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Furry Infestation In Middle School


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Yeah, it wasn't my little pony that started it, but certainly didn't help. I blame deviantart for popularizing the concept more

TikTok got a bad wrap because of the China connection, but I think Tumblr and DeviantArt are doing more harm to children and young adults by normalizing mental disorders and sexual fetishes.

Dr. Claus

Probably. The rise of bronies and furries did happen in the same time frame. These sick bastards.

I watched MLP and considered myself a “brony” for a short while.

Even I thought at the time the people who identified as furry were fucking cringe and needed to be mocked and laughed at. If I found out someone was a furry, I would not let my nieces and nephews anywhere near them.

Dr. Claus

TikTok got a bad wrap because of the China connection, but I think Tumblr and DeviantArt are doing more harm to children and young adults by normalizing mental disorders and sexual fetishes.

The mentally deranged on TikTok came from places like Tumblr and DeviantArt and the TikTok Algorithm supports them and pushes them to the forefront.


not tag worthy
Classic Reaction GIF


My daughter's high school has a couple of furries. They refuse to respond to teachers aside from barking or meowing. They each get a special ed resource to help decipher their bullshit.
What a fucking waste of time and effort when therapy is really what is needed.
Or parents that actually parented.


My middle school daughter has described how these kids meow in class and lick people. We need to go back to bullies in school.
Growing up I never saw the point of bullies. I've been on both ends of it. But now I realize some shame is actually a good thing. There's a healthy dose that keeps your head on straight.

Also, licking someone is technically assault. Same as spitting on people
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I can't think of a subculture that's more hated than furrydom - and rightly so.


This is why student uniforms need to be a thing in America.
I think a dress policy is ok, but it's pretty hard sometimes finding a balance between expression and what's alright for school. No one has a clear answer. Uniforms can be left to the private schools.

Obviously this stuff is not acceptable
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My son said there are a couple at his school. It’s disgusting.

This is what happens though in a generation without fathers and bully’s. No one gets their ass beat for doing stupid shit anymore.

If I told my dad at 14 that I wanted to be an animal he’d beat the shit out of me. If by some chance I made it out the house dressed as said animal, someone at school would beat the shit out of me. Then, I’d come home and my dad would beat the shit out of me for getting the shit beat out of me at school.

Glad I ended up not being a pussy.


Gold Member
I think a dress policy is ok, but it's pretty hard sometimes finding a balance between expression and what's alright for school. No one has a clear answer. Uniforms can be left to the private schools.

Obviously this stuff is not acceptable
No, it's pretty obvious what is and isn't acceptable. Also pretty obvious when a girls physical development makes some borderline clothes inappropriate while a less developed girl might be able to wear it. We have just gaslit ourselves that this is some sort of unquantifiable problem that has no solution.

My kids have a dress code in their public schools. Not a "uniform" per se but a conservative dress style that covers torsos, limits graphics and words on clothes, keeps a somewhat respectable appearance, and to some extent closes the income gap that can be demonstrated by clothing. Obviously shoes and certain brands can still distinguish between the rich kids and the poor kids, but it minimizes that stuff as much as possible.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, this is on the moms. I saw this 2 decades ago when i was going to school. Girls were dressing like hookers with half their asses hanging out in high school, and when the school banned it with a pretty vociferous announcement over the speakers, the school admins got in trouble with the moms. This super intendent here likely tried to do something about it before being threatened into submission.

I actually know a few moms IRL who enable their kids. If anything, they kind of encourage it. Especially the latest trans trends. Tell their boys to dress up as girls. Play with dolls. Encourage them to have long hairs. its super creepy and their dads just have no say whatsoever. The one dad i know that did speak out was divorced soon after. The other dads are just pussies who would rather not get into an argument and are letting their insane bipolar wives ruin their kids lives. it is actually very common in hollywood. lots of actresses are raising their kids trans. this furry stuff is just one of many trends going on around.

Kids are extremely impressionable. The furry stuff is picked up at home and then spreads like wildfire in schools like pokemon, jordans, and other stupid clothing trends back in our day.


I graduated high school in 1998. I'm a metalhead, but generally prefer to dress pretty normal (black t-shirt, jeans, black boots). I did have a few piercings and long hair when I was younger, but nothing crazy. I hung out with goth kids, punk kids, skaters with giant pants sagging down, dreadlocks, big dumb chain wallets, etc. Now I blend into an office environment just fine.

Seeing kids these days and all the stuff they're into, I try to remind myself it's just a phase for 98% of them. They don't yet know who they want to be when they grow up. They try on different personalities and subcultures like you might try on clothes when shopping. It's a chance for them to spend time performing as that culture to see how well it fits for them. Most of them will spend a few months to a few years and then move on to being more "normal". I think it's important for them to have that time to figure themselves out between about 12 and 22.

For the people who are grown adults and doing this shit...free country I guess.


No, it's pretty obvious what is and isn't acceptable. Also pretty obvious when a girls physical development makes some borderline clothes inappropriate while a less developed girl might be able to wear it. We have just gaslit ourselves that this is some sort of unquantifiable problem that has no solution.

My kids have a dress code in their public schools. Not a "uniform" per se but a conservative dress style that covers torsos, limits graphics and words on clothes, keeps a somewhat respectable appearance, and to some extent closes the income gap that can be demonstrated by clothing. Obviously shoes and certain brands can still distinguish between the rich kids and the poor kids, but it minimizes that stuff as much as possible.
We're fully in agreement, I only added "sometimes" due to certain stuff like slogans or things that are seen as political, which is a fine line to draw at a federally funded place. I find it interesting.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I graduated high school in 1998. I'm a metalhead, but generally prefer to dress pretty normal (black t-shirt, jeans, black boots). I did have a few piercings and long hair when I was younger, but nothing crazy. I hung out with goth kids, punk kids, skaters with giant pants sagging down, dreadlocks, big dumb chain wallets, etc. Now I blend into an office environment just fine.

Seeing kids these days and all the stuff they're into, I try to remind myself it's just a phase for 98% of them. They don't yet know who they want to be when they grow up. They try on different personalities and subcultures like you might try on clothes when shopping. It's a chance for them to spend time performing as that culture to see how well it fits for them. Most of them will spend a few months to a few years and then move on to being more "normal". I think it's important for them to have that time to figure themselves out between about 12 and 22.

For the people who are grown adults and doing this shit...free country I guess.

The furries in this video are still busy figuring out who they are. I myself haven't figured out what exactly I'm looking at to be honest. Don't think I want to know.



The furries in this video are still busy figuring out who they are. I myself haven't figured out what exactly I'm looking at to be honest. Don't think I want to know.

Yeah, these are the 1/1000 though. Most kids who get the "furry" label are just girls who are wearing a cat ears because they think it looks cute. There's a big difference.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Back in the 90’s the super nerdy kids all grouped together and became goth / vampires. Dressed ridiculously, wore vampire teeth, etc.

I think furry shit is worse but it relates. The internet turns small groups of nerds expressing themselves into massive groups of nerds fueling each other into extremes.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I still can't tell if this is a real news report or not...


Parody of actual AJUMP23
The furries in this video are still busy figuring out who they are. I myself haven't figured out what exactly I'm looking at to be honest. Don't think I want to know.

This is tame to Columbia which is denying entry for Jews.
My simple solution for this. School issues a statement as follows...

While we respect the lived experience of all of our students, we do not educate animals. Any animals or animal identifying students found on campus will be kept in appropriate accommodation (cages) until collected by their owners.

That should do the job. I may have been drinking.


Reseterror Resettler
This ties into my long standing opinion that modern medicine and contemporary quality of life adjustments have irrevocably ruined Darwinism and natural selection, and now we're left with people (including me, probably) who would have succumbed to the plague or been eaten by wild animals or whatever.

This leads inevitably to over population, and the spread of a far deadlier contagion - docileness and stupidity. Kids nowadays don't have to worry about losing a hand in the factory or getting their shit rocked by a rabid mammoth or whatever, with simultaneous access to 4k video footage of whatever creepy maladjusted adult they want, and it results in fucking school parking lot circle jerks with a bunch of arr-tard Otaku "I sit at the table in the back reserved for the kids everyone thinks are gonna be school shooters," dressed like giant cotton candy high school football mascots.

In short, we can probably blame this on the Roman Empire, which I think about every day.
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