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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection |OT| The Naked, the Solid and the Lightning

Is it just me, or did they fuck up the button sensitivity? I find myself accidentally firing a bullet when I just meant to lower the gun a lot more than in the PS2 games.


So, I just replayed MGS2 in over....atleast 8 years.

I understood it a lot better than the first time around, but I am still confused about a few things:

1. Who was it that I was talking to all this time exactly? In Rising, Raiden says that it was GW, but GW was destroyed and I was still talking to Campbell and Rose. I also vaguely remember GW being in MGS4, so was it destroyed and I was talking to an unnamed patriot AI or was it merely damaged?

2. Was destroying/damaging GW part of the patriots plans? I get that they wanted to simulate how well they could control someone (Raiden) by giving them information, but since GW seems to be legitimately damaged....yeah, what the hell?

3. This isn't really a plot question I guess, but why is Raiden so trusting of Rose at the end? Putting aside the fact that he doesn't actually know how much of their relationship was true, if the patriots had her, how did she get away and show up at the exact location, ready to have an emotional moment with Raiden? Because this just reeks of the exact kind of thing the patriots would do and have done before. He comes off as somewhat dumb for not even being suspicious, given the circumstances.

4. So no one was curious about the wierd looking guy in the blue rubber suit carrying a sword in the middle of a street where there was some kind of catastrophy?

5. Lastly, the ending of the game has me hyped to see the story's conclusion. I know that MGS3 does have some plot important information for MGS4, as they partially explain how the patriots came to be (Zero is there at the end, I recall). But I honestly want to see the end of Snakes journey at the moment and save the prequels for the aftermath. It just seems like a shame to break such a good stride. So can anyone tell me if they recommend just going forth and playing MGS4, or does MGS3 set too much up in MGS4 to be omitted before I start playing?

Last bump in hopes that some kind, knowledgeable soul can answer these.
Last bump in hopes that some kind, knowledgeable soul can answer these.

Well I can't answer 1. as it's kind of answered directly in 4 (and I don't know how much you care about spoilers), but I will say that even if one was destroyed completely, there's nothing to say that any of the primary AI's couldn't simply continue carrying out the directive and not have a beat lost in terms of how they appear to come across. It's not like they value each other's 'life' in that fashion and given their existence, finances would only be somewhat of a concern to them (i.e. cost of repairs and replacement). Hell they could have just been alternating the entire game for all I know.

2. Whether or not they directly wanted GW damaged could be open to debate somewhat, but like Raiden admits in Rising, we're never gonna know the intricacies of what exactly their prime motive was there (or more specific to your point, how far they wanted it to go). That was kind of the point to me in Sons of Liberty when I first played it, leaving that sequence of it open as that's one of the primary themes of the Artificial Intelligence bit they were trying to convey (e.g. "Can an AI lie?").

3. Could simply be a matter of sympathetic presence. After being so emotionally broken down like he was by the end of Sons of Liberty, he could have just been desperately grasping at one of the few things in his life that felt real to him. Rose at least admitted her lie to him which gave him some modicum of trust to operate on.

4 Lol, if it helps your immersion, you can always use the "Nothing phases those New ol' Yorkers" bit, although a huge fortess did just crash into Manhattan. He's certainly not the most interesting thing on the street (Vamp was even standing behind the fire hydrant and he had a bullet hole through his head).

5. And nah, if you're that interested, I'd suggest skipping three and going on to GotP. Yes, most people consider it the best entry in the franchise, but in regard to what it means to Solid Snake's tale specifically, it's just giving the player a more in-depth appreciation for the characters and universe and setting the stage for how and what they all have invested in the fiction by the time it 'concludes'. I've always kind of considered it telling that Kojima keeps carrying on Big Boss's story with Portable Ops and Peace Walker (and soon Ground Zeroes) that Snake Eater can functionally just be its own thing that just happens to tie in to what Solid Snake has to deal with forty-something years later.

Though on a more devil's ddvocate line of thought, it would be kind of weird to have Big Boss's presence in GotP without first the seeing the events of Snake Eater in their entirety first. Not sure how far I want to go with that though, as I dunno how much you care about spoilers and whatnot.



Thanks a lot for the answers, I was worried I wouldn't be getting them.

In this context, I don't really care about spoilers as I know the generalities of everything, having already played the series, I am just blanking on specific details of some things. It's a really good way to digest a story, btw. Maybe it's the best because your going into it with properly set expectations and you can better comprehend the material when it pulls one on you. Your first experience should be blind, but the second clears up prejudices you once had.

As to question 1, if it's answered directly, I can just wait then, if only because it will be redundant when I actually play. Might as well just play.

Question 2, if it's open for debate, then what is the reasoning for why they would want GW damaged then? We may not know, but what are the theories behind it? The S3 was suppose to reenact the events of Shadow Moses, and this would be where Snake accidentally activates Metal Gear when he intended to deactivate it. Instead, the card did exactly what it was meant to. The only advantage the Patriots have is that they wanted the Wiseman's commitee members names erased from the database, which is reasonable in the context of MGS2 alone, but I remember that in MGS4, they said the names of them were duds. So, looking at the series as a whole, they enacted a plan that would destroy one of their own AI's in this test for no apparent gain. It's just a pointless waste from every perspective and I don't see an AI making that kind of decision, no matter how unemphatic to intelligent life it is. It makes sense if you look at MGS2 alone and accept the Wiseman's Commitee as it defines it (men who have been dead for over a hundred years (when MGS3 says they died like 20 years or so before the cold war? They'd have to have for them to raise eva, at best, which makes them less than 100 years old), but have been funding philanthropy. Why would the patriots do that, while we're at it? Did the other AI's just really hate GW or something lol) and not a 'fake lead' as it turns out to be the case in MGS4, but otherwise....This, among many things, is definitely one thing Kojima should not have never retconned.

Question 3, I'm sure that's true, but, idk, it'd help to exercise some caution, I think. Again, the patriots, I think, would know that he is highly emotionally vulnerable and Rose decides to show up at THAT exact moment (when it's a very real possibility that she is in service of the patriots or at least under their power). I guess I don't see Raiden as stupid for it exactly, but it was a very huge moment of disconnect in relatability because I don't think that I or most people would be so eager to do the same thing that got him into this mess in the first place.

Question 4, the way that entire sequence was done is very strange. Even after the huge crash, no one seemed to come to investigate until more than 15 minutes passed while I talked to the AI, Solidus, and fought and killed him. During that time, the streets are completely barren. Then, out of fucking no where, people! People everywhere! Apparently, everyone gets up and goes to work at the EXACT same time in NYC. Not to mention that they don't seem interested in anyone, to be honest. They are all just walking by. Admittedly, it's hard to tell since they're blurs, but they all just seem to be walking about their business like nothing strange is around them despite Raiden, Vamp, Arsenal, or even the former president wearing body armor and an american flag lying dead in the streets.

Nothing phases them, indeed.

Question 5, I actually ended up trying to play MGS4, and I think I'll continue it since I'm lending the disk to a friend of mine soon so there is no point in starting a new game. But when I was still thinking about it, another good reasoning for playing MGS3 first that if this is the conclusion of snake's story, and his main antagonist are the patriots, then the story is incomplete because the patriots originated in 3 with Zero. I'll play it and just trust my memory and the game to fill me in properly, but I don't think it's best for that reason and the fact that MGS4 really starts off....wierd. In a bad way. I'll make a thread on it later, but for now, I'll say that MGS starts off way too...oppressive. I realize is the point, but it's such a drastic change from the end of MGS2 (where Snake is idealistic and hopeful for the future because they are fighting for the right thing) to the beginning of MGS4 where the world has mounted its economy on war and even if Snake wins, there is no way that it's coming off of it any time soon (and Rising confirmed this). The patriots already won and now I'm just fighting a 3 way battle between Liquid Ocelot and the Patriots over the scraps left. It completely curbed the enthusiasm and momentum I had coming off MGS2. I'll still play it, but now I ironically regret not playing MGS3 first and if someone asked me the same question, I'd recommend they do that instead.
I finally beat the first helicopter fight in Peace Walker non-lethally. I just needed the machine gun to take out the windshield and that was it. Plus, the back-up units had the ammo I needed, so I didn't have to use that ammo balloon or whatever it's called.
Question 2, if it's open for debate, then what is the reasoning for why they would want GW damaged then? We may not know, but what are the theories behind it? The S3 was suppose to reenact the events of Shadow Moses, and this would be where Snake accidentally activates Metal Gear when he intended to deactivate it. Instead, the card did exactly what it was meant to. The only advantage the Patriots have is that they wanted the Wiseman's commitee members names erased from the database, which is reasonable in the context of MGS2 alone, but I remember that in MGS4, they said the names of them were duds. So, looking at the series as a whole, they enacted a plan that would destroy one of their own AI's in this test for no apparent gain. It's just a pointless waste from every perspective and I don't see an AI making that kind of decision, no matter how unemphatic to intelligent life it is. It makes sense if you look at MGS2 alone and accept the Wiseman's Commitee as it defines it (men who have been dead for over a hundred years (when MGS3 says they died like 20 years or so before the cold war? They'd have to have for them to raise eva, at best, which makes them less than 100 years old), but have been funding philanthropy. Why would the patriots do that, while we're at it? Did the other AI's just really hate GW or something lol) and not a 'fake lead' as it turns out to be the case in MGS4, but otherwise....This, among many things, is definitely one thing Kojima should not have never retconned.

Question 5, I actually ended up trying to play MGS4, and I think I'll continue it since I'm lending the disk to a friend of mine soon so there is no point in starting a new game. But when I was still thinking about it, another good reasoning for playing MGS3 first that if this is the conclusion of snake's story, and his main antagonist are the patriots, then the story is incomplete because the patriots originated in 3 with Zero. I'll play it and just trust my memory and the game to fill me in properly, but I don't think it's best for that reason and the fact that MGS4 really starts off....wierd. In a bad way. I'll make a thread on it later, but for now, I'll say that MGS starts off way too...oppressive. I realize is the point, but it's such a drastic change from the end of MGS2 (where Snake is idealistic and hopeful for the future because they are fighting for the right thing) to the beginning of MGS4 where the world has mounted its economy on war and even if Snake wins, there is no way that it's coming off of it any time soon (and Rising confirmed this). The patriots already won and now I'm just fighting a 3 way battle between Liquid Ocelot and the Patriots over the scraps left. It completely curbed the enthusiasm and momentum I had coming off MGS2. I'll still play it, but now I ironically regret not playing MGS3 first and if someone asked me the same question, I'd recommend they do that instead.

Emma's worm cluster was certainly intended to infect the system, but I think some variables entered into the equation that they (the AI's) didn't account for. Most notably how both Solid and 'Liquid' reacted to the entire situation. Maybe Solidus to some degree as well, but they pretty much had him and his 'arc' planned from the beginning---which is why Solidus doesn't feel very much like a villain by the end of the game. At best the Patriots wind up as a sort of 'unreliable narrator', and at worst they're a bunch of chaotic plot contrivances with no fulfilling conclusion.

And yes for reasons like that, MGS4 retcons and even pseudo-retcons a number of details for the sake of concluding the story, which is why it's one of my least favorite games (at least narratively) in the series. An argument can definitely be made in favor of just general pacing with MGS3 as it softens the blow from MGS4 in that regard; I agree that the transition between Sons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots is very jarring in multiple aspects.
Playing MGS2 on vita (Thanks PS+)

Is the framerate completely different indoors and out doors?

I am not really a framerate counting guy and didn't even notice anything wrong until I got inside but its really silky smooth when you are inside the tanker and not on the outside almost as if its 60fps on the inside and 30 outside.

Feels weird going back and forth. Maybe its just the rain effect playing tricks or something?


Playing MGS2 on vita (Thanks PS+)

Is the framerate completely different indoors and out doors?

I am not really a framerate counting guy and didn't even notice anything wrong until I got inside but its really silky smooth when you are inside the tanker and not on the outside almost as if its 60fps on the inside and 30 outside.

Feels weird going back and forth. Maybe its just the rain effect playing tricks or something?

Unfortunately, yeah, the Vita version is 30fps outside. It's the most noticeable sacrifice they made to get the game running on the system, but I think it's worth it.

MGS3 is 30fps entirely, however, as opposed to the 60fps that it is on PS3 and 360.
Unfortunately, yeah, the Vita version is 30fps outside. It's the most noticeable sacrifice they made to get the game running on the system, but I think it's worth it.

MGS3 is 30fps entirely, however, as opposed to the 60fps that it is on PS3 and 360.


Is it better on the Big Shell? On the tanker you have the water and the rain bogging things down and on the big shell its much more basic. I would guess the frame rate might be higher there?

Maybe I should just play 3. Would probably like the locked 30 isnt of this jumping back and forth between sections like it currently is.
Finally completed Peace Walker with a platinum trophy which is one I never thought I'd get.
While I don't think it's a very good Metal Gear Solid title, it's at least a fun game.

The boss fights are mostly unmemorable, the stealth is incredibly easy to do and it just doesn't seem as detailed as the console titles. Obviously this is because of the hardware limitations of the PSP and to make it easier for short gaming on the go, but I still find it lacking. However, there's plenty of replay value and despite having a playtime of over 85 hours, there's still a lot I could do.

Versus Ops is fun, but only as a substitute for MGO. I prefer to think of it as diet MGO. There's some of that taste, but it's just not the same nor as good.

Overall a decent title with a story that's not nearly as interesting as the others, but has that wackiness you'd expect from the series now. The ending song is one of my favorites, so that's something.


Hey everyone. I was going to post this in the Rising thread since it seems a little more active, but I found this one so I'll post my question here instead since it's more appropriate.

I'm new to the series, just beat Snake Eater last night (great game). I've decided to play the games in chronological order, and the next ones would be Portable Ops and Peace Walker. I have a MGS-obsessed friend who told me to skip Portable Ops because it sucked (I'll probably still play though) and go right to Peace Walker. If I get the PS3 version, he said we can play co-op.

My problem is that I got the HD Collection for the Vita, so no Peace Walker for me. I'm aware that the PSP version is playable on the Vita, but I'd really like to play with my friend. I've been looking for alternatives to buying the PS3 collection, but no dice. I did find this though. How would this work? Would they email me a download code or something? I guess it's pointless since it's for US addresses only and I'm in Canada.

Aaargh. I'm gonna have to buy the PS3 collection right?


Hey everyone. I was going to post this in the Rising thread since it seems a little more active, but I found this one so I'll post my question here instead since it's more appropriate.


I'm assuming that he doesn't own the PSP version of Peace Walker?
I've sunk hours into that with friends.
I've always wondered about that: What's the 'best' way to play the whole series? Via release date of the game, or in-game Chronological order?
I've always wondered about that: What's the 'best' way to play the whole series? Via release date of the game, or in-game Chronological order?

Whichever you prefer, but many will say order of release and with Peace Walker that may be the better option. I started with MGS3 and worked my way towards MGS2, but I skipped Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake because I couldn't get into them. I've enjoyed each game by doing that, and the controls are pretty similar throughout the first three "solid" games, so that wasn't much of a problem. Of course, this was long before MGS4 and longer before Peace Walker, so going from that game to MGS1 could be difficult because of the older camera perspective and controls.


Finished MGS2 a little while ago. Jesus fuck that ending is batshit nonsense. Still fun though. Gonna take a break and head into Snake Eater in a week or so after I get some assignments done or something.
I typically recommend order of release, but there is some significant insight to be gained from playing the series in a strictly chronological context.

Thanks for that link, I've bookmarked it.

Whichever you prefer, but many will say order of release and with Peace Walker that may be the better option. I started with MGS3 and worked my way towards MGS2, but I skipped Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake because I couldn't get into them. I've enjoyed each game by doing that, and the controls are pretty similar throughout the first three "solid" games, so that wasn't much of a problem. Of course, this was long before MGS4 and longer before Peace Walker, so going from that game to MGS1 could be difficult because of the older camera perspective and controls.

Yeah, I was wondering about the 'dated' element of playing them chronologically. I think I'll just go with release date and let the world unfold as it was presented to us. I guess that way 'mysteries' will remain.


Any advice on how to not completely suck at mgs3? Ive played 1,2, and 4 and had nowhere near the amount of difficulty im having with this one. I basically get caught by every guard i try to sneak up on and cqc or just get spotted by some random guard out in the open. Im getting the feeling i should have just played on easy.


Any advice on how to not completely suck at mgs3? Ive played 1,2, and 4 and had nowhere near the amount of difficulty im having with this one. I basically get caught by every guard i try to sneak up on and cqc or just get spotted by some random guard out in the open. Im getting the feeling i should have just played on easy.

If you sneak up on people remember that you have to use the d-pad to move silently. even if you tip the control stick very slightly it will make enough noise for people to hear you and prevent you from grabbing them.


Neo Member
I literally just found out that Peacewalker was for Xbox360 last week. I'm a huge MG fan and was thrilled that I finally got to grab this game. Enjoying it so far though it does make you pine for MGS3 and the more robust gameplay options.


Over the course of the year, I've played MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4. It's quite fun to get into this series I've read so much about, even though I'm playing on the lowest difficulties in order to cut down my playtime and heighten my enjoyment. My question is: is PW worth it story-wise? It seems to be a very different game from the others, and while I wouldn't mind shorter cutscenes, I hope it still has enough (non)sense for me to shake my head at :)


Over the course of the year, I've played MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4. It's quite fun to get into this series I've read so much about, even though I'm playing on the lowest difficulties in order to cut down my playtime and heighten my enjoyment. My question is: is PW worth it story-wise? It seems to be a very different game from the others, and while I wouldn't mind shorter cutscenes, I hope it still has enough (non)sense for me to shake my head at :)

Peace Walker leads into Ground Zeroes. Four characters from Peace Walker appear in or are mentioned in the Ground Zeroes intro, so while the story in Peace Walker isn't anything great, it's definitely important to the next game.


Peace Walker leads into Ground Zeroes. Four characters from Peace Walker appear in or are mentioned in the Ground Zeroes intro, so while the story in Peace Walker isn't anything great, it's definitely important to the next game.
I'll definitely play GZ and TPP, so it looks like PW is up next after GTAV, thanks :)


So what's the deal here since patch 1.03 on PS3?
The so called rain in MGS3 can't be seen at all except for the splashes on snake and the mist that occurs. Was it like this in the PS2-version as well? Or were people talking about MGS2 earlier in this thread?

Why and why is this not 1080p @ an actual 60fps?
Konami should hire the same guys that fixed ZOE HD collection. They patched a game that ran at 720p with ~30fps instead of the promised 60 which fixed it and made it run at 1080p 60fps all the time.

Please konami. Make them fix these games too.
MGS3 drops to 30 as soon as there's any action going on. Really weak port by Bluepoint.

Might as well add that it's exactly the same in the 360-version. I have both.


In anticipation of MGS V I'm replaying the whole series in the chronical story order, so I began with MGS 3 a couple of days ago. Such a great game. The games forces you to think, act smart, take it slowly and think like a spy. Really enjoying it and the whole spy feel that Snake Eater has.
I've recently started playing the Vita HD collection, but this topic is more popular so I'm posting here instead. Finished MGS2, and I'm still 50/50 on it but it's a very impressive game which has mostly aged well. MGS3 is still pretty amazing, technically, in terms of narrative and in its gameplay. I love the environment design, the slower and more deliberate feel it has and the different systems it employs like camouflage and food.


Neo Member
Crossposting from the GZ ot:

Quick question: do I need to play through Peace Walker before I get into GZ? I tried PW a few times but just couldn't get into it. Since the HD collection will be on sale next week I was thinking of giving it one more try before i start GZ.
Crossposting from the GZ ot:

Quick question: do I need to play through Peace Walker before I get into GZ? I tried PW a few times but just couldn't get into it. Since the HD collection will be on sale next week I was thinking of giving it one more try before i start GZ.

GZ has a few pages of text that catch you up to the events of PW. It also has a TON of audio tapes in the main menu that you can listen to that also serve as a means to fill in the backstory between the games.

However, i really recommend play PW till at least the first ending. The game really comes together after a few hours and the base building stuff is pretty fun. The story is, uh, well it's pretty terrible tbh.


Neo Member
GZ has a few pages of text that catch you up to the events of PW. It also has a TON of audio tapes in the main menu that you can listen to that also serve as a means to fill in the backstory between the games.

However, i really recommend play PW till at least the first ending. The game really comes together after a few hours and the base building stuff is pretty fun. The story is, uh, well it's pretty terrible tbh.

Yeah, I think I'm going to try again. What kept bugging me was that the early missions didn't really have way points like older MG games. Every time I screwed up I would end up at the beginning of the mission. That and the first tank seemed impossible without playing co-op.
Yeah, I think I'm going to try again. What kept bugging me was that the early missions didn't really have way points like older MG games. Every time I screwed up I would end up at the beginning of the mission. That and the first tank seemed impossible without playing co-op.

You can summon more health and ammo during fights so that you can endure the painfully long boss fights. The bosses were made for Monster Hunter coop fights but they can be killed solo. Learn the enemy's pattern, pick an effective weapon, and then run around and avoid getting killed while waiting for your rations or ammo to come. Sucks that the fights aren't as clever or enjoyable as previous MGS games but they're totally doable.
Perhaps an odd question, but I'll ask nonetheless. With the digital version of the HD collection on PSN, does it split the games up into their own downloads (i.e. each game can launch on its own), or is it a package deal ala the disc version?

The OCD in me has all my games in their own folders in the XMB menu.


Perhaps an odd question, but I'll ask nonetheless. With the digital version of the HD collection on PSN, does it split the games up into their own downloads (i.e. each game can launch on its own), or is it a package deal ala the disc version?

The OCD in me has all my games in their own folders in the XMB menu.

This is strictly a guess because I don't own the digital versions, but I notice that the website lists the HD collection as a 21gb, that suggests it's like a package like the disc.


This is strictly a guess because I don't own the digital versions, but I notice that the website lists the HD collection as a 21gb, that suggests it's like a package like the disc.

Follow up to this. I bought the ZOE collection and it installed as a single game and not 2.


I didn't know this was a thing. Why would this happen?

That does seem strange. Perhaps it's because of the message that pops up if your saves were made prior to the release of the transfarring patch. You can still transfer them over but you won't be able to earn trophies or get the ones you already got unless you start again. The game warns you about that so it could be interpreted as a 'cannot transfer' at a quick glance.


Slight bump again but this is something I couldn't find through google (at least through some searching). Is there any way to check your old scores or ranks that you from past playthroughs? Couldn't find anything in the menus and I feel it could be something obtuse given the Kojima.


I have a strange request.

On my xbox 360 I had MGS3 HD and had played up to beating the bee guy and getting to the scientist that pisses on himself. I never got to finish and the 360 is long gone. I do how ever have a ps3 and will be buying it on there. Does anyone know of a place or have a save I can actually download that's close to that area so I don't have to replay the first half? I know it's a long shot, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. If I can't get a save I'll just play through again but my gaming time is pretty limited these days so I was hoping to pick up about where I left off.


So I have a few questions, sorry if they are basic to Metal gear fans.

Having only played MGS1 and the start of MGS2 (both on PC), and having been lent a PS3 from a friend, I was looking to buy this.

1) Are there any major differences that negatively impact the remasters from the original releases? Do they include the VR missions for MGS2 and other bonuses sin other games?

2) There's something called The Legacy Collection that includes all of the HD collection and MGS4/MGS1? Are there any advantages in this bundle or would it be better to buy it separately due to price?

3) If there is a likelihood there will be a port of this to PC and next gen consoles, will a resolution bump be the only major difference?

I'll be buying the PAL version if that helps too.



So I have a few questions, sorry if they are basic to Metal gear fans.

Having only played MGS1 and the start of MGS2 (both on PC), and having been lent a PS3 from a friend, I was looking to buy this.

1) Are there any major differences that negatively impact the remasters from the original releases? Do they include the VR missions for MGS2 and other bonuses sin other games?

2) There's something called The Legacy Collection that includes all of the HD collection and MGS4/MGS1? Are there any advantages in this bundle or would it be better to buy it separately due to price?

3) If there is a likelihood there will be a port of this to PC and next gen consoles, will a resolution bump be the only major difference?

I'll be buying the PAL version if that helps too.


The only difference between the Legacy Collection and the HD Collection is that the Legacy Collection has MGS1 and MGS4 with it as they are PS1 and PS3 exclusive games respectively. The HD Collection only comes with MGS2 and MGS3 (also MG1 and 2 as part of MGS3).

As far as difference from the original versions, no the HD Remasters are the best and definitive versions of each game. They include all the VR missions, extra shit released in later versions, and the third person over the shoulder camera for MGS3 (a god send).

I can say there is about a zero possibility of seeing any ports to PC, but even if they were I doubt there would be anything extra included just the standard visual HD bump.


The only difference between the Legacy Collection and the HD Collection is that the Legacy Collection has MGS1 and MGS4 with it as they are PS1 and PS3 exclusive games respectively. The HD Collection only comes with MGS2 and MGS3 (also MG1 and 2 as part of MGS3).

As far as difference from the original versions, no the HD Remasters are the best and definitive versions of each game. They include all the VR missions, extra shit released in later versions, and the third person over the shoulder camera for MGS3 (a god send).

I can say there is about a zero possibility of seeing any ports to PC, but even if they were I doubt there would be anything extra included just the standard visual HD bump.

Thanks, looks like I'll be purchasing the HD collection this week, and MGS4 at a later time.


I am playing Peace Walker on the PS3 HD collection and really, really enjoying it, but I just got to the torture section. So frustrated that I am probably giving up on it. I don't know why they insist on having this in every game. Wish there was a way to skip it after a few times or something at least.


I am playing Peace Walker on the PS3 HD collection and really, really enjoying it, but I just got to the torture section. So frustrated that I am probably giving up on it. I don't know why they insist on having this in every game. Wish there was a way to skip it after a few times or something at least.

Andddd.... I've broken my last working PS3 controller trying to beat this. Awesome. I guess I'll catch up on the events after this in a Wiki or something. I don't have much patience for frustrating, non-compelling, non-skippable gameplay sequences like this.
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