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Microsoft attempts to dismiss Sony PSP, Moore makes a fool of himself again


Microsoft execs comment on PlayStation Portable

Rob Fahey 15:23 08/11/2004

Xbox supremos unconvinced by Sony's handheld ambitions

Senior executives from Microsoft's Xbox division have commented on Sony's plans for the PlayStation Portable, with Peter Moore dismissing the console's launch as being similar to a company trying to challenge the Windows operating system.

Nintendo's dominance of the handheld market makes Sony's launch "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows'," Moore told questioners at a Halo 2 Backstage Pass event in Seattle late last week, according to a report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Chief Xbox officer Robbie Bach was less dismissive of the system, but he argued that the launch was largely irrelevant to the Xbox business. "I think, in general, it's different than our [console] business," he told the audience.

"We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a handheld," he continued, although he did acknowledge that Nintendo had attempted to do so with the GameCube and GBA link-up.

However, Bach did suggest that the launch of PSP might actually have an upside for Microsoft, by dividing Sony's attention and making them lose focus on the main home console race. "If Sony is distracted by way of a war with Nintendo, that's fine with us," he concluded.

While Nintendo has largely failed to leverage its huge Game Boy Advance installed base in the home console race, despite continuing to promote the link-up features of many key titles, Sony is thought to be hopeful that the PSP will help to drive consumers to the PlayStation brand in future.

The PlayStation 3 is expected to feature wireless LAN functionality which will allow it to communicate with nearby PSP units, and may potentially be used to transfer media such as music, movies and pictures as well as for game functions - although whether consumers will respond positive to such functionality remains to be seen.

Moore's comments, meanwhile, are liable to raise eyebrows in many quarters - not least since it comes from a company which itself challenged a hugely dominant market leader when it launched the Xbox against Sony's PlayStation 2


I'm confused as to how he makes a fool out of himself this time. I think he makes a valid point and comparison considering Nintendos dominance in the handheld marketplace.



Deku Tree

sonycowboy said:
Senior executives from Microsoft's Xbox division have commented on Sony's plans for the PlayStation Portable, with Peter Moore dismissing the console's launch as being similar to a company trying to challenge the Windows operating system.

Nintendo's dominance of the handheld market makes Sony's launch "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows'," Moore told questioners at a Halo 2 Backstage Pass event in Seattle late last week, according to a report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

So what's the difference between what Sony is trying to do with the PSP and what MS is trying to do with the xbox?


PhatSaqs said:
I'm confused as to how he makes a fool out of himself this time. I think he makes a valid point and comparison considering Nintendos dominance in the handheld marketplace.

Uh no, completely different. People need MS Windows because they are locked into using programs (that they need for work / fun / whatever) that only run on Windows. Taking on GBA is not near as hard as dethroning an OS. The problem in the past has been companes try to half ass it to take on the GB (Turbo Express? Lynx? Game Gear (sega lol)?)... with the PSP Sony is taking on Nintendo with a full-scale assault.

PS2ish graphics, top tier games scheduled, riding off the success of Sony's own PS2... come on you'd be a fool to underestimate the PSP at this point.

It will put a dent in Nintendo's handheld market, far more than any other handheld in the past. Whether it eventually dethrones Nintendo in the handheld market remains to be seen.
$200 price point will be a BIG factor. Sorry, you're a fool if you think your casual gamer is going to drop that much on a handheld, especially considering the handheld market is for a younger demographic. Parents are the cheif buyers of the handheld games for their kids.

Their home consle is $50 cheaper than the handheld, thats gotta be a factor as well.

nintendo has got market dominance n this field and is actually marketing the DS now. We'll see what the numbers say. In the end, people will go with the name they know w/ backwards compatiblity with all other GB titles and a $50 less price point. Gimmicy second screen or not.
"$200 price point will be a BIG factor. Sorry, you're a fool if you think your casual gamer is going to drop that much on a handheld, especially considering the handheld market is for a younger demographic."

How many times does Sony have to say that's not the market (the younger market) they're going for before people realise that?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
jecclr2003 said:
$200 price point will be a BIG factor. Sorry, you're a fool if you think your casual gamer is going to drop that much on a handheld, especially considering the handheld market is for a younger demographic.

Sony has said quite a few times that the younger demographic is not the demographic they are going after with the PSP.


DarienA said:
Sony has said quite a few times that the younger demographic is not the demographic they are going after with the PSP.

The greatest part about that plan is...

A. Go after older market with PSP.
B. Little brother of older market person sees awesome PSP graphics and "cool" games.
C. Little brother looks as GBA/DS, cries, wants PSP. Gets one for Christmas.
D. Little brother shows off to friends at school and the disease spreads.

Sony wins.
Razoric said:
The greatest part about that plan is...

A. Go after older market with PSP.
B. Little brother of older market person sees awesome PSP graphics and "cool" games.
C. Little brother looks as GBA/DS, cries, wants PSP. Gets one for Christmas.
D. Little brother shows off to friends at school and the disease spreads.

Sony wins.

That seems to be exactyl what they're trying. Don't try to go after the young market, let the young market come to them. That's what they did with the PSone. They didn't go for the young market, they went for the adult market and got them and then kids start jumping on because it was the cool system to own.
DarienA said:
Sony has said quite a few times that the younger demographic is not the demographic they are going after with the PSP.

The part that buggers that up is that they will have to create this market out of almost nothing. Good luck with that.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Jesus this thread is serious deja vu

krypt0nian said:
The part that buggers that up is that they will have to create this market out of almost nothing. Good luck with that.

Most people accept that Sony did the same thing with the Playstations... they went after an older market of gamers(those who'd grown up and we're now looking for something different) and appealed to them in a hey it's still ok to play videogames kinda way.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Nerevar said:
haha, the exact conversation was posted in a thread earlier, and it shows that quote was taken completely out of context.

Rob Fahey = owned.

Link to the original quote on GA
Was going to make a similar comment. GI.biz seems to have a weakness for creative interpretation of factual sources. They did it last week with Kutaragi's latest comments about the PSP.
Well the younger demo with parents is where the money is at. You'd figure they'd try to go where the money is.

I really didn't know what they were targeting this thing for, but to me it doesn't seem to be much of a threat to the strangle hold Nintendo has on the market.

Seems like a great little toy, but aren't they going to be losing a ton of money of evey unit sold just to get it out there? While i wish them the best, as competition is a good thing, i just don't think this will play out the way they want it to.
"If Sony is distracted by way of a war with Nintendo, that's fine with us," he concluded.

That part is what I've been thinking too. Hopefully Sony's expansion into portable gaming means a more level playing field. Nintendo balls to the wall, forced to compete in the handheld sector if they want to keep their dominance, with Sony doing likewise maybe making more room for Big N in the home next gen - and MS going from strength to strength in that area too. I think they deserve it.


Has problems recognising girls
If the whole notion of older demographic onto younger demographic bill fits for PSP, then I'm glad that my little brother will grow up without prejudice towards any certain company since he can have his hands on all current gen consoles.

At least I'll be able to die knowing that I was able to create a gamer who wasn't biased based on personal excuses or fanboyish ideals. He asks me when I am going to go visit my mother's place again, then adds "can you bring one of your consoles up?", I reply "which one?" and his choice was "any of them, doesn't matter which one". Fucking amazing.

Btw he's 10 years old :p At that age I was defending the shit out of Nintendo at any cost.
DarienA said:
Jesus this thread is serious deja vu

It's the circle of GAF.

Most people accept that Sony did the same thing with the Playstations... they went after an older market of gamers(those who'd grown up and we're now looking for something different) and appealed to them in a hey it's still ok to play videogames kinda way.

True, but so did Gameboy. Gameboy was advertised in business magazines and everything in the early 90s, and Tetris was an all appealing game that sold as it deserved to with the pack in. Possibly Nintendo's best coup ever. That particular gambit was followed later on by the ginormous success of Pokemon which has perhaps engrained it in peoples' minds here that the Gameboy brand is for kids... but I don't think thats the case at all. It seems to me it's as widely popular as the PlayStation brand is. Which is why the competition about to ensue is so exciting. Especially if DS really isn't the next Gameboy.
Reading EGM's launch lineup for the PSP compared to the DS then he's right. The difference is that after a year the PSP will have the better games and technology.
jecclr2003 said:
Well the younger demo with parents is where the money is at. You'd figure they'd try to go where the money is.

You're only thinking from the perspective of how the market currently exists. That's the difference between how Sony is looking at the market and how you're. They're looking at it from the perspective of how it could exist if they make the right moves, you're thinking it can never be done.


jecclr2003 said:
Well the younger demo with parents is where the money is at. You'd figure they'd try to go where the money is.

Actually late teen/20s with a lot of disposable income is where the money is at I'd imagine.


Well the younger demo with parents is where the money is at. You'd figure they'd try to go where the money is.
Well, seeings how about 65% of all video games purchased are sold to people betweeen 15 and 35, I doubt your typical market demographic dominance applies.

Considering the success of the Playstation brand at bringing gaming to the over 15, non-stereotypical gamer market, I'd dare say the PSP will be an easier sell for Sony than the original Playstation was, where they were trying to build on Sega's Genesis fanbase directly opposing Sega's own system, and not only that, expand it significantly (Genesis was 10-18 y.o. fanbase primarily if I recall). Very interesting how Sony uses its target demographic effectively as evangelists to enlist new non-typicals and other non-targetted demographics.

As for the whole Moore looking like an idiot, well, yeah, Windows > challenging OS isn't exactly like Nintendo > PSP. For starters, Nintendo can't make use of the monopoly in the same ways MS did. The market isn't designed for that type of manipulation, and Sony has a major advantage by being the dominant console manufacturer. A more accurate comparision would be if IBM, Dell, Apple, Sony, and HP/Compaq decided to team up, make an OS, and challenge windows with that. There's already a lot of strength in the same market that they can leverage against the current leader's strength.


"We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a handheld," he continued, although he did acknowledge that Nintendo had attempted to do so with the GameCube and GBA link-up.

Its a bullshit quote, and an irrelevant comparison.

Sony are simply entering the handheld market as there is a lot of money there, and it is games, where you could argue they have some expertise. Why assume Sony are making it for 'connection' reasons? Why wouldn't it just be another way to try and make money?

Its more like someone saying "We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a PC" in respect of Xbox.
AlphaSnake said:
But his daughter is so fucking hot.

IAWTP. Wait, did you guys see her that night we met up at the hotel? What was it, the Marriott? I forget...anyway, yes, she's smoking hot.


they call me "Man Gravy".
mrklaw said:
Its a bullshit quote, and an irrelevant comparison.

Sony are simply entering the handheld market as there is a lot of money there, and it is games, where you could argue they have some expertise. Why assume Sony are making it for 'connection' reasons? Why wouldn't it just be another way to try and make money?

Its more like someone saying "We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a PC" in respect of Xbox.

If you read the earlier posts, you would see that all these quotes are taken out of context. He's merely saying that the PSP won't affect Microsoft at all because there is very little correlation (so far) between consoles and handhelds (despite Nintendo doing the connectivity thing). Once again, GI is making a mockery of journalism.


I think those are the first intelligent words I've ever heard come out of Peter Moore's mouth ;)
Nerevar said:
If you read the earlier posts, you would see that all these quotes are taken out of context. He's merely saying that the PSP won't affect Microsoft at all because there is very little correlation (so far) between consoles and handhelds (despite Nintendo doing the connectivity thing). Once again, GI is making a mockery of journalism.

That's not what he's saying. That's what Bach said, it's not what Peter Moore was talking about at all. How could you possibly come to that conclusion?

What he said is that Sony trying to break into the handheld market is equivalent to some company off the street trying to make a new OS from the ground up and have it beat Microsoft. Granted, from a market share perspective, that's not completely off base, but the parallels are complete idiocy. Nintendo's domination of the handheld market is so incredibly different from just about every possible angle from Windows it simply holds no water. His comments are completely disingenious, malicious, and simply ignorant. He might consider them to be something of a joke, or simply PR jabs, but they show a rather shallow view of the industry. A view that could easily have been used to try and describe Microsoft's entry into the videogame industry.

What other OS built from the ground up, on day one of it's release will have just as many titles being developed and released as you'll find on Windows compared to the PSP vs the Nintendo DS?

What other OS built from the ground up, on day one will be from someone who is already dominating another component of the exact same industry and will be able to leverage that success?


they call me "Man Gravy".
sonycowboy said:
That's not what he's saying. That's what Bach said, it's not what Peter Moore was talking about at all. How could you possibly come to that conclusion?

"We've yet to see anybody make a meaningful connection between having a console and having a handheld," he continued, although he did acknowledge that Nintendo had attempted to do so with the GameCube and GBA link-up.

Christ, do people even read anymore? That was the quote I was responding to Sonycowboy.


good credit (by proxy)
sonycowboy said:
That's not what he's saying. That's what Bach said, it's not what Peter Moore was talking about at all. How could you possibly come to that conclusion?

What he said is that Sony trying to break into the handheld market is equivalent to some company off the street trying to make a new OS from the ground up and have it beat Microsoft. Granted, from a market share perspective, that's not completely off base, but the parallels are complete idiocy. Nintendo's domination of the handheld market is so incredibly different from just about every possible angle from Windows it simply holds no water.

What other OS built from the ground up, on day one of it's release will have just as many titles being developed and released as you'll find on Windows compared to the PSP vs the Nintendo DS?

What other OS built from the ground up, on day one will be from someone who is already dominating another component of the exact same industry and will be able to leverage that success?

Response to paragraph 2: He never said "some company off the street" or anything with that kind of connotation.

3: PSP has just as many titles developed and released as DS AND GBA?? If it were just DS vs. PSP than of course his statement wouldn't hold any ground at all. The PSP is going against the DS AND the juggernaut GBA. If there were no GBA he never would have made those comments. You're acting like the GBA is dead. Sales paint a completely opposite picture.

4: Again, for god knows what reason, you are discounting the GBA. The PSP is not simply going against the DS and his comments were not discounting GBA. If anything they had A LOT more to do with GBA than the DS.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
And by that logic Xbox was competing against PS2 and the entire PSOne lineup that could be played on the PS2 (and the PSOne was still selling better than Dreamcast). It's a retarded comment either way.


Oh waaa. He has a different opinion, let's cry about it waaa some more.

You know what, we all have different opinons. Some people think that Sony is gonna "lose" 'cos of Nintendo's dominance in the portable market JUST like how people can't take Nintendo seriously in the console market 'cos of Sony's dominance. Other people believe that Nintendo is gonna "lose" just as they did in the console arena 'cos of Sony's PlayStation empire savy. But realistically...I see both systems doing well, but that says nothing 'cos PSP's real battle is going to be against the next GameBoy...as Nintendo said at E3: "Nintendo DS raises the bar on portable gaming before PSP even get's there" which to me seems to convey that NDS's business purpose is to help defend against the PSP while Nintendo cooks up a cheaper, more powerful and more capable opponet to PSP.

NDS isn't meant to "take PSP out"...it's meant to be a protective measure. I mean if Nintendo had brought a PSP equal they would be losing just as much money as Sony (probably even more), bringing nothing really new to the table *and* they'd be butchering thier current GBA line as this would be the "next GameBoy" in already to replace it. If they had waited it out against PSP than the GBA would've looked seriously outta date next to PSP and Nintendo would have no way to defend itself and they'd be sorta rushed to come out with the next GameBoy, only it would be too late 'cos PSP stood on the market uncontested. Nintendo creating the NDS as a third tier seperate from the GameBoy line, with features unique to it and a pricepoint that forced Sony to basically take a big hit on each PSP sold up front and launching it before the PSP so that Sony doesn't have an uncontested headstart on them is simply brilliant IMO. All the while Nintendo creates a new market all thier own, helps boost thier image a lil' with an older skew, has a platform that has new ways to interact with games *and* it's a system that's profitable from the start...I mean, that's just brilliant. But again, that's just my opinon so don't cry about it.


SolidSnakex said:
That seems to be exactyl what they're trying. Don't try to go after the young market, let the young market come to them. That's what they did with the PSone. They didn't go for the young market, they went for the adult market and got them and then kids start jumping on because it was the cool system to own.

I agree... but I do forsee an issue with kids breaking hte PSP and it REALLY REALLY pissing the parents off. The PSP is a great piece of kit, but it looks pretty fragile as well. If I bought a PSP for my little Johnny and he broke it... I'd be pretty pissed off parent. Irresponsible kids. Sony better hope it's sturdier than it looks... I do worry about the UMD drive and DRE errors after dropping it.

Agent X

jecclr2003 said:
$200 price point will be a BIG factor. Sorry, you're a fool if you think your casual gamer is going to drop that much on a handheld, especially considering the handheld market is for a younger demographic. Parents are the cheif buyers of the handheld games for their kids.

Casual gamers aren't going to be dropping that much on a handheld. It'll mostly be hardcore gamers and technogeeks for the first year or so. The price will come down eventually, and that's when everyone else will jump on board.

jecclr2003 said:
Their home consle is $50 cheaper than the handheld, thats gotta be a factor as well.

Were you referring to Sony, or Nintendo? I ask because this comment applies to both companies.

jecclr2003 said:
nintendo has got market dominance n this field and is actually marketing the DS now. We'll see what the numbers say. In the end, people will go with the name they know w/ backwards compatiblity with all other GB titles and a $50 less price point. Gimmicy second screen or not.

The DS isn't backward compatible with all Game Boy titles--just Game Boy Advance. Games for original GB and GBC allegedly do not work on the DS.

It also lacks the link cable port, so it can't be used to play multiplayer GBA games. This is actually a pretty major factor for people like myself, who like to play multiplayer games occasionally--I can't trade in my GBA or GBASP towards a DS because of that (and killing GB/GBC compatibility doesn't help, either).


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
He has a different opinion

Yeah he has a different opinion on a lot of things.

"We're going to give EA sports a run for their money." (three years before the ESPN liscence or $19.99 price)
"We will continue to support Dreamcast." (before Shenmue II, Rez, Headhunter, T&JE3 were shitcanned in the US)

He's a moron.


Mooreberg said:
Yeah he has a different opinion on a lot of things.

"We're going to give EA sports a run for their money." (three years before the ESPN liscence or $19.99 price)
"We will continue to support Dreamcast." (before Shenmue II, Rez, Headhunter, T&JE3 were shitcanned in the US)

He's a moron.

He was COO of Sega. So, you'd prefer him say, "Well, this year we're looking forward to getting owned by EA Sports again. Oh, and sell your Dreamcast before it's too late! That sucker is headed for the bargain bins!"


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
you'd prefer him say

I'd prefer that he not completely pull statements out of his ass. Where is the heavily improved Xbox version of Shenmue II? The game that came out 2002 certainly didn't have many improvements over the version that came out in 2001. He's full of shit, and statements like his recent gems of wisdom prove it.


I'd prefer if he'd have just delivered on what he said by assuring a quality product.

As for this just being a difference of opinion, well, the flat earth society disagrees with the earth being round, thats their opinion, but it doesn't make it any less retarded on their part.


PhatSaqs said:
I'm confused as to how he makes a fool out of himself this time. I think he makes a valid point and comparison considering Nintendos dominance in the handheld marketplace.

It's a sonycowboy post.
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