzle game, or a rhythm game, or a fighting game. There are a lot of little pieces that each contribute to a good run, and you can't learn all of them at once, so you might as well begin and start figuring it out. Kind of like a 10,000 piece puzzle, you need to spend a bit of time pouring the pieces of the box, sorting the pieces, collecting the edge-pieces to build the border, etc.
1. Pick one shmup.
2. Play it every day for 10 minutes.
3. Continue until 1cc and beyond

That's the truest answer to your question. A lot of the tricks and skills learned are "personal". A shmup is kind of like learning a puzzle game, or a rhythm game, or a fighting game. There are a lot of little pieces that each contribute to a good run, and you can't learn all of them at once, so you might as well begin and start figuring it out. Kind of like a 10,000 piece puzzle, you need to spend a bit of time pouring the pieces of the box, sorting the pieces, collecting the edge-pieces to build the border, etc.

Do you recommend any one that has a gradual learning curve? I got pretty good at Imperishable Night but my tics sometimes mess up my rhythm and I can't 1CC that game even if I really want to.

I might try Arrow Flash as I got pretty far in that one.

I am terrible at remembering patterns but as you say, it does take time to master stuff like that!
Do you recommend any one that has a gradual learning curve? I got pretty good at Imperishable Night but my tics sometimes mess up my rhythm and I can't 1CC that game even if I really want to.

I might try Arrow Flash as I got pretty far in that one.

I am terrible at remembering patterns but as you say, it does take time to master stuff like that!
I would encourage you to play the shmups you already own. The #1 killer of shmup progress is jumping between shmups and playing "shmup tourist". High-level skill can only be obtained through playing over time. If you've already invested time into Imperishable Night, keep at it! A 1cc takes a long time to practice. Your brain needs time to learn the complex patterns, so a little bit each day is superior to 2 hours each Saturday.

Remembering patterns isn't something to worry about, in and of itself. You will remember patterns over time, and it helps to remember how certain enemies behave or certain areas of a level, but overall you are just trying to improve in any way you can by battling against the hardest/dangerous parts as often as you can. There's no real trick or shortcut. You can either be one of the millions who dabbles in a shmup but never attains a 1cc, or you can invest a bit of focus and patience and you'll get as many 1ccs as you want. There are people who've never beaten the first stage of Donkey Kong, either. 🤷‍♀️
I would encourage you to play the shmups you already own. The #1 killer of shmup progress is jumping between shmups and playing "shmup tourist". High-level skill can only be obtained through playing over time. If you've already invested time into Imperishable Night, keep at it! A 1cc takes a long time to practice. Your brain needs time to learn the complex patterns, so a little bit each day is superior to 2 hours each Saturday.

Remembering patterns isn't something to worry about, in and of itself. You will remember patterns over time, and it helps to remember how certain enemies behave or certain areas of a level, but overall you are just trying to improve in any way you can by battling against the hardest/dangerous parts as often as you can. There's no real trick or shortcut. You can either be one of the millions who dabbles in a shmup but never attains a 1cc, or you can invest a bit of focus and patience and you'll get as many 1ccs as you want. There are people who've never beaten the first stage of Donkey Kong, either. 🤷‍♀️

Thanks for your input on the Genre! I should hang out more in the Shmup thread and find even more hidden gems!!!

Regarding IN, it has the Focus and Unfocus mode on, but I tend to use Focus mode just to see my HitBox. Would you recommend using that as a starting point? I did beat that game but only ever beat it losing 4 lives at most which I am proud of!

I can never beat Donkey Kong as I struggle on those damn Bottomless Pit levels but I keep at it! 😂

Edit: Oh...the original DK. I managed to beat that one and all 3 levels.

I see myself as pretty average all rounder who excels at Mascot Kart Racers like Transformed or CTR but those damn TTs!!!
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Thanks for your input on the Genre! I should hang out more in the Shmup thread and find even more hidden gems!!!

Regarding IN, it has the Focus and Unfocus mode on, but I tend to use Focus mode just to see my HitBox. Would you recommend using that as a starting point? I did beat that game but only ever beat it losing 4 lives at most which I am proud of!

I can never beat Donkey Kong as I struggle on those damn Bottomless Pit levels but I keep at it! 😂

Edit: Oh...the original DK. I managed to beat that one and all 3 levels.

I see myself as pretty average all rounder who excels at Mascot Kart Racers like Transformed or CTR but those damn TTs!!!
Yeah I don't see the harm of showing your hitbox. Some games include the hitbox indicator as a default.


Do you recommend any one that has a gradual learning curve? I got pretty good at Imperishable Night but my tics sometimes mess up my rhythm and I can't 1CC that game even if I really want to.

I might try Arrow Flash as I got pretty far in that one.

I am terrible at remembering patterns but as you say, it does take time to master stuff like that!

Start with the classics, R-Type, Gradius, 1942, Xevious whatever you have access to but don't just jump into bullet hell games. Then you'll find out if you have a preference for horizontal or vertical shooters. However if you like vertical shooters the experience is better if you have a monitor that can be rotated vertically.

Once you've got the roots in place and see where the genre has evolved you'll know what newer titles are going to appeal to you. Then you can pick a game that's right for you.
Yeah I don't see the harm of showing your hitbox. Some games include the hitbox indicator as a default.

That is pretty awesome!!! Back then you had to guess really on which Pixel killed you.

Are you into any other genre other than Shmups? I love some Puyo Puyo now and again and excited for PPT2!!

Start with the classics, R-Type, Gradius, 1942, Xevious whatever you have access to but don't just jump into bullet hell games. Then you'll find out if you have a preference for horizontal or vertical shooters. However if you like vertical shooters the experience is better if you have a monitor that can be rotated vertically.

Once you've got the roots in place and see where the genre has evolved you'll know what newer titles are going to appeal to you. Then you can pick a game that's right for you.

I actually tried Gradius out on the NES Online Sub and....damn that is the harder version!!!

I currently own Arrow Flash, Steel Empire (almost beat it but the final boss just kept hitting me desite trying to dodge so felt like who would die first), Hellfire and some SNK shmups from the Switch. I could go back and try Steel Empire again as I really enjoyed it despite that hiccup at the end. Oh and Thunder Force 4 SEGA AGES version.

Vertical looks cooler but you are right I should start ofd horizontal and get a feel for those. Star Parodier I am stuck on because of some level with the Walls coming in. :LOL:

Thanks for the advice!!!
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That is pretty awesome!!! Back then you had to guess really on which Pixel killed you.

Are you into any other genre other than Shmups? I love some Puyo Puyo now and again and excited for PPT2!!

I actually tried Gradius out on the NES Online Sub and....damn that is the harder version!!!

I currently own Arrow Flash, Steel Empire (almost beat it but the final boss just kept hitting me desite trying to dodge so felt like who would die first), Hellfire and some SNK shmups from the Switch. I could go back and try Steel Empire again as I really enjoyed it despite that hiccup at the end. Oh and Thunder Force 4 SEGA AGES version.

Vertical looks cooler but you are right I should start ofd horizontal and get a feel for those. Star Parodier I am stuck on because of some level with the Walls coming in. :LOL:

Thanks for the advice!!!

Hellfire is a good one, has a simple weapon switching mechanic. Arrow Flash and Steel Empire are not that great, as an entry level game Thunderforce 4 is a bit tough and I'd recommend 3 as a start for that series. SNKs Last Resort is a good substitute for R-Type, it was made by the same people I think.
Hellfire is a good one, has a simple weapon switching mechanic. Arrow Flash and Steel Empire are not that great, as an entry level game Thunderforce 4 is a bit tough and I'd recommend 3 as a start for that series. SNKs Last Resort is a good substitute for R-Type, it was made by the same people I think.

Hellfire was my first shmup and I still cannot get past level 2. More the obstacles than the bullets though.

Yeah, they aren't great but there is some charm to them and they were cheap to buy. :)

Oh wow, never knew that! Is that on the Arcade Archives??


I don't accept the George Carlin-esque shrug that internet communities are doomed to spiral and that no meaningful progress can be made. We've spent a few 1000 years sending letters and publishing/orating arguments for others to critique. But for some reason there's a prevailing idea that because the internet is full of so many trolls and idiots, it would be impossible to cultivate such a thing online.

Well, it wasn't any easier in the past. I don't see why we should shrug and presume it can't happen now on the internet. The "leading horse to water" comment is nihilistic baby talk. Why bother at all? The reward isn't based on how many people will fail to "get it" along the way. Even knowing that the % of success is low, you continue trying because the payoff is worth it. The few % that gets it outweighs the 100s that do not get it.

And since time is flowing, even among those who do not "get it" at first may "get it" down the road. Converting someone's way of thinking is not done by a single debate won or a party defeated at a certain election. It is a gradual process that takes time. I'd like to think we have some people who are willing to play the long game and work toward those hard goals.

Evilore said above:

That's the other side of this. Getting lost in the "seriousness" of it all and drawing such hard lines is itself a sort of betrayal of the spirit of community. One can focus so much on the "war" that you lose the point of hanging out with anonymous strangers on a videogame forum. I'm not here to win a war or to see a viewpoint prevail above others. I'm here to meet people and to sharpen myself. Political topics happen to be a very direct way to sort certain people from other people, in terms of that "honestly presenting yourself" thing i mentioned in the last post, so there's value in wrestling in that arena. But at the end, I'm here to find strangers on a videogame forum, people who like games and who have a curiosity about the hobby.

Low success rate is irrelevant if the effort invested is low and the payoff is high. Patrolling the borders for who shouldn't be in needs to be tempered with family life and laughter. Otherwise are you really a part of the "community"? I'm not here to be an instructor or to gather to myself "acolytes". I take the more direct route by simply posting my thoughts which hopefully resonate with others and help sharpen them, too. I've met a ton of nice people on GAF. My method seems to work pretty well for me so far. I think I've helped change a few minds, too, not to "my side" or to "my ideas", but to open minds to the simpler notions of honesty and mutual fact-finding. This results in more honest ideas being posted, more honest discussion taking place, snowballing in a positive way, flushing out the subversives as things ramp up and their masks slip.

I'm glad that you're one of the few willing to talk about the meta of how to maintain a good community.

Compromise. I'm going to flex my writing skills and keep this as short as possible, because I think so much of this is wrong, or outright presumptive to your particular biases.

I don't see any proof that your particular methods bear fruit, nor that a society in a decline trend, ought to be rewarded with much more than honest nihilism, on or off the internet. I likewise reject that simple honesty with each other, regardless of whether it's taken to heart, is a bad starting place. I believe it to actually be more effective than playing into biases and nonsense and trying to 'red pill' but without an ideological basis -- rather rejecting them out of hand, and promoting possible self-introspection. If that doesn't take, that honesty will reach others, especially in this connected age, with a bystander and a town hall for every debate.

The hundreds of years of critique and debate that you mention, were from better, smarter times, and indeed, we've seen many such instances of this, before the fall of an empire, yet, it did nothing to slow the descent of that empire. I think humanity runs in cycles, and is self-governing. As discussed earlier, some ideas have to reach their full conclusion, bad or no, to be understood. When things get bad enough, the best of humanity finally comes out. Conversely, when the best of humanity creates an age of prosperity, the worst of humanity comes out, and the cycle restarts. Nobody ultimately has much power to sway this, simply being able to do what they can.

We are in an age of the worst of humanity, and that's not limited to the left. An age of spoiled brats that have never know struggle, never understood why truth was a necessity, and raised with the luxury of a Me Me Me approach to everything. On top of the existing bias flaws in humanity.

Your optimism is born out of an age that no longer exists, where new lows appear every day. A demonstratable trend.

As such, insulting someone for practicing a form of hopeful nihilism -- strive for the best, do what you can with respect to your own time and mental energy, but expect the worst, is not only unnecessary, it's also out of touch.

I'm also curious to find out what going to war, winning sides, acolytes, and half the nonsense you mentioned, has to do with allowing people to express themselves, even if uncouth, during this trying time? I feel like you need an editor, because these posts are ballooning over you gish-galloping in a dozen different unrelates subjects.
That's not even a difficult game, you've got some work to do. As DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi said, you might have been involved in shump tourism.

It could be but I played it for years and that is likely why shmups isn't my strongest forte and got put off.

I will try and get better (even if I put it on Easy). It is the one game I want to beat legitly in my life. :)

If I can beat Imperishable Night then I should be able to beat Hellfire at some point. 🤷‍♂️

I think it is those Pillar things that swing up and down that get me and when you are underpowered it is really difficult to get past that. (Level 2, part 2)
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And frankly, Dun Dun, you present yourself as this master persuader, but why am I not persuaded, every time you turn a simple subject into a titanic debate that could be accomplished with 1/8th the text?

Similar for how every time someone challenges you, you do the exact things you were talking about as specific no-nos, from ideological rhetoric (To be fair, your own, not that of conservatives or leftists), to logical fallacies, to barely masked personal attacks unrelated to the subject at hand? Some of which are not in play today, but certainly have been in the past.

For a persuader, who likes to think his efforts have borne fruit, while criticizing others, those certainly are undesirable traits. Did you convince anyone when you accused everyone in the unfortunate defending yourself against women thread? Or did you just accuse everyone of the worst possible things, the entire time? I certainly didn't see any conversion there.

A little insight into your own house might be welcomed before speaking with such authority on issues.
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It could be but I played it for years and that is likely why shmups isn't my strongest forte and got put off.

I will try and get better (even if I put it on Easy). It is the one game I want to beat legitly in my life. :)

If I can beat Imperishable Night then I should be able to beat Hellfire at some point. 🤷‍♂️

I think it is those Pillar things that swing up and down that get me and when you are underpowered it is really difficult to get past that. (Level 2, part 2)

I just watched a playthrough of that level to refesh my memory. It's mostly memorization of the weapon rotation quickly that's needed there rather than wasting time cyling through too much, also I think NOT maximizing your speed up is helpful.
I just watched a playthrough of that level to refesh my memory. It's mostly memorization of the weapon rotation quickly that's needed there rather than wasting time cyling through too much, also I think NOT maximizing your speed up is helpful.

Yeah for sure.

You are making me want to play it right now but currently on Holiday for another 5 days and need to get the Old Mega Drive fixed.

But yeah, I will hopefully give an update in the Shmup thread once I get going on one of the games and let you guys know my progress! :)

Thanks for your advice as it'll help me look at the Genre in a new light!
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That is pretty awesome!!! Back then you had to guess really on which Pixel killed you.

Are you into any other genre other than Shmups? I love some Puyo Puyo now and again and excited for PPT2!!
Yeah I like all kinds of games. I only seriously got into shmups around 2016/2017. I was led to them by my love for fighting games, vs puzzle games, and rhythm games, and love of arcade games in general. I'm playing fewer and fewer narrative-driven games. I just don't feel the payoff like I used to.
Compromise. I'm going to flex my writing skills and keep this as short as possible, because I think so much of this is wrong, or outright presumptive to your particular biases.

I don't see any proof that your particular methods bear fruit, nor that a society in a decline trend, ought to be rewarded with much more than honest nihilism, on or off the internet. I likewise reject that simple honesty with each other, regardless of whether it's taken to heart, is a bad starting place. I believe it to actually be more effective than playing into biases and nonsense and trying to 'red pill' but without an ideological basis -- rather rejecting them out of hand, and promoting possible self-introspection. If that doesn't take, that honesty will reach others, especially in this connected age, with a bystander and a town hall for every debate.

The hundreds of years of critique and debate that you mention, were from better, smarter times, and indeed, we've seen many such instances of this, before the fall of an empire, yet, it did nothing to slow the descent of that empire. I think humanity runs in cycles, and is self-governing. As discussed earlier, some ideas have to reach their full conclusion, bad or no, to be understood. When things get bad enough, the best of humanity finally comes out. Conversely, when the best of humanity creates an age of prosperity, the worst of humanity comes out, and the cycle restarts. Nobody ultimately has much power to sway this, simply being able to do what they can.

We are in an age of the worst of humanity, and that's not limited to the left. An age of spoiled brats that have never know struggle, never understood why truth was a necessity, and raised with the luxury of a Me Me Me approach to everything. On top of the existing bias flaws in humanity.

Your optimism is born out of an age that no longer exists, where new lows appear every day. A demonstratable trend.

As such, insulting someone for practicing a form of hopeful nihilism -- strive for the best, do what you can with respect to your own time and mental energy, but expect the worst, is not only unnecessary, it's also out of touch.

I'm also curious to find out what going to war, winning sides, acolytes, and half the nonsense you mentioned, has to do with allowing people to express themselves, even if uncouth, during this trying time? I feel like you need an editor, because these posts are ballooning over you gish-galloping in a dozen different unrelates subjects.
Edgy nihilism is far easier than brave optimism. It's easy to say my ideas come from a different time, a better time, a "smarter" time, but so do yours. You unwittingly parrot a marxist concept -- the gears of history, the inevitable cyclical rise and decline of empires -- as the escape hatch to the discussion. I've never challenged people who express themselves in uncouth ways, and I even labored to explain that people who keep a cool, collected appearance are sometimes hiding their motives. Bringing it up again only adds to the lengthy "gis-galloping".

I'm not trying to ascribe motives to you. You've frequently talked about how the community needs to police itself, how such-and-such will make it better, how people shouldn't let liars get away with it, etc. I think you're too serious. When challenged, you act as if your right to speak your mind is being called into question, instead of compartmentalizing and evaluating the challenge in its own limited context. Which do you want? Do you want the community to get better, or do you want to be seen as the authoritative voice as to why it's not getting better.

We have tons of the latter. Get in line.

In response to your last post, a simple question: do you take the tone of my replies as lecturing/snide, or do you take them to be my actual thoughts, imperfect though they may be, attempting to converse with you? I think you've lost the ability to tell the difference.
Yeah I like all kinds of games. I only seriously got into shmups around 2016/2017. I was led to them by my love for fighting games, vs puzzle games, and rhythm games, and love of arcade games in general. I'm playing fewer and fewer narrative-driven games. I just don't feel the payoff like I used to.

Wow, so you only got into them 3 or 4 years ago? You seem to know your onions with the Genre in such a short space of time them.

I love Arcade games myself but I can only get into a few things like OutRun 1/2 (since I am pretty good at those) and Streets of Rage (Arcade Styled Beat em Ups).

Puyo Puyo is an old love of mine from the Kirby's Avalance/Ghost Trap days and through perseverance I managed to beat PP2 on Hard Mode years ago (it was not at all easy and got lucky sometimes). PP1 is flawed but if you can combo 5 times in that game then you are half way there. PPT is actually easier than those games but I learned how to get good at Fusion Mode (which everyone hates for being different).

I know how you feel regarding playing fewer narrative driven games, but I like to mix it up so I don't just play RPGs or Platformers but if you love Arcade games then I have to give my hat to you as some of those games are absolutely Brutal.
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Wow, so you only got into them 3 or 4 years ago? You seem to know your onions with the Genre in such a short space of time them.

I love Arcade games myself but I can only get into a few things like OutRun 1/2 (since I am pretty good at those) and Streets of Rage (Arcade Styled Beat em Ups).

Puyo Puyo is an old love of mine from the Kirby's Avalance/Ghost Trap days and through perseverance I managed to beat PP2 on Hard Mode years ago (it was not at all easy and got lucky sometimes). PP1 is flawed but if you can combo 5 times in that game then you are half way there. PPT is actually easier than those games but I learned how to get good at Fusion Mode (which everyone hates for being different).

I know how you feel regarding playing fewer narrative driven games, but I like to mix it up so I don't just play RPGs or Platformers but if you love Arcade games then I have to give my hat to you as some of those games are absolutely Brutal.
There's a lot of shmup knowledge already out there, so I devoured what was available. Make no mistake: my superficial knowledge of shmups is mostly meaningless in a genre where trained performance and patient investment of time is what actually pays off. You learn by playing, and you play to learn. That's kinda why I got into shmups. I already had a solid foundation of tricks and tools from decades of growing up playing arcade games, and shmups are among the shortest, densest versions of that arcade thrill. I'm also not a pro gamer or anything like that, so the difficulty was a fun personal challenge, to see if a scrub like myself could learn the genre at a later age, past the prime of youthful reflexes. I think it is better to "get into" a small pantheon of arcade games, fall in love with those, and really sink your teeth in. That's where the magic really lives, to see for yourself how clever the arcade system is when you push it to the limits (typically by pursing a high score or a challenge run). If you approach shmups -- or arcade games generally -- like a grand tour, sampling every shmup and hoping that someday in the future you will eventually land on The One, you will probably play tourist forever. That is neither good nor bad, it simply is. Some gamers find that hollow, and others play games specifically to be the tourist. Most play enthusiast in some genres and tourist in others. They're just games. Hopefully the pursuit of high-level play is actually fun to you because that's the payoff for me.
There's a lot of shmup knowledge already out there, so I devoured what was available. Make no mistake: my superficial knowledge of shmups is mostly meaningless in a genre where trained performance and patient investment of time is what actually pays off. You learn by playing, and you play to learn. That's kinda why I got into shmups. I already had a solid foundation of tricks and tools from decades of growing up playing arcade games, and shmups are among the shortest, densest versions of that arcade thrill. I'm also not a pro gamer or anything like that, so the difficulty was a fun personal challenge, to see if a scrub like myself could learn the genre at a later age, past the prime of youthful reflexes. I think it is better to "get into" a small pantheon of arcade games, fall in love with those, and really sink your teeth in. That's where the magic really lives, to see for yourself how clever the arcade system is when you push it to the limits (typically by pursing a high score or a challenge run). If you approach shmups -- or arcade games generally -- like a grand tour, sampling every shmup and hoping that someday in the future you will eventually land on The One, you will probably play tourist forever. That is neither good nor bad, it simply is. Some gamers find that hollow, and others play games specifically to be the tourist. Most play enthusiast in some genres and tourist in others. They're just games. Hopefully the pursuit of high-level play is actually fun to you because that's the payoff for me.

High Level Play is definitely a thrill and I can attest to that with Streets of Rage and All Stars Transformed. Two Genres I am pretty good at already. I think I got good at NiGHTS too but there is one boss that absolutely angers me due to how awkward the Hitbox is which affects my score butI play that one for fun now.

The one game I absolutely want to master (and we did talk about it as well), is Virtual On. The Twin Stick set up is so amazing and when I tried it at a Convention I fell in love with the mechanics.

The only problem is the price of the Sticks and not having someone else to play with which would truely be an amazing experience for me.

One day....one day I will get the whole set and get someone to play it with me! ✊
High Level Play is definitely a thrill and I can attest to that with Streets of Rage and All Stars Transformed. Two Genres I am pretty good at already. I think I got good at NiGHTS too but there is one boss that absolutely angers me due to how awkward the Hitbox is which affects my score butI play that one for fun now.

The one game I absolutely want to master (and we did talk about it as well), is Virtual On. The Twin Stick set up is so amazing and when I tried it at a Convention I fell in love with the mechanics.

The only problem is the price of the Sticks and not having someone else to play with which would truely be an amazing experience for me.

One day....one day I will get the whole set and get someone to play it with me! ✊
Once again you have touched on a reason why I love playing for high-score: it is asynchronous multiplayer (assuming everyone is being honest) and there are no limits. I love seeing myself climb my own private leaderboard while also seeing how I compare to others. Certain shmups, puzzle games, and fighting games even offer "spectator mode" and replay modes to help you learn from these superior players. I love seeing how someone uses a move or handles a certain problem. Add in all the guides and YouTube video tutorials to learn even more about high-level play. It truly is a magical time we're living in for that high-score chasing life. I believe this type of gaming subcommunity is on the rise as modern gamers want the "community" and "competition" of multiplayer but without the vindictive hypercompetitiveness. Arcade serves that niche perfectly.

Virtual On definitely shines in 2p mode though. it's tough when the best experience of your preferred game requires another person, and that person isn't around. I know your pain.
Once again you have touched on a reason why I love playing for high-score: it is asynchronous multiplayer (assuming everyone is being honest) and there are no limits. I love seeing myself climb my own private leaderboard while also seeing how I compare to others. Certain shmups, puzzle games, and fighting games even offer "spectator mode" and replay modes to help you learn from these superior players. I love seeing how someone uses a move or handles a certain problem. Add in all the guides and YouTube video tutorials to learn even more about high-level play. It truly is a magical time we're living in for that high-score chasing life. I believe this type of gaming subcommunity is on the rise as modern gamers want the "community" and "competition" of multiplayer but without the vindictive hypercompetitiveness. Arcade serves that niche perfectly.

Virtual On definitely shines in 2p mode though. it's tough when the best experience of your preferred game requires another person, and that person isn't around. I know your pain.

Yeah it has a great charm to it all and I have recently started watching gaming World Records on YouTube. The Wii Resorts Golf Records are so crazy on how they reduce their times on that by losing on the first hole and using the Wind Direction trick to get the best holes!!!

I also enjoy watching expert Puyo players on how they play but I could never work combos that fast (I can do now 5 chainers but I have to take my time). YouTube is incredible showing you the tricks of games to get better at them. :LOL:

The only problem with the Competitiveness is online lag but that maybe a thing of the past in the not too distant future.

Yeah it's a shame as the game really shines learning from others and knowing each characters attacks. I stick with Fei-Yen purely because I am a Fast Attacker and love the waiving in and our approach (I used to play in a Steel Band which required fast reflexes to keep in time to a beat), oddly enough I hate Rhythm games for that reason too. 🤷‍♂️

Virtual On has so many strategies it's impossible to say which one is right or wrong. It's half the fun finding out how they all play!


Yeah I like all kinds of games. I only seriously got into shmups around 2016/2017. I was led to them by my love for fighting games, vs puzzle games, and rhythm games, and love of arcade games in general. I'm playing fewer and fewer narrative-driven games. I just don't feel the payoff like I used to.

Edgy nihilism is far easier than brave optimism. It's easy to say my ideas come from a different time, a better time, a "smarter" time, but so do yours. You unwittingly parrot a marxist concept -- the gears of history, the inevitable cyclical rise and decline of empires -- as the escape hatch to the discussion. I've never challenged people who express themselves in uncouth ways, and I even labored to explain that people who keep a cool, collected appearance are sometimes hiding their motives. Bringing it up again only adds to the lengthy "gis-galloping".

I'm not trying to ascribe motives to you. You've frequently talked about how the community needs to police itself, how such-and-such will make it better, how people shouldn't let liars get away with it, etc. I think you're too serious. When challenged, you act as if your right to speak your mind is being called into question, instead of compartmentalizing and evaluating the challenge in its own limited context. Which do you want? Do you want the community to get better, or do you want to be seen as the authoritative voice as to why it's not getting better.

We have tons of the latter. Get in line.

In response to your last post, a simple question: do you take the tone of my replies as lecturing/snide, or do you take them to be my actual thoughts, imperfect though they may be, attempting to converse with you? I think you've lost the ability to tell the difference.

I think you've lost the ability to simply reply to a post without intellectually masturbating yourself, bringing in several hundred unrelated things, and spending entirely too much time crafting internet novels that say absolutely nothing, and are based on false understandings of the world.

It's an opinion I share of several posters in politics, although as for who, I'll keep that to myself. It's as if being pitted against mental softies for so long, weakened you, but gave you one hell of an I-am-very-smart ego.

So, somehow, I guess we're on the Arcadia Referendum? I presumed this is what you wanted to get at all along, with the random nonsense injected into a completely different conversation, but decided best practices would be to assume the best.

(Start copypasta here) The thing is, Dun Dun, I really don't care what you think. I don't have a high opinion of your analytical abilities, nor the standards you triumphantly parade, but consistently fail yourself. You're all bark and no bite -- the second anyone pushes past those realms of beautifully written text, there's zero substance behind them. What it takes you 15 paragraphs to half hint at, any other poster can get done in one, much clearer and more concise, and without the flawed reasoning and predilection towards obsessive bias with whatever you perceive to be correct.

That's right, it's the Dun Dun referendum now. :messenger_winking:

I needed to say this a long time ago. Here's the Arcadia Referendum that matters. I'm okay with whatever you, or anyone else says about me, because I have hours and hours of posts and discussions, that state everything that I am, from good to bad to controversial. I've held nothing back, and consistently shared everything. It's about time I had faith in people to see that, rather than arguing the latest round of utter ridiculousness.

I upset people. Not by intention. If it was my choice, I'd just be super kind and happy to everyone here. But I always, always share my mind, and that is the fastest path to pissing anyone off. Clearly, you're a part of that group.

All I can say is... sorry? But I'm going to keep going so, you'll just have to take your own advice and deal with it.

The only thing I regret, is not getting to address that point about nihilism and Marxism. I really, really wanted to respond to that, but it's clear that you want so much more than a discussion, that you have an absurd, misplaced bone to pick. I'm not going to enable that.


Nice meltdown. Can we skip to the part where you "take a break from the community" because it's too hard for you to converse without taking things personally? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

On the contrary, thank you for being the unwittingly ridiculous person that finally got me to reconsider ever being angry at all the silliness.

I can see you definitely had a plan for how things would go, tho.

Hint: You might want to start replying to the person in front of you, and not the image in your head, that you really, really want to pick a fight with.
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