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Microsofts GT4 killer running at 20fps ... lol!


Shinobi said:
As for the whole blast processing thing, I'd say N64's ridiculous overhype by the big N ("IT'S THE FIRST REAL 3D SYSTEM EVAR!!!11) more then equaled it.

It was MY first real 3d console EVAr. They were right. :)
is it gonna be as soomth as this ?



wazoo said:
It was MY first real 3d console EVAr. They were right. :)

:lol That's rich. Come to think of it, they may have called Virtual Boy the first real 3D system, which would be even more looney.


Unconfirmed Member
Gamerfeed = PRspoon-feed if it says to its readers:

"The game runs at a fast 20 frames per second, but Johnson said that..." and then includes the (obvious lie from the developer) as being gospel.
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