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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link


So when is the PC version due again? Just finished the campaign on PC and I rather play the online competitive mode on PC.
It's a shame alot of people have left this game. I'm having more fun than usual as of late.
I jumped into online for the first time recently and I'm having a blast. So far I've only been playing the more straight up TDM mode, but I kind of wish the rounds were longer. Just when I settle in the timer runs out. Still, its pretty fun.


I jumped into online for the first time recently and I'm having a blast. So far I've only been playing the more straight up TDM mode, but I kind of wish the rounds were longer. Just when I settle in the timer runs out. Still, its pretty fun.

Use select match. Lots of people put 99 tickets and/or 15 minute rounds


Anyone still playing on PS4?

I play Cloak n Dagger with friends almost every night. The game is so much better after 1.02, can't wait for the new DLC (and hopefully new modes).


Neo Member
I hope this DLC will be free when it releases, as I am really enjoying MGO now that the latest patches have made improvements here and there. They've been releasing free FOB content, so that raises my hopes a bit.

Though, this is Konami we are talking about.....


There is no way the DLC will be free.
I wouldn't mind being wrong though.
I hope they add more character customization options at some point. More hair and clothes mostly (including MGS character hairstyles and clothes).
I just want to make a Kaz lookalike tbh


Knife coming back in patch 1.03 (at least lethal, no mention of a stun knife):



Every single time I try and automatch or select a match it says I've been disconnected from the session. Haven't been able to play a single game. Checked my Internet and everything is working fine.


Every single time I try and automatch or select a match it says I've been disconnected from the session. Haven't been able to play a single game. Checked my Internet and everything is working fine.

Sometimes you just have to restart the whole game.


Question: I see a lot of colorful camos available to buy - do they make sense? Don't you just give away yourself Online?

They don't make tactical sense, like many of the other customization options.
Think of it as taking on additional risk to look cool. Probably worse than shocking camo are the animal hats which make you stand out behind cover, too!
So you have to play a lot to earn animal ranks I'm guessing? I lost interest after a while, but I did play a lot a few weeks ago, but received no emblem. I did get a lot of gear points for those tasks, though.


Designer notes 9 - Ranks are making their return. and mobility ranks affect when you show up on the minimap.


So last night on the Twitch stream, the Mother Base map was shown off, which looked pretty sweet. They updated the death screen to be a little more clean, we're getting more customization, afros, wigs, the animal rank shirts, etc.

They also showed off the knife and it works very similar to MGO2 where you can lunge it for a 1 shot. Apparently you can also do quick attacks but that wasn't shown.


Hopefully I can equip the knife as an attacker in CD. As it stands, I cannot equip anything lethal and that knife has the red box that says DMG, not ZZZ or STN.

I imagine they will have a version of the knife available to the attackers or maybe this will be the exception.


It is ridiculous that your mic is always transmitting in the PC version of MGO. I get the feeling the dev team for PC consists of two people considering the state it was "released" in.


I can't seem to make an Infiltrator class in the Steam version. I have an Enforcer and a Support class but when I try to make an Infiltrator, I come out of the Avatar creator and it turns it into another Enforcer.

Anyone else had this bug?
I can't seem to make an Infiltrator class in the Steam version. I have an Enforcer and a Support class but when I try to make an Infiltrator, I come out of the Avatar creator and it turns it into another Enforcer.

Anyone else had this bug?
That happened to my first character, but for some reason my other characters came out just fine.

It's a weird bug for sure.
Does anyone think infiltrators need some kind of boost? I like playing as a fultoneer, but with the ridiculously low health and how easy my fultons are destroyed, it's mostly just frustration.

Like, if I'm wasting most of my load out points on fultons, make them tougher, or dispatch faster.


If anything, infiltrators should get an HP boost and a total stealth camo downgrade.
imho stealth camo is way too OP, sure there are ways to counter it, but it basically nulls the entire point of the game that is being stealthy and tactical. It's single handedly ruining MGO3 for me.


If anything, infiltrators should get an HP boost and a total stealth camo downgrade.
imho stealth camo is way too OP, sure there are ways to counter it, but it basically nulls the entire point of the game that is being stealthy and tactical. It's single handedly ruining MGO3 for me.

Agreed, stealth camo existing as a normal item ruins MGO. It's the primary reason I gave up on the game after only a couple weeks post launch. I've been checking back on this thread periodically for updates on the game, but it sounds like it's beyond saving for me at this point.

Why couldn't they just give us a reskinned MGO1. ;_;


Agreed, stealth camo existing as a normal item ruins MGO. It's the primary reason I gave up on the game after only a couple weeks post launch. I've been checking back on this thread periodically for updates on the game, but it sounds like it's beyond saving for me at this point.

Why couldn't they just give us a reskinned MGO1. ;_;

yup, also then getting rechargeble stealth camo (w/short cool down time and no penalty at all) + 1 hit-ko S1000 from the get go is really fair and balanced, yeah....
I'm playing scout and it's so frustrating. Unlocks are a total boredom, I'm still using MRS4 from the start and other weapons feel inferior and keep getting fuckin underbarrels, i'm trying to play as good as i can but sometimes you feel like any victory is so short lived, with idiotic spawn points (oh you killed me? now wait while i kill you 5 seconds later) and infiltrator going all hurr durr and shooting at you while you're still wondering where's the enemy. Enforcer class is fine and quite balanced, scouts suck for a long time (till the serval?), but infiltrators are so absurd in their design, i'm wondering how this thing got out of alpha.
I want to like this game, but the class layout is so aggravating. Maybe I should do a new character and stop whining, but I'm wondering if i should just give up on MGO3....


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Cloak and Dagger sucks.

"Hey that lethal loadout we let you use in other modes and on defense? Well, FUCK YOU. You don't get ANY weapons off it and we don't give you a WU S. Pistol in compensation so you're basically naked! ENJOY!"
Infiltrator sucks, especially since it got nerfed to hell. Dunno what these people still complaining about it are thinking, you're clearly not using Scout or Enforcer properly.

And comments like this:

If anything, infiltrators should get an HP boost and a total stealth camo downgrade.
imho stealth camo is way too OP, sure there are ways to counter it, but it basically nulls the entire point of the game that is being stealthy and tactical. It's single handedly ruining MGO3 for me.

Are hysterical. There is no being stealthy in this game and it has nothing to do with Infiltrators.

It's the completely shitty open map design and short time-to-kill, you cannot be stealthy when the maps are mostly large flat, open spaces with no connecting cover. And why would you want to be stealthy when lethal weapons kill in an instant over long range, even if you knock someone out long range, they'll just get kicked and instanty wake, or wake after a few seconds anyway. You cannot even one slam stun people anymore, so why get close?

Infiltrators are in fact the only class who can at least attempt to try and be stealthy, though this got nerfed thanks to all the camo nerfs.

It's a poor third person shooter and whining about the only tiny, nerfed and easy countered bit of stealth being overpowered when you want it to be a stealth game is backwards.
Also being able to warp to a buddy can easily fuck up any attempt at stealth/flanking. Should be like TLoU where you can't respawn on a buddy if an enemy is nearby.


Ok, there's a new cheat going on, at least on PC: some classes have equipment for other classes. IE in Cloak and Dagger I saw camo dudes going on fulll lethal, with G44 (or whatever is called).
And this happens in other modes too, other times when someone kills me I see no info about his weapon.


Ok, there's a new cheat going on, at least on PC: some classes have equipment for other classes. IE in Cloak and Dagger I saw camo dudes going on fulll lethal, with G44 (or whatever is called).
And this happens in other modes too, other times when someone kills me I see no info about his weapon.
Cqc3 allows them to pick up other weapons. Any one can pick them up once they are dropped.
Infiltrator sucks, especially since it got nerfed to hell. Dunno what these people still complaining about it are thinking, you're clearly not using Scout or Enforcer properly.

And comments like this:

Are hysterical. There is no being stealthy in this game and it has nothing to do with Infiltrators.

It's the completely shitty open map design and short time-to-kill, you cannot be stealthy when the maps are mostly large flat, open spaces with no connecting cover. And why would you want to be stealthy when lethal weapons kill in an instant over long range, even if you knock someone out long range, they'll just get kicked and instanty wake, or wake after a few seconds anyway. You cannot even one slam stun people anymore, so why get close?

Infiltrators are in fact the only class who can at least attempt to try and be stealthy, though this got nerfed thanks to all the camo nerfs.

It's a poor third person shooter and whining about the only tiny, nerfed and easy countered bit of stealth being overpowered when you want it to be a stealth game is backwards.
Yeah honestly infiltrators were fine how they were before. All that was needed was the stealth nerf where it deactivates when shot. The slow down BS needs to go
And time to kill definitely needs an increase. Everyone needs an HP increase. Infiltrators need enforcers health and everyone else should have Hp increased accordingly.
At least the pat is coming back so non lethal won't be complete garbage.
And the new maps better be good. Fuck jade forest.
Is it normal for a single team to have both unique characters ? Logged back on after a while and got destroyed but two guys from Chile who were snake and ocelot and wouldn't die. Five of us cornered ocelot in a building and i threw him down and everyone shot the crap out him and he just got up and ran away. Snake was spawning off him too and he was ocelot 3 or 4 times in a row. Wtf?
Is it normal for a single team to have both unique characters ? Logged back on after a while and got destroyed but two guys from Chile who were snake and ocelot and wouldn't die. Five of us cornered ocelot in a building and i threw him down and everyone shot the crap out him and he just got up and ran away. Snake was spawning off him too and he was ocelot 3 or 4 times in a row. Wtf?
That doesn't sound right. It should be one unique per team. Were you on Steam version?


Neo Member
Making a post because the DLC/big patch is literally coming tomorrow.

Version 1.10 Notes: http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/tpp/en/online/notes.php5

Given prior experience with MGO3, I'm willing to see how this takes off and if these changes, in practice, are for the better. Might even consider purchasing the DLC if that turns out to be the case.

A new game mode, new knife combat, new rank feature, change to how E.Locators work.....changes a plenty. If your impressions of MGO3 have been soured at any time, would you be willing to give the game another go?


Making a post because the DLC/big patch is literally coming tomorrow.

Version 1.10 Notes: http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/tpp/en/online/notes.php5

Given prior experience with MGO3, I'm willing to see how this takes off and if these changes, in practice, are for the better. Might even consider purchasing the DLC if that turns out to be the case.

A new game mode, new knife combat, new rank feature, change to how E.Locators work.....changes a plenty. If your impressions of MGO3 have been soured at any time, would you be willing to give the game another go?
I've been playing the game every time I log in my PS4. I'm super stoked.
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