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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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Gold Member
Jeez, maybe calm it with the bullying, huh? ☹️
penguin hug GIF
So I got tired of so many cheaters in GTA Online. Decided to put my CS degree to work and look at the sloppy-ass code of GTA and also the cheat clients.

Figured out one could just suspend a process, in this case GTA 5, for about eight seconds and the server will eject all other players leaving one in their own session. Lol.

I have never seen such insecure and sloppily written code. This is fucking clown shoes shit. I also quickly figured out how to make it so using a grenade instantly hits everyone in the session, killing them. But I'll just leave that alone. Going to work on scripts that instantly eject any modders in the meanwhile.

Now I'm curious. Got a screenshot you can share?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Now I'm curious. Got a screenshot you can share?

I don't want to highlight any specific code to avoid advocating cheating or assisting script kiddies that might be reading.

I can do you better than a screen shot of random code that could be from anywhere though, just Google up where to find it (GTA O related code and the cheat clients - there are several I've found), and after downloading it, look up which specific files and lines are suspect according to the community. Then just start going through it from there.

It took me all of 30 minutes to acquire it and another 90 or so minutes to start identifying issues with how the client deals with networking (hence how I discovered merely suspending the process will eject all other players leaving one in their own session, or could make a grenade explosion kill everyone).

They have their own engine and it's C++ and C, but everything the actual cheaters are exploiting are in the various scripts that deal with what users are doing, which is all over the place. If you really want to get into it you should check it for yourself.


Well on Friday some drunk dood plowed his car into mine when I was zzz in bed and did a hit and run. My dash caught him tho it didn’t matter because he lived, and parked, right around the corner from where he hit me. Cops found him easy the next morning (imagine waking up hungover to getting arrested—don’t drink and drive!) but he did 8k of damage to my car. I’m honestly glad it’s not totaled Bc it’s a pain to find my car around here without doing an extended drive

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Well🚰 on Friday📅 some drunk🍻 dood👨 plowed🍆💦 his car🚙 into mine🏎️ when I was 💤 in bed🛏️ and did a hit⚾ and run🏃‍♂. My dash📸 caught🥅 him tho it didn’t🚫 matter🧠 because he lived🏡, and parked🅿️, right➡️ around↩️ the corner⤵️ from where he hit:messenger_fistbump: me:messenger_loudly_crying:. Cops🚓 found🔍 him easy🍳 the next morning🌅 (imagine waking🐓 up hungover:sick: to getting arrested⛓️—don’t drink🍸 and drive🚘!) but he did 8k💰 of damage🎯 to my car🏎️. I’m honestly glad🙏 it’s not totaled:messenger_fire: Bc it’s a pain💊 to find my car🏎️ around here🌎 without doing an extended drive👨‍🦼
This is how I read your post in my mind. I think I have a sickness.


Well on Friday some drunk dood plowed his car into mine when I was zzz in bed and did a hit and run. My dash caught him tho it didn’t matter because he lived, and parked, right around the corner from where he hit me. Cops found him easy the next morning (imagine waking up hungover to getting arrested—don’t drink and drive!) but he did 8k of damage to my car. I’m honestly glad it’s not totaled Bc it’s a pain to find my car around here without doing an extended drive

Drink drivers need throwing down a cliff.


Well on Friday some drunk dood plowed his car into mine when I was zzz in bed and did a hit and run. My dash caught him tho it didn’t matter because he lived, and parked, right around the corner from where he hit me. Cops found him easy the next morning (imagine waking up hungover to getting arrested—don’t drink and drive!) but he did 8k of damage to my car. I’m honestly glad it’s not totaled Bc it’s a pain to find my car around here without doing an extended drive
Nobody cares.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nobody cares.

I care. That shit sucks. Happened to me. Had a brand new Mini Cooper roadster, back when they still made them, and some pilled-up woman plowed into my car at a red light totalling it (thankfully despite their tiny size Mini's are remarkably safe and I was completely unharmed). Even though my insurance company covered everything and I ended up with a brand new car at no cost, going through all that still took a lot of time and affected my personal life.

From what I heard she went to jail for several months. I know a few cops in my city personally and one of them had to attend the scene, because there were a lot of cops given she also grazed like five other cars on her eventual destination of murdering mine.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I👁️ care:messenger_heart:. That shit:messenger_poop: sucks👄. Happened to me👈. Had a brand new✨ Mini Cooper🛵 roadster🛣️, back🕚 when they🇩🇪 still made🛠️ them, and some pilled-up🪆 woman👩‍🦯 plowed🍆💦 into my car🛵 at a red light🚦 totalling🎆 it (thankfully🙏 despite their tiny🤏 size📏 Mini's🛵 are remarkably❗ safe⚠️ and I👨‍⚕️ was completely💯 unharmed:messenger_astonished:). Even though my insurance💵 company🏢 covered everything:messenger_sunglasses: and I👨‍⚕️ ended🚫 up⬆️ with a brand new✨ car🦼 at no cost💎, going through🫂 all that:messenger_face_steam: still took a lot of time⏱️ and affected my👈 personal life:messenger_loudly_crying:.

From what I heard👂✋ she🧓 went to jail⚖️ for several months🗓️. I👨‍⚕️ know🥇 a few cops👮‍♀️ in my city🌃 personally🍆:messenger_savoring: and one1️⃣ of them🚓 had to attend👔 the scene🎬, because there were a lot💯 of cops👮‍♀️👮‍♂️ given she🧓 also grazed🥬 like five🖐 other cars🚗 on her eventual destination🏡 of murdering🔪 mine⚰️🪦.

My god it's full of stars


It's surprisingly hard to find a proper emoji for some of these situations. Like cream, however, I will rise to the top.
Overcome Randy Savage GIF

I never eat a pig because a pig is a cop
Albeit a Terminator, like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Don't try to play me out as if if my name was Sega.

Last sentence instantly had House of Pain - Jump Around, spark in my brain. haha


7.5k worth of damages. That’s more than my first car. Also I dusted off my 3ds xl, updated to latest firmware, and put cfw on it. I forgot what a great handheld this is. I love the clamshell design with 2 screens


This town ain't big enough for the both of us. Also what are you doing without a VPN?

Dunno if you like FNM but this was legendary when the collab came out.

EDIT: Follow up vid, has them doing it live, the stuff of legends.
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7.5k worth of damages. That’s more than my first car. Also I dusted off my 3ds xl, updated to latest firmware, and put cfw on it. I forgot what a great handheld this is. I love the clamshell design with 2 screens
I’ve cleaning some stuff out and dug my 3DS XL out too, how involved is CFW for it? I left it without latest FW in case it was needed like some older consoles. I’ve not done CFW since PSP days (the battery on that bulged, so now I have a PSP with no battery). I wouldn’t mind setting up Cetra for the games I have, I don’t like the feel of the XL too much but there’s some solid games.


I’ve cleaning some stuff out and dug my 3DS XL out too, how involved is CFW for it? I left it without latest FW in case it was needed like some older consoles. I’ve not done CFW since PSP days (the battery on that bulged, so now I have a PSP with no battery). I wouldn’t mind setting up Cetra for the games I have, I don’t like the feel of the XL too much but there’s some solid games.

as someone who extensively used cfw on many psp and vitas, the Nintendo process was a complete breeze. In fact, the cfw install processes has you upgrade to the latest firmware and it even works online. You can use your existing sd card if you want but I bought a 32g one.

This is the guide I used.

Very clear insurrections and straight forward. Go all the way to the end including the “finalize setup” process. If you need help just message me I can walk you through it but it is simple to follow if you’re familiar with terms like the “root” of a drive and basic computer knowledge
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as someone who extensively used cfw on many psp and vitas, the Nintendo process was a complete breeze. In fact, the cfw install processes has you upgrade to the latest firmware and it even works online. You can use your existing sd card if you want but I bought a 32g one.

This is the guide I used.

Very clear insurrections and straight forward. Go all the way to the end including the “finalize setup” process. If you need help just message me I can walk you through it but it is simple to follow if you’re familiar with terms like the “root” of a drive and basic computer knowledge
Light work then, that’s good. I appreciate the help, I’ll have a read. I never bother anything that involves hardware mods, so software hacks that give this much control are ideal
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I’m waiting for pcr results right now… was hanging up with a friend who’s positive.

It’s like a waiting for std results but no fun and no drama involved. It’s thoroughly boring.
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