Finally got the game and you know what? After all the nitpicking I've read on here I can honestly say I think this is a nice port. It could be better, but its very nice and a lot of fun.
I think I'd have liked to have seen them iron out a few kinks here and there, tighten the framerate in certain cut scenes (not as many as I feared though and its not too bad anyway) and maybe make slightly better use of the touch screen, especially for non CPP mode. I can see how those without one would find it frustrating. There are some hints that they were making progress, such as the analog slider on the touch screen for zooming with binoculars... I think the Cure screen could have been made more fun using the touch screen too. One control issue I would have fixed is the way the aim button always aims the way the camera is facing rather than the way Snake is facing. It's always been that way, but I don't like that. The gyro stuff works ok if you're holding the 3ds parallel to the floor, but they should have realised that people might play it reclined or lying in bed, because in those situations you really have to change the way you play and sit up properly.
I've just beaten the Pain and have started making my way towards the Fear, a couple of things have caught my eye in a good way. If you watch the opening snake eater music video intro and look closely at snake's model in that video, you'll appreciate how much nicer the 3ds model looks. There are some nice 3ds-specific hardware effects being applied that were also in use on Resident Evil revelations - check out the texture shading on Sokolov's coat or on Ocelot's gloves, or check out the lighting reflection effect on the rocks as you male your way through the caves with a torch lit. They shouldn't have chosen the area/section they did for the demo, because it has seriously improved in every way since that area. The 3d is gorgeous, and the quality of the game has really begun to shine through. I'm glad the early tutorial cutscenes and codec convos were mostly skippable.
I'd actually recommended this to anyone with a 3ds. If you've beaten Res Evil Revelations, this is the next best meaty title available at the moment. Even if you have the HD pack, as long as you have no immediate plans to buy a Vita and wait however long it takes for that version, this version is great. Nowhere near as bad as some of the negativity led me to believe! You'd definitely have more fun with a circle pad pro though, I'll say that much.