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Looks like the Sony taskforce is on my ass again. Why can't these dudes leave me the fuck alone? I just want to have healthy factual conversations about ALL games and I can't even do that without someone trying to troll me for ..... not saying what they want to hear? This is the kind of bait that gets me into trouble because I want so bad to get them to STFU.

Admitting out loud your desired goal is to shut them up is the worst thing you could have done. They know what gets under your skin and if you get under theirs they will throw at you exactly what you don't want. The most egregious offenders you should report but you need to be somewhat objective with reporting, moreso than anyone else... the reason is you draw more controversy than someone else. While a more innocuous poster reporting someone for harassing them might get more traction because so many people come at you so often you become the problem but if you use your ability to discriminate when deciding what warrants a report I bet you'd get more action on the worst of the worst.

Just go into any thread that talks about graphics of any games and you'll seem them all flock around me waiting to pounce on whatever I say.

I think the problem with the post you linked is that while yes, you are vetted and understand certain things other people here do, too. Not everyone challenging you lacks knowledge of the subject and making blanket statements that treat everyone else like they're without the knowledge you possess on how these things work isn't conducive to good discussion, to some people it reads like you want to educate us and we just listen.

These guys I've known very well in the last year. I know what they stand for and I know that they intentionally poke me to get a response. When I give it to them, it gets me into trouble. I'm trying to keep conversations to a minimum. but I'll be damn if I'm going to get people continuously trolling me for the hell of it. Just like the mods hate seeing the same old shit everyday with some of these dudes on a daily basis, I get tired of it too.

You've got to have a glass half full mindset. You're living rent-free in these peoples minds, they need to poke at you because something about themselves is lacking. You can tire of it, and we understand because you're human but it's a disservice to the people who value your output to focus on the worst of the worst.

"Factual" my ass. Then please deliver sources for your claim that Sony is going to release all 1st Party games to pc.

Did he make that exact claim?

I see that he gets a lot of heat and maybe thats unjustified.
But some of his takes/views/statements/"facts" are simply bullshit. Now noone would problably care if he would be some random anon.
However his "Vetted Industry professional" status paired with his "know-it-all" attitude does cause much of that drama around him.

Though please don't take this as a personal attack. I just happend to read some of his posts and conversations he's been participating in and thats only my subjectively perceived opinion on this matter.

I've seen him admit when he was wrong before, this makes me think some of these attacks are unwarranted. If people treated him better he might be more open to the other side of debates but most people dig in harder when you push them like this. I've never seen him wrong about anything in such a way it discredits his value as an insider or someone who understands these things, but I'm a bystander. If you want people to believe he's not what he claims to be or doesn't know what he claims to know the burden of proof is on you, not him.

He does post the "PS games coming to PC" theory, specifically TLOU, an awful lot though - and refuses to reply or engage when challenged on it. If @VFXVeteran is so sure TLOU is coming to PC, why not post the evidence and shut up dissenting voices? "Dude trust me" isn't going to cut it.

You guys talk about this like politicians, in one post it's all games, in another it's some games. I get that it's different people but as a bystander I can't tell what he actually said based on these arguments, is it just TLOU? Is it every game? Is it some games? Is it more games than we think but not as many as you fear? The thing with insiders is if they gave you sources that'd be the end of their insider status, that source would never share with them again because they'd be betraying their trust and why would he need to do something like that when the passage of time will prove him right, assuming he is?

This post is literally a reply to a post of yours, so I don't know if you're simply not paying attention to what people say to you or you're just skim reading things. He has said the same thing numerous times over the past three months too, others can attest to that, and I've probed him on it without getting any reply. If you want those posts, you'll have to go through his post history.

If what you have quoted is the offending material it feels like you guys are blowing things out of proportion.

You're not a news outlet, if you can't source your claims don't make them or put up with people disagreeing with you.

I think that tag has gone to your head.

If he was a news outlet you'd know you couldn't trust him.

I don't like you referring to your tag. I don't need proofs but riding on a validation is not a good look.

It's true that saying the mods vetted me so just trust them is a sort of appeal to authority fallacy but the other side of the argument doesn't have much to stand on.

I didn't make this tag - the mods did. You got a problem with it, take it up with them. 2. I have shut up about my inside talks since it's never scored me anything with certain camps and only caused more contention.

Lastly, disagreeing with me how? If someone says, "Sony won't port this game to the PC." like they did with HZD - and I hear from a Sony friend that HZD is coming to the PC - why would I not argue against the person who has no clue of the inside while I do?

I wish you'd stick to talking insider stuff, you can't let the worst people define you.

The reason you don't need to argue is because you'll eventually be right either way so it should be easier to take the high road. It's not fair asking someone to take the high road more often than others but I'd seriously advise it, I think it'd really help.

If you make a claim, you should back it up. Show a mod if you're not comfortable posting it in a thread. Prove that TLOU is coming to PC or stop talking incessantly about it. Nobody here gets away with making outlandish claims and passing them off as fact.

So, I think this is over the top. However, I would suggest the tone of VFX's posts should be more "my sources tell me TLOU on PC is happening" as opposed to "TLOU is happening, you're wrong, I'm right". It's tone policing essentially but it would remove most of these problems.

That's not how this works.

You have two choices. 1) Try to ask someone that is another insider in the industry that may corrobarate my claim (either at another site like Beyond3D), or 2) Wait for a verification or denial from Sony themselves.

I was kind enough to pass on what I've heard. By now it shouldn't be 'outlandish' as you speak, as much has happened since people thought ANY Sony-made game was coming to PC (what a shock HZD was for many people). I won't make that mistake again though.

The problem with what you're saying here is that to most of us it appears that SONY ported HZD to sell PC gamers on the upcoming sequel. On the flipside TLOU II already released. It's been a long time since TLOU 1 released and no other SONY games that old have rumored PC ports, do they? I think you providing the info is great and I like that you're giving us insider info but you can't expect everyone to just accept it as true.

I don't understand this. So all his opinions, from games, to computer architecture, to graphics, to business strategy are now "vetted" and to be taken as gospel?

I don't doubt his credentials in his particular corner of the industry and subfield, but this doesn't make him an authority in everything else. Us "randoms" might have our own credentials, right? Something he tends to underestimate from what I can tell.

His status isn't highlighted to tell you he's an arbiter of truth, it's highlighted because some people find posts more interesting from people they know have actual authority on something. Would I rather talk to my next door neighbor about how to direct a film or Steven Spielberg?


This ended up in meta-gaf because long discussions like this belong here. The mods have told you guys over and over the petty squabbles belong HERE, you can TAG mods in here if you want them to look it over but the ban thread is for someone being banned and you wanting it reviewed and even then it should be a legitimate claim that needs reviewing. The mods are clearly sick of the back-and-forth that occurs in the ban review thread. BTW, you can also PRIVATE MESSAGE THE MODS or REPORT POSTS. The reason there's a thread for Ban Reviews is because when a poster gets BANNED... not reply banned... not a warning, not a post deletion, etc... highlighting it in that thread can sometimes mean the community comes together to an extent in support of or against someone being unbanned, that's my understanding at least. The problem with going there just to say "x group of people are trolls" is it lacks specificity, how do the mods act on a whole group of posters for you? And why should they? Also, why should anyone else care if you got a warning you want reversed or were locked out of a thread? Discuss that in PMs, that should be between you and the mod. However, it can really affect a community to permanently lose a big voice within it, hence the thread.

BTW, EviLore EviLore , if I'm overstepping my bounds with the above paragraph and interpreting/playing amateur mod too much let me know but I feel like different views on this could help, maybe my take can shed some light on why this stuff gets moved and what you guys really want? Or I'm way off and don't quite get it, in which case I welcome correction from the moderation team, I don't want to pretend to be an authority, I just want things to improve here.
Some of you guys have no shame. There's a reason why so many vetted people leave this site, because you guys are too emotionally tied to a piece of plastic, by a company that only cares about the green stuff in your pocket, and not the person who has it. If you don't wanna read someone's post, ignore them. Its as simple as that. No point in showing the rest of us, your insecurities.

Let's just be respectful to one another, and appreciate that we at least have an insider here who is telling us what will happen, before it happens. That's a blessing to those of us who like to know what is in store for the future. He claimed HZD was coming to PC, and so many of you guys went on a witch hunt, only to look foolish when HZD was confirmed for PC. If TLOU is coming next, I'll believe him, as he obviously has insider info from people at ND. That's more than any of us could say.


There’s probably some great points being made here, particularly by Zom, but I am so personally done with VFX getting into it with the Sony crew.

I completely relate to just shoving it all over here. It seems like every couple of weeks, this exact discussion repeats itself, with one side or the other being the instigator.

I don’t know if I’m offering bad advice, or if I’m just too exhausted of it to care, but the problem always seems like you both, this is always pointed out, and then we rehash it all again.

You guys need to all put each other on ignore, ignore the dumber comments, or just embrace the whole frenemy thing you have going on, and stop annoying everyone else with it.
His status isn't highlighted to tell you he's an arbiter of truth, it's highlighted because some people find posts more interesting from people they know have actual authority on something. Would I rather talk to my next door neighbor about how to direct a film or Steven Spielberg?

Ok, but then his status is far too broad. It would be less objectionable to know what the nature of his industry expertise is. So if he's an expert in visual effects for big movies, then great; but don't pretend to be an expert in computer architecture in those threads, for example.

Is John Carmack an authority in 3D game engines? Hell yes. Does that mean he's an authority in semiconductor physics or real-time cloud infrastructure? Probably not.
Ok, but then his status is far too broad. It would be less objectionable to know what the nature of his industry expertise is. So if he's an expert in visual effects for big movies, then great; but don't pretend to be an expert in computer architecture in those threads, for example.

Is John Carmack an authority in 3D game engines? Hell yes. Does that mean he's an authority in semiconductor physics or real-time cloud infrastructure? Probably not.

CGI is made in computers in a way I'd imagine overlaps with video game graphics, especially cut-scenes and we always talk about games hitting cut-scene level graphics. Not to mention he would have contacts and sources you wouldn't know because of his position.

If John Carmack posted here I'd want to hear him talk about things his knowledge may overlap with, yes, not just the things he has specific knowledge of. The problem is you guys are approaching this like it means you can't disagree with VFX. You can, just have some decorum about it.


Gold Member
Admitting out loud your desired goal is to shut them up is the worst thing you could have done. They know what gets under your skin and if you get under theirs they will throw at you exactly what you don't want. The most egregious offenders you should report but you need to be somewhat objective with reporting, moreso than anyone else... the reason is you draw more controversy than someone else. While a more innocuous poster reporting someone for harassing them might get more traction because so many people come at you so often you become the problem but if you use your ability to discriminate when deciding what warrants a report I bet you'd get more action on the worst of the worst.

I think the problem with the post you linked is that while yes, you are vetted and understand certain things other people here do, too. Not everyone challenging you lacks knowledge of the subject and making blanket statements that treat everyone else like they're without the knowledge you possess on how these things work isn't conducive to good discussion, to some people it reads like you want to educate us and we just listen.

You've got to have a glass half full mindset. You're living rent-free in these peoples minds, they need to poke at you because something about themselves is lacking. You can tire of it, and we understand because you're human but it's a disservice to the people who value your output to focus on the worst of the worst.

Did he make that exact claim?

I've seen him admit when he was wrong before, this makes me think some of these attacks are unwarranted. If people treated him better he might be more open to the other side of debates but most people dig in harder when you push them like this. I've never seen him wrong about anything in such a way it discredits his value as an insider or someone who understands these things, but I'm a bystander. If you want people to believe he's not what he claims to be or doesn't know what he claims to know the burden of proof is on you, not him.

You guys talk about this like politicians, in one post it's all games, in another it's some games. I get that it's different people but as a bystander I can't tell what he actually said based on these arguments, is it just TLOU? Is it every game? Is it some games? Is it more games than we think but not as many as you fear? The thing with insiders is if they gave you sources that'd be the end of their insider status, that source would never share with them again because they'd be betraying their trust and why would he need to do something like that when the passage of time will prove him right, assuming he is?

If what you have quoted is the offending material it feels like you guys are blowing things out of proportion.

If he was a news outlet you'd know you couldn't trust him.

It's true that saying the mods vetted me so just trust them is a sort of appeal to authority fallacy but the other side of the argument doesn't have much to stand on.

I wish you'd stick to talking insider stuff, you can't let the worst people define you.

The reason you don't need to argue is because you'll eventually be right either way so it should be easier to take the high road. It's not fair asking someone to take the high road more often than others but I'd seriously advise it, I think it'd really help.

So, I think this is over the top. However, I would suggest the tone of VFX's posts should be more "my sources tell me TLOU on PC is happening" as opposed to "TLOU is happening, you're wrong, I'm right". It's tone policing essentially but it would remove most of these problems.

The problem with what you're saying here is that to most of us it appears that SONY ported HZD to sell PC gamers on the upcoming sequel. On the flipside TLOU II already released. It's been a long time since TLOU 1 released and no other SONY games that old have rumored PC ports, do they? I think you providing the info is great and I like that you're giving us insider info but you can't expect everyone to just accept it as true.

His status isn't highlighted to tell you he's an arbiter of truth, it's highlighted because some people find posts more interesting from people they know have actual authority on something. Would I rather talk to my next door neighbor about how to direct a film or Steven Spielberg?


This ended up in meta-gaf because long discussions like this belong here. The mods have told you guys over and over the petty squabbles belong HERE, you can TAG mods in here if you want them to look it over but the ban thread is for someone being banned and you wanting it reviewed and even then it should be a legitimate claim that needs reviewing. The mods are clearly sick of the back-and-forth that occurs in the ban review thread. BTW, you can also PRIVATE MESSAGE THE MODS or REPORT POSTS. The reason there's a thread for Ban Reviews is because when a poster gets BANNED... not reply banned... not a warning, not a post deletion, etc... highlighting it in that thread can sometimes mean the community comes together to an extent in support of or against someone being unbanned, that's my understanding at least. The problem with going there just to say "x group of people are trolls" is it lacks specificity, how do the mods act on a whole group of posters for you? And why should they? Also, why should anyone else care if you got a warning you want reversed or were locked out of a thread? Discuss that in PMs, that should be between you and the mod. However, it can really affect a community to permanently lose a big voice within it, hence the thread.

BTW, EviLore EviLore , if I'm overstepping my bounds with the above paragraph and interpreting/playing amateur mod too much let me know but I feel like different views on this could help, maybe my take can shed some light on why this stuff gets moved and what you guys really want? Or I'm way off and don't quite get it, in which case I welcome correction from the moderation team, I don't want to pretend to be an authority, I just want things to improve here.
I dont't mind you for hyperbole but you are trying something and I don't like it.
His status makes him a target but I won't stand for mindless accusations anymore.
Believe that I will try to be a piece of shit to you too. This forum allowes dissent.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
I think we all feel compelled to reply to people when they tell us we are wrong or make inane statements. We don't have to reply-I need to be better about that too.

There are too many console warriors. It is difficult to have real conversations as a result. I'm someone with experience in the business world so I often get frustrated with the "how will Sony/MS respond?", "incoming acquisition", "they're going to make X free", "they are losing money with PC games" and other nonsense perpetuated by people who don't understand how businesses operate.

I think the best thing that can be done is thank the mods when they take steps to clean up the discussion (or push back if they ever overstep-that's the purpose of the ban thread after all) and lead be example in the discussions that we do have. Find the posters that want to have real conversations and engage with them.
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I dont't mind you for hyperbole but you are trying something and I don't like it.
His status makes him a target but I won't stand for mindless accusations anymore.
Believe that I will try to be a piece of shit to you too. This forum allowes dissent.

I don't understand what your problem is.

Xaero Gravity

I dont't mind you for hyperbole but you are trying something and I don't like it.
His status makes him a target but I won't stand for mindless accusations anymore.
Believe that I will try to be a piece of shit to you too. This forum allowes dissent.
People break down into two groups when they experience something lucky. Group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them.

Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance. I'm sure the people in Group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation isn't fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they're on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people.

But there's a whole lot of people in the Group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever's going to happen, there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope.

See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?
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Unconfirmed Member
Monsterland is fucking shit so far. Muh metaphors. No you bitches, it is just terrible storytelling.

Xaero Gravity

It's been that way for the past decade and a half, really. 😕
I'll make you a deal, Arjen, or Aryan, or whatever the fuck your name is, I'll make you a little deal. You fold up your tents - and get the fuck out of my country - and I won't do anything to you. I'll leave you alone. Because if you stick around here, I'm gonna fuck your ass.
CGI is made in computers in a way I'd imagine overlaps with video game graphics, especially cut-scenes and we always talk about games hitting cut-scene level graphics. Not to mention he would have contacts and sources you wouldn't know because of his position.

If John Carmack posted here I'd want to hear him talk about things his knowledge may overlap with, yes, not just the things he has specific knowledge of. The problem is you guys are approaching this like it means you can't disagree with VFX. You can, just have some decorum about it.

Absolutely, but that overlap is limited in complex technical fields and falls off pretty steeply. Even in a single subfield technical professionals specialize, so in my experience they tend to be a lot more humble about what they know and what they don't.

I don't have a problem with dropping insider hints or whatever, nor do I care about console wars. I'm not even speaking as someone who has engaged. What rubs me the wrong way is the abuse of that status to be dismissive of people with valid points, especially in areas beyond their own. It's intellectually dishonest and ruins discussions.


Unconfirmed Member
Hello. Psajdak here.

At first I wanted to just leave without saying anything, when I saw that I am permabanned, but considering that I was here register for quite some time, and overall had a good time making threads, and commenting, I would at least like to explain something, if that means anything on the Internet where everyone is either a liar, or fap material.

Still, since I won't post anymore on this site, at least believe this one time that I am telling the truth...

About that Black thread...

That thread was posted incomplete.

Thread was supposed to look something like this:

Title: Black folks, please stop calling black main characters "my boy", or "my man", "bro", etc...

I mean when you see black characters in videogames.

They aren't real people, and according to laws, they aren't related to you in any way!

- something like that; thread was actually inspired after I saw some Miles Morales gameplay reactions on YT by black people, and while that game will be ultimate garbage since it runs at 30fps, it was still nice seeing positive reactions in faces of those people.

Of course, me being Psajdak, I wanted to randomly write some shitpost thread about it which sounds completely different.

It is sort of similar thing to what I used to do when I was younger on anime forums...

I would have posted numerous pictures of rather attractive dark skinned girls which I even sometimes masturbate to, in order to trigger sensitive morons, and troll them.


I am not saying this so it would appear that I am totally not racist cause I wax my carrot to darker skin.

I only do this when it comes to anime girls, and I extremely rarely fap to real black women porn - sorry, black woman must be REALLY attractive for me to even get an erection.

Not that I really care about other people's feelings, but if that means anything, I apologize if I made anyone sad for not jerking off to black women.


Look, that thread came out wrong, and it wasn't meant to offend anyone, it was only meant to make fun of you so that I could laugh at you being angry, cause trolling.

IRL, I barely interact with black people, and none had ever done to me anything to deserve my hatred.

If there is one thing I hate about people, the only thing, those are black ninja, or black samurai, and similar.


For instance, Raven from Tekken is cringiest character in history of games. :rolleyes


Anyway, I'm too bored to continue, and I just want to masturbate to Milia Rage hentai art by Masato Ashiomi.

Anyway 2, I actually thought at first I was banned for my comment about why should we have LGBT MC in video games, in that wokeness thread of mine.

Just like with black people IRL, I don't really give a shit about someone's sexuality, including games.

Reason for permaban described me as ignorant, and intolerant, which I found insulting - I AM BILLIONS OF TIMES WORSE THAN A RACIST, MY DEAR OFFENDED FELLOW MEMBERS, I SIMPLY DON'T CARE!

Racists at least aknowledge your existence by hating you, for me, you don't even exist.

I tried to be as honest as I can, and this post isn't meant to be some stupid excuse, who gives a shit what someone like me thinks, anyway, I just wanted to get this of my chest.

And I know very well that this wasn't the only reason for my ban.

So, as I said, I won't post anymore here; I will simply end my time here by saying, don't be offended by everything you read from people you will never actually meet.

Take care of yourself, and don't support consoles.

Add this to your weird posts spergouts funny quotes thread Arcadia.


Perpetually Offended
I always thought we’d move past this stuff. I think, in actuality, it and all the historic ideologies that lead to mass death and all of it, always will be with us in some form. Theres’s always someone willing to touch the stove. Sometimes enough of them to cause disaster on a mass scale.

I think that’s why (in addition to not having Gaf flooded by soul poison — these people have very few places to go, and zerg rush anything that tries completely free speech) it’s important to just say, ‘no’ to it. To press intense social pressure on any instance of it.

If National Socialism has some kind of good economic idea in it, like investment in infrastructure, just separate out the idea and discuss that. We don’t need to entertain the ideology as a whole, because people always inevitably get entranced by the whole thing.

Case in point? Sad Ranger is on record calling me a Mossad chatbot, lol, because I joked about his rock thread. He obviously believes the whole thing, and just wanted to trojan in discussion of it.
Unfortunately, it gets passed down parent to child. Or grandparent to grandchild. Or parent-figure to whatever kid they mentor with a malleable thinking process.

It's the main reason all these -isms still exist.


April 8th 2007 on neogaf I had this to say...

"An emotional abused hair comb... He was raked through the hair of a homeless people at a shelter for years... Now for sale at a goodwill he has to interact with normal combs who are terrified of him. "
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