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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Do not buy a car. We could have a gasoline shortage.

Except in that case you can mod the car to run alternate forms of fuel (like a Gokart alcohol engine, even though that isn't practical), you can't do this with the 720(?).


tagged by Blackace
"Always On" and "Always Online" are two different things. The latter implies DRM.

This is not a good look though.


Good luck selling that thing in Latin America
Good point. It's very common over here to have internet blackouts for as much as two days. It would definitely be very lame to see a situation where you lose your connection for a couple of days as well as your cable TV, and on top of that you cannont play videogames because your console doesn't work without internet.



If its happening... I can't get a new Xbox. Internet is way too shitty in Canada. Diablo 3 was a miserable experience, and if they're going to force that always online shit onto us with this console, I won't be there.

Completely agree. I live in a household with 4 people, and we all use the internet (we each have laptops, phones and gaming systems). Sometimes, the internet just randomly goes down for a bit.

After seeing what happened with SimCity and Diablo III, there's just no way I can support this if it is in fact true, and I will most definitely NOT be buying the next Xbox.

This gen, most multiplatform games ran better on the 360, but with the PS4 supposedly being a lot easier to develop for, I can't see this happening with this upcoming gen. Microsoft can go f*ck themselves if this rumor is true and their decision just saved me money as I will not be buying their next console.

I also just informed the other 3 people here, and they completely agree with me.
What the hell did he "confirm" exactly?

Nothing. He just said he's a fan of devices always being online, which could be just that. Or you could twist it into him confirming that always-online-or-you-cant-play is a done deal. Taken in conjunction with Kotaku's rumor, it wouldn't be a stretch.

Quit being obtuse. Rural areas get shittier Internet and in some cases they can't get certain Internet services period. I'd be interested to see how you can justify this so go on.

I've lived in rural areas. Had great internet speeds. Losing electricity was more of a problem due to above-ground power lines. Only had issues with Internet when I lived in major cities.


"Why on Earth would I live there?"

This guy just won the internet, I don't know who he is but I like him.


So, if you want the Durango you need to move to another city.

Holy fucking shit. They're really doing it.


yeah from sonys "get 2 jobs" to microsofts "why live there".........

but if always-online is true i still wonder,why?we will see.


Personally I think it's a shitty policy and I hope it flops because I think that it's very anti-consumer.

But for some perspective here, we are talking about a mass consumer market that stuck by and supported a console that launched with a 60%+ hardware failure rate, charged a gold subscription model even for such simple things as a web browser, and gives you what, 20 MS points for your birthday? when the competition is giving multiple full games away each month, and they still pip them to the numerical post..

What makes us think the mass public isn't going to just accept this shit and lap it up like the good little consumers they are this time around too?

My rationality is telling me that the always-online stance is the equivalent of commiting corportate sudoku. But then I look at the examples above, and I imagine I'd be saying the exact same things at teh beginning of last gen. So when is *our* consumer attitude going to change? That's the question.


I hope the major media outlets pick up on this.

Twitter is public ground, you represent your company when you speak out like that.

Horrible horrible showing by Microsoft.

Well i was greatly amused. Aside from the whole 'who would want to live there comment'.


Time to buy a PS4 for my next gen console, it's been a good generation of gaming Microsoft, but you've really fucked yourselves over


Sony's arrogance leading up to and early in in the PlayStation 3's launch really put me off and I waited until about 2 years ago to pick one up finally off Amazon.

The fact that the PS4 shouldn't be getting shoddy cross-platform ports, have changed their approach to consumers, and have more enticing exclusives to me really has done wonders.

Wii U and PS4 it is.

I have family that lives in the country in Wisconsin. They love it there, and I'm sure people in Janesville like living there.

I can bet damn sure they act a lot more decently than this fellow.


This OP made me LOL so hard. I don't have any particular stance on this, I just totally lost it when I saw the Obama "Deal with it" JPG. XD


well, of all the ways to announce... umm, comcast suxks and drops all the time, screw their internet and MS...

wait guys, maybe to console will have mobile service included? c'mon, it could happen, right..
If this thing ends up being always online I will do everything in my power to spread bad word of mouth via social networking and in real life. I expect others to do the same in the hardcore community.

What the MS guy said is pretty ridiculous, but you really need to get a life


If they actually went through with this I could almost imagine a scenario where their network gets hacked with a long outage like PSN just for someone to prove a point to them.
He just basically said, "A big fuck you to all gamers that live in rural areas." The fact that Microsoft employees are vehemently defending this fucking thing before it has even been announced speaks volumes. I've been saying all along that this thing is going to be an anti-consumer, focus tested nightmare.

Sadly this is proably true. you know every console manufacturers downfall has been due to overconfident arrogance/ Now it's microsofts turn to fall into that trap.
Stupid of Microsoft to implement this if true. Seems like suicide. If the console is still somehow better than PS4, I'll get it because I'm not a peasant and actually have internet.
He expressed it like a douche, but he has a point. I don't think this will create the kind of outrage and backlash people are expecting. Most people do have fairly stable internet connections, and most people are used to being connected all the time to use their phones/laptops/tablets.

people are used to be able to go online with their devices if they want to, not always have to be connected as a requirement to use said service/device.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Haha, at "Weak Reception: I'll still buy a cellphone" argument.
How about "Weak Reception: I go with another cellphone provider"?

Really surprised he didn't bring up that much more obvious solution :p


bish gets all the credit :)
What is his position in the xbox division. Is he one of the gaming killing MBA graduates.

Creative Director
Microsoft Game Studios
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; MSFT; Computer Software industry
February 2012 – Present (1 year 3 months) Redmond

Senior Game Designer
PopCap Games
Public Company; 501-1000 employees; Computer Games industry
March 2011 – February 2012 (1 year) Seattle
Game designer on multiple core PopCap franchises and platforms.

Peggle iOS
Bejeweled 3 PS3/360
Zuma Blitz Facebook
Plants vs. Zombies PC, PS Vita

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
He's the creative director of Microsoft Studios. He's knows about the next Xbox.

If he got to that position and knew of the Xbox, he wouldn't be spouting off on Twitter about it. Unless this is a total ruse and it's not really always online, and he's just BS'ing everyone.

He'd know at this point in his MS career that he'd be fired for even HINTING at the next Xbox before the announcement.

This leads me to believe he doesn't know, or he knows but is trolling.
Nobody listens to the hardcore community.

They won't have to. It's going to do awful in Japan. That's a given. So now Microsoft has completely given up on developing markets as well. Not to mention that the PS4 would be the default tournament console as well. I would be shocked if the PS4 couldn't regain at least some market share in NA as well.
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