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MGS5: Can You Help Me Find Joy In this Arguably Marvelous Game


The tapes didn't replace the codex. They replaced cutscenes which are highly lacking. Also, did you forget there were tapes 7-8 minutes later long? Sure you can listen on the go but you can also get i to a firefight and it messes up the flow. The cassettes were literally the worst thing that happened to MGS.
Don't... listen during firefights then? You can literally play them whenever you feel like, you aren't limited nor risk losing a convo if you dont trigger stuff during the correct time. My point was the codec conversations miraculously stopped time which felt weird at times.

Also, dont pretend this game is lacking in cutscenes. It just wasn't the insane amount other games came with, which is honestly just a different approach for story telling.
EDIT: I actually went to check, and MGSV has around 5 hours of cutscenes. This is NOT a small amount of cutscenes by any means, nor is it 'lazy' or 'corner cutting'. Its, in fact, equiparable with the amount in MGS3.
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I like focused story, snake convos in the codecs, crazy unique boss fights etc

Mgs V doesnt have this. Its just better gameplay with more of a sandbox vibe.

Dont say you're an mgs fan and then omit that things like the codec convos for example, are missing. Thats a huge part of the charm abd storytelling You as a gamer should be mentioning this shit, its how we can decipher where they took short cuts.
There was no more story to tell, kojima played 4d chess on us. From the announcement of MGSV he was telling us the whole time it was going to be the imposter in the franchise. We were all fooled. Pure genius from Kojima yet again.
Bro, you have to play more. You haven't even gotten to the open world yet. I think you will enjoy it more, but you definitely have to put more in if you're going to get anything out of it. Might not be your thing but give it more of a chance. NOW!!!
Game has great boss foghts, not the best in the series but still great. The Man on fire is easily among the top MGS fights.

And it replaces codec conversations with tapes which is a waaaay better approach in my opinion, makes the pacing so much better and doesn't create scenarios where you have minutes long conversation in the middle of firefights, nor risks you losing any plot points cause you didn't trigger the conversation at the right time
Nah, real time convos were still a cooler more unique method of storytelling than "tapes". Also gave you a chance to connect with the characters and make them feel like they are "there". Which transcends it just feeling like some video game sometimes.

And even then, the game was immersive enough in snake eater for example to KNOW that you were in the middle of a boss fight. So they'd talk about that, however in the forest during quieter moments, or if uou are undetected, you could have a convo about films with one character, or lore with another. THATS what great games do.

None of this streamlined, we dont care about story anymore, frat boy casual, ADD shit that most "gamers" want today.

If you cant acknowledge that snake barely even talking, is a huge slap in the face of what MGS is. Then you arent really a fab, you just buy whatever based on name alone

Dont forgrt what great games did. Keep that bar and standard, dont lower it for the times. You'll make gaming worse for the rest of us.
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If you cant acknowledge that snake barely even talking, is a huge slap in the face of what MGS is. Then you arent really a fab, you just buy whatever based on name alone
Isn’t that weird? Almost like he’s a completely different person or something.

I definitely preferred the more linear format too, but I still enjoyed MGSV. It’s the only MGS I haven’t replayed though. That’s the problem with these big open world games imo.
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Nah, real time convos were still a cooler more unique method of storytelling than "tapes". Also gave you a chance to connect with the characters and make them feel like they are "there". Which transcends it just feeling like some video game sometimes.

And even then, the game was immersive enough in snake eater for example to KNOW that you were in the middle of a boss fight. So they'd talk about that, however in the forest during quieter moments, or if uou are undetected, you could have a convo about films with one character, or lore with another. THATS what great games do.

None of this streamlined, we dont care about story anymore, frat boy casual, ADD shit that most "gamers" want today.
All of that just sounds like opinions to me.

If you cant acknowledge that snake barely even talking, is a huge slap in the face of what MGS is. Then you arent really a fab, you just buy whatever based on name alone

Dont forgrt what great games did. Keep that bar and standard, dont lower it for the times. You'll make gaming worse for the rest of us.
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Not to burst your bubble but the story is easily the weakest among all major MGS games. The story is also locked behind a large grind fest spanning almost 10 hours or so. After 50-70 hours,I honestly felt that it was a giant waste of time.

The 95 score was sympathy points for kojima getting fired from konami. The game is actually not that good. Easily the worst MGS major release story wise.
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One of my biggest annoyances with the open world was that it wasn't open world because you had to constantly go back to base.

Like if the whole game took place in the open world then that would've been far better pacing wise.

And for the most part, missions didn't seemlessly connect either. Half the story missions felt like filler side missions. it's like they made a bunch of levels individually and then tried stiching them together into a story campaign.


When people keep saying "intro mission" I can't tell if they're talking about the Hospital or the actual 1st mission after that...🤔


You are a grown adult right?

Can't you make your own decisions?

The game is great, if you want to play more then do. If you don't then don't.


The intro’s the best part, complete that and you’re done because the gameplay takes a turn for the worst afterwards.
MGSV is incredibly fun to play after you get beyond the intro. You can mostly avoid the story if you’re not into it.

The gameplay is fantastic— you’re given a pretty neat toolbox. Nothing beats landing with a tank to AFRICA BY TOTO and sniping people with Quiet.

I have yet to find a game like it that doesn’t feel like a Dollar General rip off.
All of that just sounds like opinions to me.

Well when it was in every single MGS game. Its part of the identity of the franchise. Thats not an opinion lol

Just admit you didnt really value those things and therefore didnt like mgs THAT much in terms of character building. You value "open ended" gameplay more at the cost of soul. Like most gamers that wanna feel high brow these days.


Well when it was in every single MGS game. Its part of the identity of the franchise. Thats not an opinion lol

Just admit you didnt really value those things and therefore didnt like mgs THAT much in terms of character building. You value "open ended" gameplay more at the cost of soul. Like most gamers that wanna feel high brow these days.
I can like both lol.

Besides, i'd rather see devs trying different approachs than just making the same game over and over. Every new entry they'd try and do something with the game to make it feel fresh and new, even the story was made in a way you didn't need to have seem the previous games (except MGS4, which is the actual worst MGS game)


It's a okay game that I tried to like. I finished it but its very over hyped. Gameplay can be fun, not the biggest fan of suppressors breaking.
I love MGSV!

The people that hate MGSV, I am not sure what they were expecting. But I am delighted did not get what they wanted. Because it means I got what I wanted. Which was basically an big budget version of Peace Walker!

Loved the open world. Loved infiltrating enemy bases. Loved the base building meta game. Loved that horse! Loved Quiet!


Reseterror Resettler
MGSV was a fucking Frankenstein of Demo prologues, disparate online elements, a bigger budget Peace Walker while also being Peace Walker 2, really stretching believability to make tenous connections to past entries in the name of continuity, while not actually functioning as it's Tag line "the missing link," in Metal Gear. A game where 60% of the story is conveyed through tape recorders.The Tarantinoism of the entire Stefanie Joosten arc, Joakim fucking Mogren, entire cut chapters of storyline and even entire gameplay mechanics introduced in a scene and completely aborted. It's the star football player in high school showing up to school with torn clothes and a dirty face because his parents are going through a nasty divorce.

Absolutely none of the pieces flow together to make a mural, it's more like a poster board. Horrendously botched game, tonally completely at odds with the rest of the franchise, and GOD DAMN, is it the most fun out of any of them.


I tried to pass the intro mission, for the second time, and I am stuck in it, since it is so boring and long.
The game asked me to create an avatar, but all I can see is the face of the Punished "Venom" Snake since ever.

It has 95 score on metacritic (XBOX) it needs to be great game, can you help me find what is precious in it?
I'm same. I tried twice. Can't get too far. Just too much shit and end credits. Wtf.


If you are really objective when looking at MGSV, you have to admit the game was an unfinished MESS.

Don't get me wrong, I still managed to enjoy it a lot, but the whole time with this nagging feeling of "something doesn't feel right; its missing many of the qualities that made MGS so good".

That's because it was literally unfinished. Sure, the core mechanics feel great but where's the game? Its missing story, dialog, cutscenes, and the missions themselves are relatively thin. Even the bases in Phantom Pain turned out to be much smaller than the template Kojima created in Ground Zeroes. Imagine if every mission had a base like that and was fleshed out with some quality story like Ground Zeroes!

I believe Kojima was going for that but clearly had to scrap a lot of the game. We know all about how Konami pulled the plug on him.
I didn't play this game but reading the above my thoughts were "wow this sounds like the MGS version of BOTW, a not quite finished overworld adaptation of a classic franchise that needed ironing out with a sequel"
The game is a sandbox much like Zelda now. It is what you make of it. The combat encounters are all unique.

Cemented. Before anyone grabs their pitchfork, I'm willing to bet BOTW did more with what it had than this game, but I do see a pattern. First-gen open world games just take too much work, especially when struggling to transfer over elements of greatness from very focused games at the same time. They really need time and iteration even for the most talented to deliver the tight level of craftsmanship we expect from the old stuff.


As a big MGS fan its a pile of crap and massively overrated.

  • Land in the helicopter over and over while intro credits tell you whos in the mission which completely spoils the game.(PC modders removed them)
  • Go to the same locations over and over. where the just added a few more NPC's. This was fine before but in option world it feels bad.
  • Removed the main voice actor for a guy who says F all
  • Added base building.....WHY?
  • Collect NPC's to protect your base again useless.
  • Has some of the worst boss fights in MGS history
  • Terrible missions like listen in on this guy or extract this person.

This is just some of the things that's wrong with the game. It should have never been open world. Out of all the games from MGS 1-5 this one is the worst of them all. Yes his movement is great compared to older games but the overall gameplay and story is a snoozefest

People are flaming you, but you're right on some of it. A few counter points:

The base defense is its own little game, and it sounds like you largely ignored it. I thought this was super fun in a way similar to Bloodbornes chalice dungeons (grinding same-y enviornments for more post-game gameplay).

There is a lot of returning to the same areas, but only a few times in main game. These areas are mostly reused for side ops, which is a good use of them IMO.

There's enough mission variety for the kind of game it is. (agreed that there could be more, but I never got bored). Everything also feels like it has a solid purpose (if you're extracting someone, it's for stuff like having a good interpreter to understand enemies or picking up a huge main story NPC like Miller or Huey). IMO simplifying missions to this point kind of misses the journey aspect. Stealthing past encampments, taking out communications/air support (permanently in that area for your playthrough), using a support sniper to take out targets along your path, or planning your infiltration/escape on your way to extract a weapon, for example.

Everything else you said is spot on though. Sunderland was severely underused as Snake, and it would have been better to bring back Hayter. The boss fights were also pathetic. These were two of my biggest complaints (third being the severely downgraded stealth mechanics from MGS4; fourth being the use of cassette tapes to explain major story beats).

Still a 10/10 game though, and OP should continue.
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Don't... listen during firefights then? You can literally play them whenever you feel like, you aren't limited nor risk losing a convo if you dont trigger stuff during the correct time. My point was the codec conversations miraculously stopped time which felt weird at times.

Also, dont pretend this game is lacking in cutscenes. It just wasn't the insane amount other games came with, which is honestly just a different approach for story telling.
EDIT: I actually went to check, and MGSV has around 5 hours of cutscenes. This is NOT a small amount of cutscenes by any means, nor is it 'lazy' or 'corner cutting'. Its, in fact, equiparable with the amount in MGS3.

But the pacing is totaly off because of it. Even if hours wise the cutscenes are the same length as lets say MGS3, it doesnt change the fact that you had to do 10 random missions, killing random Russians but more importantly trying to get a good score executing these missions. And than all of a sudden 3 hours later you see a cutscene that advances the story. I enjoyed the game at the time, it has addictive gameplay and I wanted to know what is next story wise but for example its a terrible game to get back to years later. That intro mission is the only thing I can replay because its a proper narrative MGS part...once I got into the open world again I was like nah, i dont have patience to do mindless or repeat missions again and build my mother base from scratch.

Ground Zeroes for example does it well....its not really open world but its massive. That is enjoyable to replay from time to time. Its basically old school MGS formula but on a much much larger scale. I dont think open world did MGS any favor to be honest.

K' Dash

I played it for 70 hours and never found the amazing game everyone was playing.

I’m convinced this was the last slap from Kojima to Konami, to ship an unfinished empty open world with barebones story.


are in a big trouble
People are flaming you, but you're right on some of it. A few counter points:

The base defense is its own little game, and it sounds like you largely ignored it. I thought this was super fun in a way similar to Bloodbornes chalice dungeons (grinding same-y enviornments for more post-game gameplay).

There is a lot of returning to the same areas, but only a few times in main game. These areas are mostly reused for side ops, which is a good use of them IMO.

There's enough mission variety for the kind of game it is. (agreed that there could be more, but I never got bored). Everything also feels like it has a solid purpose (if you're extracting someone, it's for stuff like having a good interpreter to understand enemies or picking up a huge main story NPC like Miller or Huey). IMO simplifying missions to this point kind of misses the journey aspect. Stealthing past encampments, taking out communications/air support (permanently in that area for your playthrough), using a support sniper to take out targets along your path, or planning your infiltration/escape on your way to extract a weapon, for example.

Everything else you said is spot on though. Sunderland was severely underused as Snake, and it would have been better to bring back Hayter. The boss fights were also pathetic. These were two of my biggest complaints (third being the severely downgraded stealth mechanics from MGS4; fourth being the use of cassette tapes to explain major story beats).

Still a 10/10 game though, and OP should continue.
Yes I agree with you he should continue and play the game. He may end up liking it


Linux User
The tapes didn't replace the codex. They replaced cutscenes which are highly lacking. Also, did you forget there were tapes 7-8 minutes later long? Sure you can listen on the go but you can also get i to a firefight and it messes up the flow. The cassettes were literally the worst thing that happened to MGS.
Death Stranding is the game Kojima wanted to make.


As many said : the intro "mission" is very different from what the game is. Just continue and you will enter the real game, which gameplay wise is amazing, story wise... it's quite different from previous MGS (I am a big MGS fan) but still I appreciated it.

The avatar is mainly for online play I think. The creation also confused me at first. There is some use of it in the main game.

Also I highly recommend Ground Zeroes first. An amazing introduction to the game. Short and straight to the stealth amazing gameplay. (And it holds quite some important story point)
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I love the mgs games but mgs5 is the weakest. Sure best graphics and technically the best gameplay but there is so much mgs-ness removed it's no longer mgs.


If you are really objective when looking at MGSV, you have to admit the game was an unfinished MESS.

Don't get me wrong, I still managed to enjoy it a lot, but the whole time with this nagging feeling of "something doesn't feel right; its missing many of the qualities that made MGS so good".

That's because it was literally unfinished. Sure, the core mechanics feel great but where's the game? Its missing story, dialog, cutscenes, and the missions themselves are relatively thin. Even the bases in Phantom Pain turned out to be much smaller than the template Kojima created in Ground Zeroes. Imagine if every mission had a base like that and was fleshed out with some quality story like Ground Zeroes!

I believe Kojima was going for that but clearly had to scrap a lot of the game. We know all about how Konami pulled the plug on him.
I not convinced he didnt sabatage it himself. He always wanted a way out of MGS.


I played it for 70 hours and never found the amazing game everyone was playing.

I’m convinced this was the last slap from Kojima to Konami, to ship an unfinished empty open world with barebones story.
The slap was vice versa. Konami were pissed at Kojima for pouring too many resources into this and other KojiPro projects. The art book reveals crucial story elements that were cut. We didn't even get to see Chico again, making GZ incident just senselessly dark.
The slap was vice versa. Konami were pissed at Kojima for pouring too many resources into this and other KojiPro projects. The art book reveals crucial story elements that were cut. We didn't even get to see Chico again, making GZ incident just senselessly dark.
On the subject of cut content, it's my belief that even with the added content the game wouldnt have been much better especially compared to previous mgs games.

By design the game steered too far away from its predecessors. On one hand we could commend Kojima for doing something different rather than just rehashing the same old thing again. But he was sadly off the mark with what he chose.

That said without mgs5 we wouldn't have got the death stranding we did. As, only my opinion, death stranding is a spiritual sequel to mgs5 in terms of design and technical challenges. Like that what the team learned carried over alot to death stranding.


Almost forgot, I changed my helicopter music to the Airwolf theme, for maximum 80s nostalgia.

That lightened up landing in Africa.

Damn ! huge nostalgia with your post.

Forgot about this show. Use to watch it when I was a kid. It was called "Supercopter" in France.
It's a so cool idea to make an helicopter the star of a show. A bit like Knight Rider. Miss this kind of show.
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