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UK here. My day to day has been completely unaffected. Worked throughout the lockdown we had and I'm a bit sceptical of the virus as a whole. I don't know anybody who has actually contracted it, but I do wear a mask out in public just as a courtesy to others.

I'm not the fittest person, but I'm not really worried about catching it.


Unconfirmed Member
Im in Michigan. Work from home and only wear my mask when going to Kroger or some other public establishment. Have not sat down at a restaurant or anything since this started. Lots of doordash and carry out. I'm just getting tired of it all.
I was tired of people before this happened and that has not changed for me. I understand why more sociable people miss going out to restaurants though. Or bars.

I've had worse colds. 100% the worst part was the testing. Even when I was feeling symptom free I kept testing positive so I had to retake the test every two weeks, and getting fucked up the nose isn't as fun as some might tell you.
So the testing was worse than a cold? Isn't the testing fast? I think the worst side effect is losing your sense of smell/taste to a degree. Other than dying from it if you have respiratory diseases or are a THICC person. ANYWAY good to know, I'll just die in a ball and not get tested if I catch it.

Xaero Gravity

So the testing was worse than a cold? Isn't the testing fast? I think the worst side effect is losing your sense of smell/taste to a degree. Other than dying from it if you have respiratory diseases or are a THICC person. ANYWAY good to know, I'll just die in a ball and not get tested if I catch it.
The testing was fast but I was stuck with a really bad headache all day afterwards. Losing my sense of taste was an inconvenience at first, but it ended up making eating very difficult for me. I'd still give the edge to the testing though lol


Unconfirmed Member
The testing was fast but I was stuck with a really bad headache all day afterwards. Losing my sense of taste was an inconvenience at first, but it ended up making eating very difficult for me. I'd still give the edge to the testing though lol
Maybe you just aren't used to being sick or having headaches. Which is a good thing, might not be so bad then.


I am a virgin
There's some play with pre-existing conditions and the rona; all the other shit I dunno, I'm a compootah doctah

One of the reasons why I avoid it, even if "Assured," by my specialist it's not going to cause complications
I'd rather not have some shitty form of the flu and being flopping around like I just watched the Porygon episode at the same time

Sounds fucking shitty


Your request to self ban has been denied for the following reasons


Also because I can't tell if you retards are joking around or not.


Unconfirmed Member

It's a balance. While at the office I had that feeling of community. I was also actively dating, etc

I miss that. I'm an introvert who posts on GAF, obviously, but I'm so tired of doing everything from within my house and my only socialization involving having friends over on the weekend or posting here.

Ah the penis has needs.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Your request to self ban has been denied for the following reasons


Also because I can't tell if you retards are joking around or not.

Where have you been. when you first got here you used to hang out and chat with us. Now we almost never see you anymore. Did you get sick of how annoying and whiny we can be or did Mod of War: Remastered Mod of War: Remastered exile you to the virgin GAF thread?


I am a virgin
Ah the penis has needs.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
A ton of people told me I was dumb for suggesting people wear masks back in March. Now they all think masks are the silver bullet. “Why won’t these people wear masks”, I hear on a daily basis.


Unconfirmed Member
What the fuck is going on over at the ban thread?
I'm a man, I have no need for pillows. Also, I think fujos actually buy these things over men.



Unconfirmed Member
How many collectors edition pillows do you have?
I don't.
Okay, since Miku seems to have taken my comment about not being okay with Chinese Islam camps, and turned it into wanting genocide (impressive by even his standards), and is campaigning for my ban...


What the fuck is going on in the politics section?
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The ban thread is pretty annoying lately. I feel like most people complaining about bans don't understand the mods are trying to make this a healthy community, they instead want to find loopholes in the exact wording of rules to unban some people while getting others banned, even if the community as a whole isn't in favor of it. "X poster got perm'd and then was allowed back!" yeah, the community wanted them back. They recently made a long post about how they don't add new rules exactly because of this level of lawyering some people would try and pull. If you don't like how things are done here you can either leave or try and sway people to your position but these people have no clue how to sway anyone, they know how to whine, complain and stamp their feet and go home when they don't get their way. Which is exactly why their point of view isn't the majority here.

I'm also so sick of x community is more moderated than y community bs. Anyone who posts here enough can see that it's crap but the problem is when you're entrenched in your stance you only notice your side taking losses and can't see the other side being just as affected, as if it has to be 50/50 anyways, though, what is it... for every XBOT banned a SONY PONY must also go? Or republican/democrat the same? No, that's not the rules lol, who the fuck would run a community that way?

I think the mods have hard enough jobs without having to deal with this crap. If moderation could be perfect my wish would be more OTs instead of a billion threads about the same subject but whatever, it's just an annoyance. I also get why some stuff gets it's own thread, because some OTs become so long and tend to be populated by a small group of regulars, if there's news posted in the next-gen thread what are the chances you see it before it's buried behind 3 pages of comments? Might as well give it it's own thread if the news is important enough. But, that balance is tough to figure out, it's all balancing acts and these people are mad the mods aren't perfect at it... well... I think they should shut up. I spend way more time here than I should and the rate people post at is too much for me to keep up with, not sure what people expect of the mods?

I also notice most people who say "but what about x person?" will also admit they never reported the person. Send in a report, don't wait until one of your comrades falls in battle to point out some post from a few days ago you were upset by. It reeks of vindictive and childish behavior to me. If you feel a post doesn't belong just report it (I seriously think I've sent 3 reports my whole time being here, could be wrong) otherwise you can't assume a mod noticed and you certainly can't assume a mod cares about a post no one even reported.


I couldn't imagine actually getting banned here.

We’ll see, as I do go in hard on people that are just pulling everyone’s experience down, or trolls, but I tend to concur.

If you’re old enough to register for Gaf, you probably understand how to be a decent human being, or some shape of it. It isn’t hard to apply those rules on the forum, and not be so disruptive you get removed.

I’ve been banned once, for extreme language used to make a point, but at the same time, I wasn’t upset about it. I got it, respected that that was the shape of things here, and haven’t had any issues ever.


UK here. My day to day has been completely unaffected. Worked throughout the lockdown we had and I'm a bit sceptical of the virus as a whole. I don't know anybody who has actually contracted it, but I do wear a mask out in public just as a courtesy to others.

I'm not the fittest person, but I'm not really worried about catching it.
Same here, it's definetly a case at this point of people thinking like a village but being reported to as a city. Even on GAF any cases are once/twice removed from the poster. Life is normal for me now, I don't need a mask to go to the supermarket any more.
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