They are beautiful. So many people putting too much emotion into companies that give no shit about them as an individual.
Mate it's
wild right now. In my experience some folks love to think of MS as an oil baron twirling their mustache while they put the entire concept of gaming on the railroad tracks. I had someone argue with me when I said the whole FTC leak was unfortunate. You know, because corporations have these kinds of discussions and ideas floated all the time, and often they're left to die on the vine, or otherwise not ever actioned. Any business I've ever worked with or for has had these kinds of discussions about competitors, or discussing potential ROI on certain concepts that
aren't in the benefit of the consumer. But because MS got these private communications leaked, they're the big bad, and the 'Good Boys' of gaming would
never do that in their private inter-company communications / meetings. I feel like I need to remind them that businesses exist to make money. Thought experiments and offhand comments and emails like the ones leaked happen
all the time. But because I pointed that out, I'm an MS fanboy who's ready to slob their knob harder than a coked out hooker on new years. Then I remind myself that this is a gaming forum, and I shouldn't expect every random member to understand how a corporation works.