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Middle school teacher gives student lap dance in class

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I had an English teacher who liked to have her ass slapped while walking between desk rows...

She was in her early/mid 30s, single, very fond of tight black leather pants, and now looking back, horny as hell holy shit.

I remember in middle school we had this young teacher who many students thought was "hot". This one kid would always give her a long, tight hug. You could tell she was unconformable with it.


I had an English teacher who liked to have her ass slapped while walking between desk rows...

She was in her early/mid 30s, single, very fond of tight black leather pants, and now looking back, horny as hell holy shit.

...tell us more
This is why hot people shouldnt teach. I overheard a couple of girls on the bus talking about their super hot teacher. The things they said they'd do to him....holy shit
I wish my biology teacher in my final year did this to me. I was legal then and I never got below 90% in a test. All that wasted effort...

Still though, this is pretty messed up.


...and the student was probably of legal age. *badum-tish*

I wish my biology teacher in my final year did this to me. I was legal then and I never got below 90% in a test. All that wasted effort...

Still though, this is pretty messed up.

My god, your username goes so well with this post...
You have to wonder how the thought process on this went...

I think I'll give a lap dance to someone: Fine
In front of an audience: Alright
The person is 13 years old: Umm...
The audience is a bunch of 13-year-olds: Wait...
They are my students: No...
I'm doing this in school: What the heck?...

It sounds more like it went

Student: Hey it's Tommy's birthday
Teacher: Oh nice
Students: We should do something amazing for him
Teacher: And what might that be
Students: It would be hilarious if you gave him a lap dance he'd be so embarrassed
Teacher: I'm high as fuck so yeah let's do this thing
Tommy: Aw yiss dat booty

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It sounds more like it went

Student: Hey it's Tommy's birthday
Teacher: Oh nice
Students: We should do something amazing for him
Teacher: And what might that be
Students: It would be hilarious if you gave him a lap dance he'd be so embarrassed
Teacher: I'm high as fuck so yeah let's do this thing
Tommy: Aw yiss dat booty

Feel like this thread needs a snicketysnooty.jpg


I envy some people here. I had two hot teachers in middle school, BUT they were both grade-A ****s that yelled at us or the time or gave detention for the most BS reasons. Apparently one of them was going through a breakup at the time but its still no excuse for treating us like shit.

I had only 1 hot teacher in high school and she was fired my senior year after getting herself and a student drunk during class (no I wasn't there to see it sadly).
All the hot middle/high school teachers I had...........none of em wanted to give me a lap dance. AND I didn't get to see any titties. Life sucks
I had a Bio teacher in highschool that was the cutest sweetest teacher ever. My little group of nerd friends became super good friends with her, shed let us use her classroom to play Smash Bros during lunch, and in our Senior Year a friend and I actually got to be TAs for her. She never flirted with us I don't think, the "sexiest" thing she ever did was when we found out that she used to be a gymnast as a kid and the class pressured her into putting her feet behind her head body-pretzel style.

She ran off with the math teacher last I heard and they got married and I've never been able to find her since :( I actually went back to my HS looking for her a few years ago (was visiting all my old teachers) and they said they'd had a forwarding address but she'd moved and the trail went cold. ;__;


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
My 9th grade English teacher that would wear those low cut dresses and bend at the waist to get things out of her desk right next to me. I mean she knew what she was doing right, I mean she had to.
Y'all had some messed up teachers. Jesus.

Never once did I have a teacher, male or female, who gave any impression of having a sexual interest in middle/high school kids.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I would've never expected a teacher looking like her and that age to do something like that, I can tell you that.
I went to the wrong school as a kid.

Thinking about it now that's fucking strange. But I do know for a fact that a guy who is in the NFL now was banging out one teacher when he was a senior. She immediately quit when he graduated and no one heard from her again lol. She moved to Texas, apparently.


This thread is....

Seriously people.


Man, this makes me want to watch Sherlock again.

Also, this is extremely creepy. Middle schoolers are children. The attention of a teacher in a sexual nature is disgusting. I know I did'nt like the flirting and attention I got, it just made me feel wrong.


middle school isn't 16 year olds. it's 11/12/13 year olds.

The boy in this case was celebrating his 15th birthday ... no straight male in here can't deny they would have been all for this and then some on their 15th birthday ...

Via AP:

HOUSTON (AP) — A Houston-area teacher has been charged with doing a lap dance for a boy at school on his 15th birthday.

A criminal complaint says 42-year-old Felicia A. Smith of Spring was charged Thursday with having an improper relationship with a student. Online jail records do not list an attorney for Smith, who was freed on $30,000 bond.
Oh come on! Yes it is stupid she did this to a child, but seriously I believe EVERY male in his youth wanted to bang a teacher at some point in his life. That's the dream, hence the jokes.

Sorry, I find it pretty gross that male kids that get raped or assaulted by female teachers illicit this sort of response every single time.

It's the reason that male kids that ARE raped by pretty female adults don't say anything for fear of getting this type of response or being called gay for not liking it or whatever. Hell, adult males raped by women would get the same damned comments.

So yeah, I find it seriously gross.

Edit: as evidenced above with the 'no straight male' comment.


Oh come on! Yes it is stupid she did this to a child, but seriously I believe EVERY male in his youth wanted to bang a teacher at some point in his life. That's the dream, hence the jokes.

Would you say the same thing if it were a male teacher and a female student?
How about a male teacher in his 70s and a female student?
How about a male teacher and a male student?
Why does the gender of those involved change things?

The boy in this case was celebrating his 15th birthday ... no straight male in here can't deny they would have been all for this and then some on their 15th birthday ...

Hi, I'm a straight male, and I would not have been "all for this and then some."


Would you say the same thing if it were a male teacher and a female student?
How about a male teacher in his 70s and a female student?
How about a male teacher and a male student?
Why does the gender of those involved change things?

There is a double standard that says that men can't be raped or sexually abused by women because they are "always willing."

That being said, the fact that the kid spanked the teacher's ass a couple of times tells me he did not object.


There is a double standard that says that men can't be raped or sexually abused by women because they are "always willing."

That being said, the fact that the kid spanked the teacher's ass a couple of times tells me he did not object.

Could have been that he was acting a certain way because other people were around.
11-13 year olds are children. If there was a kernel of truth to any of the PSAs I sat through during those years, middle school kids are the main target of online predators.

Middle school and late elementary grades seem to be the most common for predators. My sixth grade teacher got caught showering with his girlfriend's 12 year old daughter.

I always knew he was different than other teachers, but I never knew specifically what. He was the only teacher during my elementary years that actually played the PE games with us. Non-physical though. For example, if we were doing baseball he'd be the hitter. Football, he'd be the quarterback.

Weird for a teacher to participate in PE. After he got caught it all made sense.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she was high or something when she did this and doesn't actually want to fuck lil kids.

Normally teacher-student shit is hidden and she did not hide this.

Either way she should not be teaching anymore.

Was hoping she was a troll to spite these "Niiiice!" people but fuck ... I'd jump her like a show jumps the shark :/


Gold Member
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she was high or something when she did this and doesn't actually want to fuck lil kids.

Normally teacher-student shit is hidden and she did not hide this.

Either way she should not be teaching anymore.

Was hoping she was a troll to spite these "Niiiice!" people but fuck ... I'd jump her like a show jumps the shark :/

You say it's hidden but they always push the limits like 4-6 months into it. Having sex in cars, sending nudes, etc etc


You say it's hidden but they always push the limits like 4-6 months into it. Having sex in cars, sending nudes, etc etc

That was just one case though wasn't it? What about the hundreds that are never reported (general rule about sexual abuse statistics: for every one reported, there are at least a dozen that aren't.)


Gold Member
That was just one case though wasn't it? What about the hundreds that are never reported (general rule about sexual abuse statistics: for every one reported, there are at least a dozen that aren't.)

They fit in the same category. Some just leave a trail big enough to follow. It's normally the kid who rats on the teacher. If I'm not mistaken.

It's a pretty big problem. Lifetime television did a movie on the subject a while back. Look at Rate my professor.com, they even have a hottest professor category. Given that's college, the same thing can be said regarding any type of school. Disgusting as that sounds.


FFS. If this had been a 42 year old male teacher grinding his junk in a 15yr old girls face, there wouldn't be a single person in here defending it or saying "yah she wanted it, you all know it."
FFS. If this had been a 42 year old male teacher grinding his junk in a 15yr old girls face, there wouldn't be a single person in here defending it or saying "yah she wanted it, you all know it."

It's a forum of mostly guys. We project. The women don't (since I've been here).

That said, I would not have been down for this. It would have been awkward as fuck for me. I know kids that would have been, but not I.

...And obviously this is wrong.


Why am I not surprised people are making jokes of this.

I don't care if it would have been your "fantasy" at that age. It's unprofessional, inappropriate and illegal.


Why am I not surprised people are making jokes of this.

I don't care if it would have been your "fantasy" at that age. It's unprofessional, inappropriate and illegal.

no one is disputing that here. she should be punished for it, but I would be lying and playing holier than thou if I would say I wouldn't have wanted that at that age.


no one is disputing that here. she should be punished for it, but I would be lying and playing holier than thou if I would say I wouldn't have wanted that at that age.

I disagree. I think people playing it off with jokes are contributing to a mentality that male rape committed by women isn't serious. People will even speak for the victims assuming they enjoyed it which makes it even more gross.
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