I can't wait to see how Microsoft spins a required connection as being crucial for all gaming experiences and how it's in gamers' best interests.
MS Rep: It allows us to gather data to make the end users experience better than our competitors. We can send patches to the games installed on their systems making our patching system truly seamless and non-obtrusive. Did you know that second-hand games are known to carry various communicable disease? I mean honestly, do you know where that used copy of a game you bought has been? Coupled with Kinect 2.0 we deliver the experiences and excitement that all gamers can enjoy.
*walks off stage of a round of roaring applause*
MS Rep: How was that?"
Third-party CEO: "Good, you should have played up the disease spreading second-hand games. Maybe say it gave someone TB."
MS Rep: "Nah, gamers are spineless anyways. I could have said it gives you 3 kinds of incurable cancer and they'd be lined up day one."
Third-party CEO: Yeah... you're right."
MS Rep and Third-party CEO: "Gamers having backbones... <maniacal laughter>