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Dr. Claus

I understand if they're temporary, like if you need to take a break for a couple weeks, but a user requesting a permanent ban makes me think they're seeing something in the forum they can no longer put up with. "lollipop_disappointed:

Yea, free speech and different opinions :p

EDIT: Just to note, I am not suggesting someone like CrustyBritches was one of those people (as I don't even really remember seeing them). This was just in general what I tend to see from people who ask for perms.
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It’s a hard world.


not sure if this is a me thing or what, but today a lot of different user's avatars are not displaying, you just get the little missing jpeg icon in top left. Yesterday these users were fine.


different icon for SC

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Might be something in your ad blocker from the looks of it

I use Ublock on Vivaldi. Neogaf whitelisted, images still not there. Very weird. Just a few users. If I click their avatar, it takes me to their profile page, where it is visible again. If I click back, the avatar appears where it previously was not loading. Reload removes it again.

Same images visible in Brave without whitelisting Gaf. Guess it's a Vivaldi issue or something. Sorry everyone!
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"What?! What is it?!"

That's actually fairly accurate, I am constantly not seeing things people link from Giphy or one of those gif domains, I think it's blocked at my work. I frequently see empty posts with a lot of likes and I'm like "What?! What is it?!"


That's actually fairly accurate, I am constantly not seeing things people link from Giphy or one of those gif domains, I think it's blocked at my work. I frequently see empty posts with a lot of likes and I'm like "What?! What is it?!"
Giphy doesn't work for me either anymore. I see the box but the gif never loads.
I do sometimes get blank posts if I'm browsing the site on my phone. Mainly just for GIFs that I'm guessing are uncompressed whereas YouTube videos, Twitter posts and large images still load.
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I understand if they're temporary, like if you need to take a break for a couple weeks, but a user requesting a permanent ban makes me think they're seeing something in the forum they can no longer put up with. "lollipop_disappointed:

I can feel for the person if that is the case, and have felt like not coming on as often as well.

I have noticed a strange trend with newer members getting upset over opinions and responding in a very Resetera-esque way. I have had a few having a go at me over a general opinion not targeted at anyone.

Needless to say I will defend myself if I feel that they are just screeching for the sake of looking superior, because this place is much better when you can disagree respectfully.

I think we are getting to the point where we are getting offended by the other side (in this case Era/Kotaku) that we are pushing back even to otherwise natural cultural changes (diversity and acceptance) just because it will offend them, and it is getting less about the actual games without someone mentioning how "X site is saying this game is bad because a character isn't Black/Gay/etc".

Same regarding bad practices for certain games (a certain big game did well despite having a load of cuts and people getting offended that people want quality).

I am hoping this is not a trend for future GAF as the ones who stuck around a year (and a half) after the incident are for the most part, chilled out people you can disagree with but respect as we came here together to get away from all that.

Some newer members are trying to ruin that by bringing some strong negative vibes and bringing up old posts to prove that you are wrong (something I thought we got past as opinions change as we are more a "live and let live" community now), despite most of us just speaking our mind on some of the happenings in the Gaming Industry right now.
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I think every opinion should be fair game, whether it’s the stupidest SJW thing I can imagine, or someone pushing back on some of the stuff we’ve seen in games recently, which I regard as a fair, rightful action.

I do agree that Reee and their ilk have invaded this site in serious numbers, and are creating a much less-enjoyable experience in some threads. ‘Console Warriors’ of any type as well.

I think the key to dealing with that is being a little harsher on people who won’t debate honestly, create an insulting, miserable atmosphere, etc.

Insults and negativity are an interesting one. I think posters should have the freedom to let fly, but at the same time, if you enter a thread and all thirty of your posts for the next two days, are ‘Hurr hurr, incels.’, over and over again, and you’re not contributing absolutely anything or trying, both to the thread or the forum, that’s the kind of poster that needs to go.

The honest debate is less controversial. I really think anyone who can’t seriously respond to a point without throwing strawmen everywhere, stuffing words in mouths, engaging in general disingenuous argumentative tactics, thread after thread, needs nuked, or severe punishment. There’s zero benefit for that kind of thing, for anybody.

You know what though? I may have been lurking a lot longer, but I’ve been posting three months. I don’t really feel like I should be throwing around authoritative opinions as to where things should go. I just want to share my thoughts on the matter.
You know what though? I may have been lurking a lot longer, but I’ve been posting three months. I don’t really feel like I should be throwing around authoritative opinions as to where things should go. I just want to share my thoughts on the matter.
Thankfully, GAF is a place where the strength of your argument is enough. Doesn't matter if you've been here for awhile.

I think the best way to fight against slide posters and trolls/zealots is to post good content yourself. The contrast between honest posting and slide threads becomes more obvious over time and the community becomes inoculated against it.

Dr. Claus

Thankfully, GAF is a place where the strength of your argument is enough. Doesn't matter if you've been here for awhile.

I think the best way to fight against slide posters and trolls/zealots is to post good content yourself. The contrast between honest posting and slide threads becomes more obvious over time and the community becomes inoculated against it.

Yep. I have been here a while and I have had numerous people tell me to fuck off through well (and not so well) argued points. None of this protected members bullshit, just as it should be.

As for Trolls/Zealots - they usually get pissy when you ignore them and end up showing their arse, getting them temporarily or permanently removed from the thread or site. They don't tend to last too long, thankfully.
Some newer members are trying to ruin that by bringing some strong negative vibes and bringing up old posts to prove that you are wrong (something I thought we got past as opinions change as we are more a "live and let live" community now), despite most of us just speaking our mind on some of the happenings in the Gaming Industry right now.
Not saying you're wrong but what are some recent examples? I could just be missing the action if it happens later in a thread because I no longer receive alerts for certain threads after a while.
Not saying you're wrong but what are some recent examples? I could just be missing the action if it happens later in a thread because I no longer receive alerts for certain threads after a while.

The Pokémon Selling thread is a recent example where people are trying to gloat about the numbers, although it happens in any contraversial thread these days.


My nerves are a bit frayed from age, but why did TylersProphecy4.0 TylersProphecy4.0 get banned? I thought they were keeping up with the banter fine.

Yeah I was enjoying some of this posts the past few days, not sure what earned the ban. As I've said before, I wish the ban page messages were a little more clear about the reasons someone is getting the boot. Sometimes they are funny, sure, but other times they're just not informative at all.


A lot of people were ribbing him, in the hopes of molding him into something that less resembled a quivering, refrigerated piece of soy.

I don’t blame the mods for taking quicker action. The woe-is-me shtick, the crappy hot takes about literally everything, and the sheer irritating nature got old quick. Some of his posts in the economy thread are real gems too, attacking nice posters like Tess. :messenger_grimmacing_

I hoped to see a transformation, but it’s hard to disagree with just cutting the line to the dragging anchor.

It would be kind of cool, in scenarios like this, if post history were visible for a permed poster for some time. A lot of these guys have been at it for a while, with multiple chances, warnings, and bans given, rather than any specific example, and that could be something that helps people understand better.


tbh idgaf about the attacks, if i get a little i give a little (crush your enemies and all that)

i always tell people to do their worst, no real fucks given, 99% of cases the shit bubbles over and we move on

hope tyler figures it out, self reflects and rises again with a full heart

(visible post history for banned members would be nice)
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What happened to don't like it don't read it? Was this guy really bringing the fucking forum down? How long has he even been here? 20 days?

You’re quoting me picking at a person, that I’m now on good terms with, by throwing a disagreement we had, back at him.

I don’t know. Ask the mods. They were watching his every move, seem pretty fair, and thought so.

Also, calm down. It doesn’t matter that much. If you miss him, just gather every millennial stereotype, and cram it into one godawful place, and you’ll pretty much have the same result.

Not with an easy link, and searching for a thousand disparate posts he may or may not be in, I believe? Correct me if I’m misinformed.
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