Modern Game Devs Suck at Community Support


Doesn't matter if it's just as simple as "my team sucks" because some boo hoo douche bag got butt hurt he goes 0-20 and I'm supposed to carry his fat retard ass WITHOUT mentioning they are a griefer or just idk a fucking waste of ozone.

They probably take the environment seriously. If you come across as not knowing the difference between oxygen and ozone .... well, of course they banned you.

I’m not sure how I feel about banning things like this in games.

However I do know that playing a match with someone like you typing messages like that would be annoying, you are the embodiment of why I don’t play League.

So I really don’t empathize with you in the slightest. Enjoy the ban.


Chat in the online game I play consists a lot of self depreciating humour about how the rares we're looking for don't drop.


It's just what it is, instead of just giving tools to mute/ignore things by yourself, a lot of these platforms have turned into an ultra sanitised interaction where you have to walk on eggshells not to catch any kind of ban; it's a very "think of the children" kind of approach that's all kinds of pathetic really.
I've seen people catch bans for innocuous things, so for years now I've just simply stopped communicated altogether with randoms, and only talk/chat with friends in private channels, sometimes completely disconnected from the game/platform.

League of Legends is rated PG13, so yeah, sometimes you have to literally think of the children.

This has nothing to do with being ‘ultra sanitized’ or whatever. Just be a normal, reasonable human being and you aren’t going to get banned. That shouldn’t be that hard.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
League of Legends is rated PG13, so yeah, sometimes you have to literally think of the children.

This has nothing to do with being ‘ultra sanitized’ or whatever. Just be a normal, reasonable human being and you aren’t going to get banned. That shouldn’t be that hard.
Jim Carrey What GIF


Market can fix this if/when indie devs start doing zero moderation of chat. We lived like this for decades and it’s much preferred to the current status quo


I dunno. OP sounds fuckin insufferable to play with. Toxic to both team and opponents. Maybe learning to communicate better would be a good start. Glad for the ban. People like him are the number one reason I avoid online games.
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