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Metal Gear Online 3 |OT| The Missing Link

I've only been playing for a few days and I really don't know how I'm supposed to play Enforcer. I expected something more hit-spongy, but I just feel like a sitting duck for getting sniped or CQC'd from someone using stealth camo. Even when I do get into a fire fight I feel like 4 shots are all it takes to take me down. And I had expected the use of a LMG to be more potent against walkers, but it's futile to even try. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the class, and I know I suck, but I just can't figure out how I'm supposed to have a fighting chance. The only time I ever do okay is when team members actually operate like a team, but that's been a very rare experience so far.

Edit: Also, does armor do anything, or is it cosmetic? I saved up my earnings to buy a helmet to guard against head shots, and then some body armor, but it doesn't feel to be making a difference.
Wait. Did they add Stealth Deathmatch? Because I just played a match where I had unlimited stealth the entire time, and I wasn't even, can't even equip stealth camo...
I've only been playing for a few days and I really don't know how I'm supposed to play Enforcer. I expected something more hit-spongy, but I just feel like a sitting duck for getting sniped or CQC'd from someone using stealth camo. Even when I do get into a fire fight I feel like 4 shots are all it takes to take me down. And I had expected the use of a LMG to be more potent against walkers, but it's futile to even try. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the class, and I know I suck, but I just can't figure out how I'm supposed to have a fighting chance. The only time I ever do okay is when team members actually operate like a team, but that's been a very rare experience so far.

Edit: Also, does armor do anything, or is it cosmetic? I saved up my earnings to buy a helmet to guard against head shots, and then some body armor, but it doesn't feel to be making a difference.
gear is for looks only
Well at least I know I was right in regards to that. What an, in my opinion, poor decision. I want to feel like a tanky character, not just look the part. I'd rather heavier armor be more effective while also reducing run speed/stamina while wearing it.

enforcers will be getting a buff and be the only class with launchers. I think they will be very strong in this coming patch.
enforcers will be getting a buff and be the only class with launchers. I think they will be very strong in this coming patch.

What sort of launchers? Will they be completely new? I haven't seen anyone in game with any sort of launcher yet. Though I don't see myself really using them though since I wanted to kinda use a shield, Unless it's a grenade launcher maybe.


What sort of launchers? Will they be completely new? I haven't seen anyone in game with any sort of launcher yet. Though I don't see myself really using them though since I wanted to kinda use a shield, Unless it's a grenade launcher maybe.

There is a stun grenade launcher. And a rocket launcher.
So how is the online? I have TPP on Steam so I haven't been able to try it out yet. Would be cool to get a little more mileage out of the game, since the offline game has pretty much exhausted my interest by now.


So how is the online? I have TPP on Steam so I haven't been able to try it out yet. Would be cool to get a little more mileage out of the game, since the offline game has pretty much exhausted my interest by now.
Bounty hunter and C&D are pretty good if solo, with a coordinated team / friends are great.

Comm control is... boring if solo and in the scrub team.


So the patch is gonna be out today.

Infiltrators getting the shaft and will be outperformed by everyone else.

Oh well. Time to abuse my Optics 3 (which is gonna be buffed).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Here are the patch notes (Source)

Please see below for the complete Change Log Version 1.01 which has been applied on 11/10, 2015.

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed issue where matches in progress would not end properly when servers would go down for maintenance.
- Fixed issue where the respawn screen may have been shown multiple times depending on the network status.
- Fixed various causes of session disconnection that occur at the beginning of a match.
- Fixed issue where defenders who joined in the middle of a CLOAK AND DAGGER match could use stealth camo.
- Fixed issue in CLOAK AND DAGGER missions where weapon quick change would sometimes temporarily disable stealth camo for the infiltrating team.
- Fixed issue where party menu would not function properly after auto-matching.
- Fixed issue where the "KO effect" would not vanish from the screen, even after waking.
- (PlayStation®3/PlayStation®4 only) Fixed issue where SELECT MATCH host list would not be displayed properly depending on network status.
- Fixed issue where firing sway/recoil would not spread properly when using the walker gear's Gatling gun.
- Fixed issue where certain fonts would not display properly.
- Fixed issue where battle log would sometimes not display.
- Fixed issue where incorrect stats would result from joining a match in-progress.
- Fixed issue where character level would sometimes revert to Lv. 0.

[Auto-matching improvements]
- You will now be matched with players of similar level to your highest character level. If you have ascended, you will match with players at your highest level before ascending.
- It is now less likely to join a host with poor network connection.
- Adjusted auto-match day/night balance

[SELECT MATCH Adjustments]
- Search filters in "SELECT MATCH" will be now saved.
- The "ANY" option has been removed from the search password options.
- (PlayStation®4 only) Host list will been randomized with every refresh.

[Menu Improvements]
- Additional delay has been added to the Mission Results screen to allow more time before host proceeds to the next match.
- Spawn screen wait time has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
- Your team's role in a match ("Attackers", etc.) will now be displayed in the upper left of the Spawn Screen.
- Adjusted ranking screen so that you can switch between the top players and your own personal ranking.
- Disabled character level display in the iDroid while offline.

[Mission Rule Adjustments]
- Adjusted CLOAK AND DAGGER missions so that if all remaining members on a team are put to sleep or incapacitated, that team will lose.
- Adjusted CLOAK AND DAGGER so that if a player on the attacking team kills themselves, stealth will no longer be disabled.

[Loadout/Equipment Adjustments]
- The "E.LOCATOR" is now only available for the Scout class.
- Machines guns and launchers are now only be available for the Enforcer class.
- Shotguns are now only available for the Infiltrator class.
- Level-based equipment rewards have been adjusted as follows:

 Lv.23 : WU S333 --> G44
 Lv.30 : RASP TB-SG --> WU S333
 Lv.35 : SERVAL AMR-7 --> C-4

 Lv.17 : E.LOCATOR --> Sz.-336 SMG
 Lv.23 : AM D114 --> FB MR R-LAUNCHER
 Lv.30 : DECOY --> HAIL MGR-4
 Lv.33 : FULTON CANNON --> AM D114

 Lv.10 : KABARGA-83 --> M21 D-MINE
 Lv.20 : RASP TB-SG --> KABARGA-83
 Lv.30 : UN-AAM --> LLG-MINE
 Lv.37 : HAIL MGR-4 --> RASP TB-SG

* As a result of these changes, custom loadouts will be reset during the maintenance period following the update patch.

[Character Ability Adjustments]
- Overall movement speed has been increased.
- Mobility has been re-balanced to allow faster travel between objectives.
- Infiltrators have had health and stamina decreased.
- Enforcers have had health and stamina increased.
- Scouts have had health increased.
- Scouts can mark targets more quickly while using binoculars.

[Weapon Adjustments]
- Firing sway for Machine Guns has been reduced.
- Weapon sway has been reduced overall when aiming in first-person view.
- Damage inflicted by the Walker Gear's Gatling gun has been reduced.
- Walker Gears and Anti-Aircraft Emplacements now take more damage from certain weapons
- Weapon damage of certain weapons has been adjusted for better balance.
- Weapon weights for certain weapons has been adjusted for better balance.
- Damage value on the ISANDO RGL-220" has been significantly reduced.
- Reduced ammo count on "ISANDO RGL-220"
- Max carry for "E.LOCATOR,""STUN GRENADE," and "SLEEP GRENADE" has been reduced.
- The throwing arch of the Empty Magazine has been made invisible to enemies.
- The noise radius made by Empty Magazines when they land has been expanded.

[Item Adjustments]
- Max carry amount of "C.BOX" has been increased.
- The weight of certain items has been adjusted.

[Stealth Camo (STEALTH CAMO.PP) adjustments while using the STEALTH CAMO+ Ability]
- Stealth camo is temporarily disabled when taking damage
- Battery life has been reduced, and battery will take longer to charge.
- Marking time for cloaked players has been reduced.
- Cloaked players detected with NVG will be marked in less time.
- Movement speed while in stealth has been reduced.

[CQC Adjustments]
- Range for CQC grabs has been narrowed.
- Icon for CQC grabs is no longer displayed.
- Non-lethal damage done by CQC hits and grabs has been reduced.
- 1-hit CQC knock-outs are now exclusive to Infiltrators with "CQC STEALTH+" Lv.2 or higher.
- The increase in CQC choke speed in "CQC STEALTH+" Lv.1 or higher has been amplified.

[Fulton Adjustments]
- Fulton speed when using "FULTON+" Lv.2 or greater has been slowed.
- Collision detection when using "FULTON+" Lv.3 has been improved.
- When a player fultons an enemy, the fulton balloon and the enemy attached to it are now invincible to the player's teammates.

[Buddy System Adjustments]
- Time required to establish a buddy link using the link action has been shortened.
- Link action will succeed regardless of the direction your character is facing, as long as you are in range.
- The buddy gauge will now clear at the beginning of each round.

[Noise Adjustment]
- The distance that noise travels when dashing, diving, using empty magazines, and knocking has been extended.

[Other Adjustments]
- Players can't be marked while invincible immediately following a respawn. - An adjustment was made so when a player dies from a Walker Gear explosion, the player that made the Walker Gear explode is credited with the kill.
- When a player kills an enemy that is passed out or asleep (by another player), the player that knocked the enemy out is credited with an assist.
- (PlayStation®4 only) When in Remote Play with the PlayStation®Vita, the system menu can now be opened by holding the OPTIONS button.
- (PlayStation®4 only) It is now possible to join another player's match via their PlayStation®4 profile screen, if it is a non-password protected match.

Regarding issues not addressed above, we are constantly monitoring user feedback and will continue to make changes and adjustments moving forward. Thank you very much for your continued support of MGO.

Huge balance improvement on my opinion.
Additionally MGSV option menu now has a "Switch to MGO" option shortcut.

Will be playin' in a few hours, feel free to invite or join me GAF Bros
Glad that Enforcer got a health buff. From my limited gameplay it felt like it needed to be higher. That said, I don't think Infiltrator needed a reduction in its health. They seemed to take the right amount of hits when I actually am able to spot them. I think Infiltrator should have been the base 1.0 health, enforcer 1.5x their health, and scout maybe 0.8~0.9x their health.


Movement speed while in stealth has been reduced.

Awesome, didn't realize this was one of the things they were changing. This patch is going to give me a reason to give the game a second chance.

Infiltrators got destroyed lol

Speed reduction while in stealth? Really? Were the other billion stealth nerfs not enough?

This is a good change, since it makes no sense to be able to use stealth and then just sprint towards people while invisible. Completely defeats the purpose of camo, which is to make you play stealthy.

The next best thing they could do is just remove infiltrators entirely. Seriously, having invisible characters in a game like this was a mistake, and I'm glad they're at least doing something about it with these nerfs. Maybe now people who pick infiltrator will actually try to play a more tactical game, as it was intended.
Awesome, didn't realize this was one of the things they were changing. This patch is going to give me a reason to give the game a second chance.

This is a good change, since it makes no sense to be able to use stealth and then just sprint towards people while invisible. Completely defeats the purpose of camo, which is to make you play stealthy.

The next best thing they could do is just remove infiltrators entirely. Seriously, having invisible characters in a game like this was a mistake, and I'm glad they're at least doing something about it with these nerfs. Maybe now people who pick infiltrator will actually try to play a more tactical game, as it was intended.

I agree that it's stupid when people just sprint around in camo (although those are my favorite Infiltrators to play against, because they are the easiest to spot and take out), and would suggest that sprinting should disable camo. But if we're talking about general movement speed being slowed down, then i have to say i'm not a fan. When i'm playing as an Infiltrator, i'm moving around the map deliberately and without using sprint, in order to avoid unwanted attention, but coupled with the lowered health, battery capacity and recharge speed, it will make getting around a huge pain in the ass (even more so on full sized maps), when the class is all about mobility and proximity to the enemy. I have yet to test how Infiltrators feel now, but on paper it seems like they went a bit overboard with the number of changes. I do welcome the changes to the other two classes though.


I agree that it's stupid when people just sprint around in camo (although those are my favorite Infiltrators to play against, because they are the easiest to spot and take out), and would suggest that sprinting should disable camo. But if we're talking about general movement speed being slowed down, then i have to say i'm not a fan. When i'm playing as an Infiltrator, i'm moving around the map deliberately and without using sprint, in order to avoid unwanted attention, but coupled with the lowered health, battery capacity and recharge speed, it will make getting around a huge pain in the ass (even more so on full sized maps), when the class is all about mobility and proximity to the enemy. I have yet to test how Infiltrators feel now, but on paper it seems like they went a bit overboard with the number of changes. I do welcome the changes to the other two classes though.

I haven't played the game since it launched so I could be way off, but can't you just use a slow methodical stealthy approach without the camo to get around, and then use camo for when you want to strike? That seems to be what they were going for when they introduced infiltrators anyway, since they were labeled as a class for pros.
This is a good change, since it makes no sense to be able to use stealth and then just sprint towards people while invisible. Completely defeats the purpose of camo, which is to make you play stealthy.

Maybe camo should actually be stealthy then, as it is it doesn't really hide you unless you're laying still in grass.


How is the PS4 community? Is there a noticeable drop off due to CoD? Think it will still be strong in a month or two?

Evil Beaver

Wait. Did they add Stealth Deathmatch? Because I just played a match where I had unlimited stealth the entire time, and I wasn't even, can't even equip stealth camo...

It's a bug where you take the place of a player who was an infiltrator and had their camo activated. You also gained their kills/stuns/fultons/deaths etc without doing anything.
I haven't played the game since it launched so I could be way off, but can't you just use a slow methodical stealthy approach without the camo to get around, and then use camo for when you want to strike? That seems to be what they were going for when they introduced infiltrators anyway, since they were labeled as a class for pros.

With how fast you die in this game with any class (i'm more used to the higher health in Uncharted mp), the biggest strategic value of camo for me is getting around the map without getting picked off before i even arrive where i'm going, especially when playing on full sized maps where, depending on the spawn points, it can take some time to get (back) to the action. Once i get to close proximity of potential targets i feel like camo is not as essential anymore, as anyone paying attention to the general direction you're approaching them from will spot you with or without camo. So for me its usefulness is more in being hard to spot at long range.

But before railing against the changes too hard, i'll have to give it a good try, in practice the changes might not be as big as they sound on paper. At least they also buffed scouts, and i might actually do better with that class now.


With how fast you die in this game with any class (i'm more used to the higher health in Uncharted mp), the biggest strategic value of camo for me is getting around the map without getting picked off before i even arrive where i'm going, especially when playing on full sized maps where, depending on the spawn points, it can take some time to get (back) to the action. Once i get to close proximity of potential targets i feel like camo is not as essential anymore, as anyone paying attention to the general direction you're approaching them from will spot you with or without camo. So for me its usefulness is more in being hard to spot at long range.

But before railing against the changes too hard, i'll have to give it a good try, in practice the changes might not be as big as they sound on paper. At least they also buffed scouts, and i might actually do better with that class now.

I dunno, it almost sounds like you just want an easy mode? People who don't use infiltrators also have to get around the map without getting shot, and they seem to do it without being invisible.


Played earlier today and infiltrators have been nerfed way too hard.

I dunno, it almost sounds like you just want an easy mode? People who don't use infiltrators also have to get around the map without getting shot, and they seem to do it without being invisible.
It's true that other classes need to get around without stealth, but infiltrators are mostly close quarters oriented. And many players use them with the goal of fultoning enemy players. Scouts have snipers and Enforcers have much more armor and health. Kill times were already insanely short in this game, and infiltrators just got a health reduction making them that much weaker.


Played earlier today and infiltrators have been nerfed way too hard.

Yeah, health is so low you're killed almost instantly when you get shot. That coupled with the worse camo battery/regen, the fact that it's disabled once you're hit. The nice red ! that appears over your head when you're shot with camo and the fact that all the other classes have substantially higher health now is just icing on the cake.

The class definitely needed nerfs but I'm really not seeing the point of going this far.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Maybe camo should actually be stealthy then, as it is it doesn't really hide you unless you're laying still in grass.

I dunno, I was having problems finding people earlier despite spamming E. Locators. Maybe it's just the shitty PS3 resolution (coming from GLORIOUS 1080p on PC) or what. But I kept getting shot by things that I either passed over or didn't see on glance.
Don't own any console versions of the game, but I've played online as a friend's enforcer for a bit. Really doesn't seem like infiltrators needed such a nerf. Crazy how pointless the class is now, and it never seemed that overpowered on its own.

Fuck this terrible fucking mission design.

In the mission "The War Economy", I had spent almost 15 minutes (after multiple failed attempts already) waiting for the two idiots to stroll casually around the airport while I performed some lazy and badly designed Assassin's Creed recon on their conversations. After doing this, they headed for the chopper, I extracted both of them, and was about to blow up the chopper for the blueprint when I was spotted and killed. Not only does it kick me back to the very start of the mission, but the optional objective for listening to them didn't even save.

Fuck this game. I'm done.

wrong thread?
So they may have made enforcer too buff or weakened the other classes too much. I went from constantly last 2 places on my team to top 2 all tonight. I love that I can feel like a tank but maybe lower the damage output of the SMG, because I'm mowing 3-4 guys down in a row while fighting them head on.
I dunno, it almost sounds like you just want an easy mode? People who don't use infiltrators also have to get around the map without getting shot, and they seem to do it without being invisible.

Yeah, but those had higher health in the first place, which is getting further increased with this patch, while the infiltrators get reduced health, battery life, battery recharge speed, and their camo drops out when shot at. All of which i'm fine with, but to lower general movement speed while using camo on top of that seems a bit too much. Just have them lose their camo when sprinting or something. I don't want an easy button, i want them to remain a viable class to play as, which as i previously said might still be the case.

I thought the announced changes to infiltrators were excessive before i even created an infiltrator character myself. In my experience, the number of people using them quickly dwindled after the first 2 weeks anyway and the ones that blindly charge at you with camo enabled are easy enough to stop, it's the sneaky ones that are dangerous and i never felt like those didn't earn their kill or extraction against me. I just hope that now that KojiPro LA has been closed down, there will still be someone dedicated to taking care of any balancing issues in the future.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Don't own any console versions of the game, but I've played online as a friend's enforcer for a bit. Really doesn't seem like infiltrators needed such a nerf. Crazy how pointless the class is now, and it never seemed that overpowered on its own.

I've only played as Infiltrator and the patch hasn't really affected my play style all that much. In fact, last night was probably the most consistently well that I've ever played :D
The LMG is finally useful. And enforcers now seems like a good class IMO. Now I need to get used to the 2 CQC to knock out.

Last night was the first time I actually had fun playing Enforcer since it felt like I was actually a 'tank'. I haven't played with the LMG yet though, maybe today I'll give it a go after work. Last night I was just using a shield and SMG. I feel infiltrator may have gotten too nerfed though. I kept mowing them down with what should be a small caliber weapon. Haven't played any class besides Enforcer yet, so I don't actually know how playing Infiltrator feels.
I dunno, it almost sounds like you just want an easy mode? People who don't use infiltrators also have to get around the map without getting shot, and they seem to do it without being invisible.

The point of Infiltrators is to get in close, it's not really a concern for the other two classes,
the Scout isn't meant to get close and Enforcers get a shield to protect themselves, plus higher health.


I'll be honest, I rather like what I'm hearing about this latest patch. Infiltrators needed a major overhaul, and the amount of complaints I'm hearing of them being "nerfed too hard" is only solidifying my thoughts that Konami is on the right path. Infiltrators were supposed to be the "hard" class to play, instead of the "default" they came to be at the launch of MGO. I suspect quite a few gamers out there that came to rely on the near unlimited stealth, speed and "extended" CQC for points are getting a bit of a wakeup call as to what playing "truly" stealthy requires. I'm excited to get back into this!

Patch 1.02 coming in december (host migration incoming):

More information: http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/tpp/en/online/notes.php5

Well, better late than never, I suppose.
For example, the life and stamina between an Infiltrator and an Enforcer was too similar, so in this update, the Enforcer's life and stamina has been adjusted to be approximately 1.5 times that of an Infiltrator.

[...] I think Infiltrator should have been the base 1.0 health, enforcer 1.5x their health, and scout maybe 0.8~0.9x their health.

Heh. Seems they did exactly what I wanted, at least between Infiltrator and Enforcer.
I'll be honest, I rather like what I'm hearing about this latest patch. Infiltrators needed a major overhaul, and the amount of complaints I'm hearing of them being "nerfed too hard" is only solidifying my thoughts that Konami is on the right path. Infiltrators were supposed to be the "hard" class to play, instead of the "default" they came to be at the launch of MGO. I suspect quite a few gamers out there that came to rely on the near unlimited stealth, speed and "extended" CQC for points are getting a bit of a wakeup call as to what playing "truly" stealthy requires. I'm excited to get back into this!

There is so much false crap in this post I wouldn't know where to start explaining why it is so wrong.
All night I've ran into this player who is clearly AFK. Never moves and always has 0 as his score. Is there any reason for somebody to do that? Like do you get XP for doing literally nothing so long as your team wins?
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