Been an avid user of Windows Phone since Windows Phone 7.0 and I dunno, I've had it with Windows recently.
-Update disabled my screen rotation in Lumia 1520 one month ago. Hasn't been fixed.
-Whatsapp was updated. When I'm in the app, the volume of the notification is not the notification system sound level, but the "media and apps" sound level. For exanple: Notification sound = 0/10, Media sound = 20/30. I open the app at work, message comes in and it's loud as fuck.
- Latest update for Surface RT bugs my unlock. Aka, I press the unlock button and the screen doesn't work. Hard reset, screen works. Revert back to OG Windows RT, unlock works every time. Update it, it never works.
This bug has been present FOR A YEAR.
Sooo yeah. Considering going Android with Oneplus.