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Metal Slug 6; when major franchises change platforms


It's always an interesting thing when a game series so synonymous with one hardware platform either goes multiplatform or jumps ship as the hardware it's known for no longer exists. Especially when that platform had such a unique visual style like the Neo Geo.

But thats exactly what happened with Metal Slug 6; SNK Playmore moved the franchise to Atomiswave, which is really just a Dreamcast with a JAMMA edge. (so much so you can play Atomiswave games on Dreamcast now) It somehow feels both new and innovative while ALSO feeling dirty and wrong lolol

But as an evolution to the Metal Slug series it's also a great look at how to make changes while also adhering to what made everyone love the franchise in the first place.

But that got me thinking...what other games series jumped platforms they were known for and had to change to accommodate? Things like Sonic Adventure going to GameCube

oh and if you havent played the Atomiswave games on Dreamcast yet def check them out...legit awesome


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
But that got me thinking...what other games series jumped platforms they were known for and had to change to accommodate? Things like Sonic Adventure going to GameCube
Lots of those when you think of PC exclusives going multiplatform.

For example, games like Deus Ex: Invisible War or Thief 3, as they needed to change their design to accommodate for console controls and players.
Jet set radio and shenmue 2, both went to xbox and were better for it imo, also chromo trigger being snes exclusive and jumping onto ps1 came with cutscenes and such also viewtiful joe being made for gamecube and jumping onto ps2 even thought it looks 10x worst


Lots of those when you think of PC exclusives going multiplatform.

For example, games like Deus Ex: Invisible War or Thief 3, as they needed to change their design to accommodate for console controls and players.
haha maybe I should have specified consoles...because yes TONS of PC exclusives went to consoles


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
haha maybe I should have specified consoles...because yes TONS of PC exclusives went to consoles
Fair enough. :)

What about Okami? That game debuted on ps2, but it has this thing of controlling a paint brush which apparently (haven't played it myself) was much better later on on the Wii.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

It's Metal Slug Mania Time! A Ten Part Series dedicated to looking at the history and evolution of the mainline Metal Slug franchise from SNK! Well the fun had to stop at some point in time and Metal Slug 7 is the last game in the mainline franchise from SNK! Sure it's on the Nintendo DS vs the Neo Geo AES / MVS and that's always a bummer but it's a solid final entry in the franchise up to this point...or is it?! Retro gaming suspense intensifies!

Up next: Metal Slug 7. This is the end of the video series and the mainline Metal Slug franchise. Since Metal Slug 7 released on the Nintendo DS there has never been a Metal Slug 8...and how sad is that? Sure 7 has the same awesome run and gun arcade action we know and love and the huge boss fights...but it's just an "ok" game. Metal Slug as a franchise didn't end in a whimper or a bang...more like a shrug and a "nice knowing you". It's not the worst ending for retrogaming royalty like Metal Slug but it should have been a LOT better.


Gold Member
Didn’t Sega port a number of Genesis games to the pc quite early?

I know they ported several of the Sonic Genesis games and Sonic CD. As well as several Saturn games. I actually remember picking this up from Costco/Price Club back in like 1996.

Niche example, but there were some Kinect games (like that Disneyland one) that were built for Kinect from the ground up...but then ported to XB1 without the Kinect, lol.

Also, Mario Maker doesn't feel right now that it's been moved from WiiU to Switch (though I know that's a sequel and not a port).
Are we talking ports or brand new game sequels? I would think the latter is more interesting, though probably more rare other than PC to console examples. Though sometimes the changes are just due to technological progress and less the consoles, for example Final Fantasy was a traditional tile based sprite JPRG from 1-6 on Nintendo consoles, then 7 comes out on the Playstation and it had prerendered backgrounds, 3D battles, FMV, etc. Some of that was unique to the Playstation, but some was just the jump from 16 to 32 bit.

I'm trying to think of some examples where sequels were released on a different platform within the same console generation... like a game is released on the N64, but then its sequel is on the PSX.

I know they ported several of the Sonic Genesis games and Sonic CD. As well as several Saturn games. I actually remember picking this up from Costco/Price Club back in like 1996.

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