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Midway Developing Mortal Kombat 7 (XENON,PlayStation3)



News by: Funky ZealotPosted: 08/06/04

Sequel announcements for huge franchises are usually the product of cautious marketing strategizing in board rooms, and Midway's CEO surprised attendees at the RBC Capital Market's North American Technology Conference in California, announcing that a seventh installment to the Mortal Kombat franchise is planned for the PlayStation 3, Xbox Next, and a third wireless platform.
"We're making Mortal Kombat 7," said Midway CEO David Zucker. "We'll have a PS3 SKU and an Xbox 2 SKU and we'll have a wireless SKU." Not surprisingly, no further details were unveiled.

Kon Tiki

human5892 said:
It's nice to see that the Revolution is pre-emptively getting shafted for the next generation.

I don't know if it's Nintendo not keeping the developers up-to-date or just something on Midway's end, but if this is a sign of how the next generation is going to pan out, Nintendo's going to have the same old third-party troubles all over again.

Well if revolution really is a revolution, then would ports even be possible?


It's a misquote from the conference call, nothing was announced. Work on MK7 likely has yet to even start...


Queen of Denmark
Society said:
Well if revolution really is a revolution, then would ports even be possible?
If it's too radically different than traditional consoles, then no; I'm just having trouble believing that Nintendo would strike out in that much of a different direction.

Anyway, if what jarrod said is true, this is a non-issue.


God, this shit is like a fucking virus. Would people just listen to the goddamned webcast before they rip the story off that Mortal Kombat Online outfit? It's only 20 minutes long, and some of it is actually sort of interesting...

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