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Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn

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Neo Member
Goddammit, I'm from Minnesota and it's a nice state. We went blue too. Now we have to suffer because of single issue voters, willfully ignorant dips, and people who are angry at things that they don't understand.


To be fair, I'm no more confident than the other 190 posts in this thread that are saying "Yeah! Go Mexico! That'll show Trump!"

I don't know the the real costs, but I'm assuming that as the US is a major corn producer and has a modernized, mechanized agricultural sector, it can price itself lower for a poor to meet the majority of it's corn need than a country like Brazil can. I'm just assuming that the price of American corn is likely less than the price of Brazilian corn based on precedent and history.

"So Mexico would just bend over for Trump," well no, but ultimately, the buck stops somewhere. And the majority of posts in this thread as acting as if this isn't one Mexican senator, but rather, some mass movement in Mexico to shift it's corn purchases to another country, and that your average Mexican (or Mexican senator) is more concerned with sticking it to Trump than they are with their own bottom line.

"Mexican senator Armando Rios Piter, who leads a congressional committee on foreign relations, says he will introduce a bill this week"

ALso, it seems like the majority of posts in this thread are rooting for a trade war. I fucking hate Trump, but I also don't throw my hands up in salubrious joy at the threat of trade wars. But then again, I was very against the Bernie-Trump anti-trade agreements populist propaganda during this election, and I think a solid portion of Gaf has been rooting for trade wars since it became politically beneficial to do so.
You came in acting like it was outlandish that mexico would ever come close to retaliating.... Mexico will have to retaliate somehow. Yes it's going to hurt their citizens no matter how the retaliate but it does make sense for them to attempt to hurt trump supporters who in turn want to hurt them.
never has this saying been more apt "you reap what you sew"

Hope those Trump voting Corn farmers enjoy bankruptcy! then they'll truely be like Trump


I just found this article (in Portuguese), and apparently, Argentinian corn has been cheaper than US corn, and for a period last year, Brazilian corn has been cheaper than US corn too. There is transportation costs to be factored, but apparently Brazil and Argentina can offer very competitive prices. They mention on the first paragraph that if you are in the South-east of the US, importing corn from Brazil and Argentina can be cheaper than buying corn produced in the US itself. Mind me, the article is from last year.


I'm sure the original article exists in English somewhere. I'm just too lazy to look for it.
I just found this article (in Portuguese), and apparently, Argentinian corn has been cheaper than US corn, and for a period last year, Brazilian corn has been cheaper than US corn too. There is transportation costs to be factored, but apparently Brazil and Argentina can offer very competitive prices. They mention on the first paragraph that if you are in the South-east of the US, importing corn from Brazil and Argentina can be cheaper than buying corn produced in the US itself. Mind me, the article is from last year.


I'm sure the original article exists in English somewhere. I'm just too lazy to look for it.

Huh ... so the assumption that corn would be prohibitively expensive seems inaccurate.

Would congress have to act in order for corn subsidies to increase? I would imagine Dems would approve such a measure


If Mexico wants to do it to make a point, sure, but it's not like the corn they are going to get is going to be cheaper as a result.

well if i was brazil or argentina,i would put tht shit on sale...mexico is a huge market to suddenly be up for grabs
A poem of this situation

We built the wall
So they will mourn
Now we will fall
And left with our sweet sweet corn

In all seriousness this situation seems like an oversight on the republicans
"we'll build the wall and the mexicans are going to pay for it. What are they going to do STOP trading with us. HAHAHAHAHA (evil music plays)" that's kind of how I assume the republicans are
Loads of fields around where I live in Ohio. Gonna need more subsidies for farmers. I'm sure Republicans will love that.

They don't care, whatever keeps them in power. If subsidies gets them votes then they'll do subsidies.
Most of that money goes to huge corporations anyway
This will be interesting. While the US is now run by a mad man, It's still the supreme power in the world. Mexico....isnt, in any way shape or form. The US can cause far more economic harm to them than they could ever inflict to the US. Dont get me wrong I'm fully rooting for someone to force Trump to act like an adult and stop this con artist shit, but I question how much economic destruction Mexico can handle in a trade war before they fly the white flag.

Or rather how long they can hold out. Trump goes in three years then trade relations can resume and farmers can get their corn sales back. It's not about being at war with america, it's about being at war with this particular republican administration.
Fuck corn and cheese. Burn it all.

Soy too. Fuckers.

I love corn, but is it true that corn has almost no nutritional value?
It's not bad for you or anything, the problem is that since all these farms are subsidized by the government, they shove it into everything. It ain't right. I've bought black beans with soy added for example.


I bet a large portion of these corn farmers were Trump supporters too.
I love corn, but is it true that corn has almost no nutritional value?
It has some value, I heard it was good for your heart and vision, suppose to have some anti-cancer properties too. I think potatoes actually have the lowest nutritional value, the carbs you get out of them are the bad kind too.


What we have to lose that we haven't already lost?

Don't talk about crisis to us. We trive in it. Live in it.
This is the only thing that needs to be said to anyone that thinks Mexico would hurt itself. My brothers and sisters on the other side of the bravo are as tough as they come. Middle class Americans would cave much quicker and it's not even a contest.
Well yea, don't expect Mexico to just sit back and take president shit stains BS. I'm sure Argentina and Brazil would jump on this opportunity and offer them a good deal. This would fuck over US farmers most.


If Mexico wants to do it to make a point, sure, but it's not like the corn they are going to get is going to be cheaper as a result.

That's how tradewars work. Mexico might take a slight bath pricewise but they're fighting against a tariff on their goods. Don't want to buy our shit without a tax? We will just stop buying your shit as retaliation.


This is concerning, in the sense that less trade is not a particularly good thing. It's all obviously on Trump, but his dumb rhetorics and hollow promises could lead to an international series of unnecessary self-inflicted wounds.
At least, this might create opportunities for other countries to grow.

“I warn you: The openness for grain and agricultural products for Brazil will eat the market that you have today in Mexico,” said Ildefonso Guajardo, Mexico’s economy secretary in a meeting this week with Stephen Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Jared Kushner, all Trump’s top aides, according to the Mexican press.
It's surreal that these are the people meeting an economy secretary. At least Navarro is competent, but the other two are entirely unqualified to be there. Ruinous cronyism in action.


This would no doubt affect corn prices but I don't think this is going to be the crippling blow to the midwest some of you are dreaming of.

We only export 13% of all the fucking corn we grow and Mexico only takes 23% of that.


If this happens means cheaper corn for US people. Wise Trump strikes again.

The real concern is that Mexico has to import corn because our production system is like 40 years or more obsolete


good on Mexico. i hope all of South America finally unites strongly against the US. it would be payback for all the shit they've had to endure from American hegemony over the centuries..

they have their own problems too though.


This means more corn in the US. So will corn get cheaper in the US because there's more supply? Or will taxpayers subsidize corn even more than they currently do?

I'm sure Trump the businessman has this figured out already.


Sidhe / PikPok
This plus a US government crackdown on illegal farm workers probably won't work out for US corn farmers too well.
“I warn you: The openness for grain and agricultural products for Brazil will eat the market that you have today in Mexico,” said Ildefonso Guajardo, Mexico’s economy secretary in a meeting this week with Stephen Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Jared Kushner, all Trump’s top aides, according to the Mexican press.

I found that interesting. They just bluntly told the psychos in charge what's about to happen.
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