Is this some sort of Blizzaro world or something? Modern Warfare 2 was the best selling game of 2022 in the US and the fastest selling CoD, ever. Its clearly not a floundering franchise.Not really!
Many have suffered from COD fatigue just they have with Assassins creed games. The biggest market for COD is PlayStation and seeing how everyone outside of MS is paying full price for games, this is gonna hurt MS more than anything!
You have several studios rotations on these games and that costs! So we’re really gonna sit here and act like MS war chest is gonna keep this series alive which is the top game of this acquisition?
What if a handful of PS console owners get an Xbox for this, they’re still getting it for Pennie’s on the dollar as it’s gonna be on game pass day one right?
So as an investor, where am I seeing revenue generated in the likes this game normally does before the buyout? You clearly don’t have the market share and even being on Nintendo, how will crossplay work for this type of game compared to console and PC?
Man I just want this shit over! It’s irritating hearing about this and being a gamer and business minded about it is too much. I digress and we have no choice but to wait and see this through
Microsoft have shown they don't care for short term pain and are clearly investing in the long term. They want GamePass to be their money spinner for Xbox going forward.