so suppose there were a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
Seriously though bad port? Why are the sppcs so damn high?
Remember that cutscene in the hallway with the Cyborg Ninja cutting up soldiers? Do you want to do that? Except a lot more?so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
The cutting function of the game is really cpu intensive. Other than that I dont see anything outside blade mode posing a problem for most people
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
Does that person like badass hack n slash games? If yes buy suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
This is what they mean by any day now?
i5 3570k above or below the recommended in terms of performance?
That's my birthday, to me!
That violence breeds vioooolllence
But in the end it has to be this wwwaaaaaay
It contains all of it with new options.
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
Let's see, do I want to double dip on this for mouse-controlled sword play?
↑↑↓↓←→←→BA better work on this game.
With you on this thread, I smell a ignore list
I understood that referenceYou will surely get the zangeki.
Added to the CHAPTER Menu the Boss Stage, enabling to play only the Boss battles.
...that my specs don't meet the recommended level :/
so suppose there was a person that hasn't played any Metal Gear beyond Twin Snakes
should that person still buy?
Look forward to my OT, guys!
Recommending a GTX 650, eh?
I think that's a good sign.
Yeah if anything, the "pre-order sale" suggests that people are up for a rude wake up call when the game comes out. I'ma wait.