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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I've been scrolling past posts and threads that I felt were either stupid or didn't interest me for well over a year. I've also reported users who I felt were breaking the rules, some of which were warned/banned by the staff. These are features designed to be used by the community to make your individual experience browsing the forums better, if you feel it is necessary - it is optional afterall. Sorry if that hurts anyone's ego.

I didn't mean to sound all high and mighty or critical of anyone that uses the ignore function but reading my comments now I can see how they could come across that way. So I apologize if it seemed I was critical of yours or anyone's choice of using the ignore function it's there to be used, and I totally understand why people would want to take advantage of it. It's just my personal preference not to use it.
what's your favorite book?
"The Galactic Pothealer" by Philip K Dick.

I just love everything about it.

All that philosophic stuff in it, which describes what I feel so well.
That eternal struggle for a life to find a meaning.
That metaphor with the spider ("the little fisher in the night") sitting in its net for months, waiting for a fly to come by, slowly dying, that Glimmung (basically God) tells to the protagonist at the space port.

Plus all that funny and whimsical stuff in it.

I read it once every few years and used to give it to my girlfriends over the years to read it and have a conversation about it.


what's your favorite book?
Literally me
I don't know about favourite book, but I just finished Neuromancer the other day and that was fantastic. Been on a real sci-fi binge lately. Just started Dune again too (audio book this time!)


Im in Michigan. Work from home and only wear my mask when going to Kroger or some other public establishment. Have not sat down at a restaurant or anything since this started. Lots of doordash and carry out. I'm just getting tired of it all.

Come to West Michigan brother. Everyone is playing the "do the bare minimum to accommodate with Fuhrer Whitler's orders" game. Some places have figured out how to remain fully open without getting a visit from the fuzz. I've been having to mask at work + grocery stores, but nobody else gives a fuck if you play ball at the minimum level. No need to be a hermit right now. It's probably doing more harm than good.

Hope you are able to get back to more normal life soon, brother. :messenger_heart:
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I didn't mean to sound all high and mighty or critical of anyone that uses the ignore function but reading my comments now I can see how they could come across that way. So I apologize if it seemed I was critical of yours or anyone's choice of using the ignore function it's there to be used, and I totally understand why people would want to take advantage of it. It's just my personal preference not to use it.
I appreciate that. But there is a stigma attached to using the features that I feel is undeserved here. Putting console warriors and their threads on ignore helps me avoid confronting their behavior and more quickly find interesting, insightful threads.


"The Galactic Pothealer" by Philip K Dick.

I just love everything about it.

All that philosophic stuff in it, which describes what I feel so well.
That eternal struggle for a life to find a meaning.
That metaphor with the spider ("the little fisher in the night") sitting in its net for months, waiting for a fly to come by, slowly dying, that Glimmung (basically God) tells to the protagonist at the space port.

Plus all that funny and whimsical stuff in it.

I read it once every few years and used to give it to my girlfriends over the years to read it and have a conversation about it.

I'm gonna keep an eye out for this one

Thank you


Yeah I think its sorta like comics

A lot of these were printed on the cheapest paper available (hence the pulp term) and the more risque ones I'm sure were either well hidden or discarded by upset housewives of the era 🤣🤣

So yeah, I'm sure this causes them to be rare and valuable now. Just like yknow a dumb Super Nintendo box and manual or whatever
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Wish I devoted more time to reading. I read fantasy stories and stephen king books... also started the Expanse books... but not a lot else. I also like to write but haven't really made that commitment to finish something, mostly I just play around with ideas in my head until I get bored.
What have you been playing lately?
I'm all over the place at the minute. Got Star Renegades as it is on PC Gamepass. However, i've been splitting my time between Hades (which is utterly phenomenal and I highly recommend it to any fans of rogue-likes), Warzone, Mario 3D All-Stars and Desperados 3.

I have just got Death Stranding for my PC as well, so looking forward to seeing what all the fuss was over that.

What about you mate? Anything grabbing you?


I'm all over the place at the minute. Got Star Renegades as it is on PC Gamepass. However, i've been splitting my time between Hades (which is utterly phenomenal and I highly recommend it to any fans of rogue-likes), Warzone, Mario 3D All-Stars and Desperados 3.

I have just got Death Stranding for my PC as well, so looking forward to seeing what all the fuss was over that.

What about you mate? Anything grabbing you?
Hades, Star Renegades and Genshin Impact for now

Just finished Avengers and Mafia 1 remake
Why would you not use the ignore feature for people/topics you don't want to a conversation with or discussion about? How many people and places in real life do you ignore? I bet a bunch.

Someone who lives down the street from you and you don't like them, you don't talk to them. They get on your nerves, so you eliminate the issue.


Gold Member
Why would you not use the ignore feature for people/topics you don't want to a conversation with or discussion about?

Thats a good point, but about the 'ignore topic/thread' is not a good feature IMO. Even ignoring a thread, he continue to show on many parts of the forum no matter what.
Hades, Star Renegades and Genshin Impact for now

Just finished Avengers and Mafia 1 remake
I've got my eye on Mafia, but want to get my 3080 first. Keep missing the boat on that card, so looks like I'll be waiting until November to get one.

Thanks for the recommendation for Star Renegades too. Would've missed that if not for your praise.

(Sorry about the length of time between replies earlier! Work was busy but I'm free to shitpost the night away)


Why would you not use the ignore feature for people/topics you don't want to a conversation with or discussion about? How many people and places in real life do you ignore? I bet a bunch.

Someone who lives down the street from you and you don't like them, you don't talk to them. They get on your nerves, so you eliminate the issue.
If it is a person you don't like, ignore the user. If it is a topic you rather not see, ignore the topic.

What am I missing?

I don’t really have an opinion in the matter, other than encouraging people not to ignore views that they simply disagree with, but I think it has a lot to do with the infamous third party Twitter block lists, and people signing up for a list of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people, to auto-block, so they didn’t have to hear, again, opposing opinions.

I think Gaf has a counterculture to that, of, ‘Suck it up, deal with it, and step out of your hugbox’.

Thing is, I also support ignore for getting rid of the worst posters as well. I don’t do it personally, relying on an mental auto-ignore like Catlady has, but still. There’s some people that offer nothing, absolutely nothing of value to anyone, and the feature is invaluable for that.
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Why would you not use the ignore feature for people/topics you don't want to a conversation with or discussion about? How many people and places in real life do you ignore? I bet a bunch.

Someone who lives down the street from you and you don't like them, you don't talk to them. They get on your nerves, so you eliminate the issue.

Eliminate the issue.

Loudly gulps*

Mods, anything you want us to do or stop doing? :messenger_fearful:



Hold onto your panties
The ignore feature is useful if there's a thread or user that offends you in general or otherwise to prevent sending a million reports to mods. Mods aren't always going to disagree with a poster because I do and the same goes for threads. I haven't touched ignore since my first week here. The few I have on ignore aren't creating useful content but aren't really violating any big regs on GAF either. I never see their posts or their threads, so...It works. The closest I got to using the ignore feature for recently was GamerNYC back in August but GAF banned him and funniest part is...I never once reported him. He simply did himself in. I stopped using ignore after May mainly due to the fact that anything offensive written on GAF will never be personal. I just click away from that used or avoid their threads. Can't say I dislike anyone here.


I don’t really have an opinion in the matter, other than encouraging people not to ignore views that they simply disagree with, but I think it has a lot to do with the infamous third party Twitter block lists, and people signing up for a list of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people, to auto-block, so they didn’t have to hear, again, opposing opinions.

I think Gaf has a counterculture to that, of, ‘Suck it up, deal with it, and step out of your hugbox’.

Thing is, I also support ignore for getting rid of the worst posters as well. I don’t do it personally, relying on an mental auto-ignore like Catlady has, but still. There’s some people that offer nothing, absolutely nothing of value to anyone, and the feature is invaluable for that.
I think the sooner people start enjoying different opinions instead of acting like they are being physically assaulted by them, the easier it is to stop using the ignore button altogether.
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I've got my eye on Mafia, but want to get my 3080 first. Keep missing the boat on that card, so looks like I'll be waiting until November to get one.

Thanks for the recommendation for Star Renegades too. Would've missed that if not for your praise.

(Sorry about the length of time between replies earlier! Work was busy but I'm free to shitpost the night away)
Check this out maybe you get lucky

Most welcome mate! Glad you like it

No worries man its all good and take your time


The ignore feature is useful if there's a thread or user that offends you in general or otherwise to prevent sending a million reports to mods. Mods aren't always going to disagree with a poster because I do and the same goes for threads. I haven't touched ignore since my first week here. The few I have on ignore aren't creating useful content but aren't really violating any big regs on GAF either. I never see their posts or their threads, so...It works. The closest I got to using the ignore feature for recently was GamerNYC back in August but GAF banned him and funniest part is...I never once reported him. He simply did himself in. I stopped using ignore after May mainly due to the fact that anything offensive written on GAF will never be personal. I just click away from that used or avoid their threads. Can't say I dislike anyone here.

I feel like it’s a feature that should be used with wisdom and consideration.

I’ve personally advocated it to a few people that were considering quitting Gaf on account of our more obnoxious people, and a couple of times here.

I think you should do one of two things in that situation. If you’re a fighter, or think you can be, develop a sense of humor and detachedness from the silliness, and hold people’s feet to the fire. Alternatively, if that’s not you, or what you want from your recreation time, and I understand, curate your experience with the ignore button.

On the other hand, I was disappointed to see people telling Miku to ignore the vast amount of counter-criticism he gets, for the specific behavior and actions he exhibits on a constant basis. They were basically telling him to get inside a safe space, and frankly, that doesn’t help either Miku, or this forum.
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