Honey Bunny
Ah but from my point of view you have the flat chest.Twin Snakes isn't better, just different. Like what girls with big boobs tell their friends with small boobs to make them feel better.
Ah but from my point of view you have the flat chest.Twin Snakes isn't better, just different. Like what girls with big boobs tell their friends with small boobs to make them feel better.
Played a few hours of it again for the first time in ~15 years, because of this thread.
I barely remembered any of it, but seriously, wtf @ the watered-down voice acting? What happened? Was something wrong with the original PSX voice tracks? Why does almost literally no one have an accent anymore? Were the accents deemed problematic, even back then?
The cartoonishly over-the-top cutscenes, those I remembered from my original playthrough. LOL @ Snake doing ballet in every other cinematic. Dude should've been wearing pink tights instead.
Other than that, I like it just fine. Nice nostalgia trip. Though for some reason it didn't hit me in the feels nearly as much as playing the Shadow Moses area in MGS4 did, long long ago.
Twin Snakes is way more fun to play.
Absolutely undeniable improvements TTS made over original MGS1:
- Shape changing memory card shortcut
[*]Meryl's pronunciation of "Otacon" during the ending- Smaller physical discs than original release
Kojima wanted them to go over the top with the cutscenes, originally they were going for basically the same content, he told the director to do more.I was a huge fan of Ryuhei Kitamura back in the day when he worked with Tak Sakaguchi but when he decided that Snake should surf the rocket, Kojima and the devs should have told him that's beyond retarded.
Though the influence on crazy cutscenes can be seen in MGS 3 and beyond.
Twin snakwa has far too much slow mo bs
Matrix was pretty old by then (Reloaded too close to the launch to have affected it). I can see it for games like Max Payne (2001 so in development close to The Matrix's 1999 release) but Twin Snakes came out in 2004. Dude just liked that shit (Kojima probably too, he's got worse in sequels).Tbf every piece of media during that period was trying to mimic bullet time from The Matrix.
Metal Gear Solid is one of the games that made me as a gamer. This is the title I will alwas refer to as the best gaming experience I had during my teen years. It received a remake released exclusively on Nintendo Gamecube and beside huge graphics improvement it also got greatly expanded cutscenes. Here's a side-by-side comparison of all real time cutscenes. I skipped all codec dialogues and focused only of animated clips. I hope you'll find it interesting, especially that some characters had different voice actors in both games - I also tried to compare them. I'm curious which VO do you like better.
Metal Gear Solid vs MGS The Twin Snakes - All Cutscenes Comparison
It was a Gamecube exclusive and many people cited that the cutscenes were too "wacky" even though the MGS series has had many "wacky" cutscenes...also they complained about the updated gameplay making some sections easier to play.twin snakes is alright why do so many people dislike it?
Such a Sony fanboy, pulled a fast one on Konami and ensured PS supremacy on MGS would go unchallenged once moreKojima wanted them to go over the top with the cutscenes, originally they were going for basically the same content, he told the director to do more.
It's possible to like the game for what it was: an intentional embellishment of Solid Snake's legendary role in the Shadow Moses incident.-Had MGS2 mechanics that broke the balance of the game. Made Bosses trivial.
-Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was famous at the time so of course we have to remake the cutscenes. In shittier form.
-The excuse that MGS always had that level of silliness and special martial arts moments is stupid. Its all in the balance. MGS TS treats the original like dumping 10 tons of sugar into a recipe that required a spoonful.
Its an awful remake. Its still a competent game. Inferior to the PS1 version in all but Graphics and loading times. Only defenders of Twin Snakes are people that played this first, probably in their childhood so they have nostalgia attached or those that have erections or wet themselves during Michael Bay films.
Metal Gear Solid on the playstation is still a classic. Better on Duckstation without loading times. Probably on a CRT or a good CRT royale / DrVenom shader with BFI on the TV.
Cannot agree. It’s not some clever satire.It's possible to like the game for what it was: an intentional embellishment of Solid Snake's legendary role in the Shadow Moses incident.
When looking back to the original MGS, even though a little campy, Snake didn't feel like some untouchable "legendary soldier", but after MGS2, the perception around how amazing Snake was completely changed with the fans. By taking away the ability to play as Snake, his legendary status launched into the stratosphere.
Twin Snakes takes those new rose-tinted glasses and makes a spectacle out of it. It's basically a satire and I personally love it for doing something so completely different.
Totally agree-Had MGS2 mechanics that broke the balance of the game. Made Bosses trivial.
-Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was famous at the time so of course we have to remake the cutscenes. In shittier form.
-The excuse that MGS always had that level of silliness and special martial arts moments is stupid. Its all in the balance. MGS TS treats the original like dumping 10 tons of sugar into a recipe that required a spoonful.
Its an awful remake. Its still a competent game. Inferior to the PS1 version in all but Graphics and loading times. Only defenders of Twin Snakes are people that played this first, probably in their childhood so they have nostalgia attached or those that have erections or wet themselves during Michael Bay films.
Metal Gear Solid on the playstation is still a classic. Better on Duckstation without loading times. Probably on a CRT or a good CRT royale / DrVenom shader with BFI on the TV.
Not to mention the original voice actors were superior.As usual, remakes lose the original vision and end up looking bland and uninspired. This isn't even to touch on the more subjective nature of music and cinematic direction, which IMHO the remake lacks entirely.
It's possible to like the game for what it was: an intentional embellishment of Solid Snake's legendary role in the Shadow Moses incident.
When looking back to the original MGS, even though a little campy, Snake didn't feel like some untouchable "legendary soldier", but after MGS2, the perception around how amazing Snake was completely changed with the fans. By taking away the ability to play as Snake, his legendary status launched into the stratosphere.
Twin Snakes takes those new rose-tinted glasses and makes a spectacle out of it. It's basically a satire and I personally love it for doing something so completely different.