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Might & Magic Heroes VI |OT| give us town screens back

So, this game is 50% off via Amazon's digital download service right now. Very tempting. I'm just bumping this thread to see if people are still playing. I'm probably going to pull the trigger, but am just trying to gauge if people who bought early are still playing. Now that we've had a month and a half, what's the general buzz? Have there been patches? Any rumors of new content?

So, yeah. How 'bout that Heroes VI, guys and gals?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
So, this game is 50% off via Amazon's digital download service right now. Very tempting. I'm just bumping this thread to see if people are still playing. I'm probably going to pull the trigger, but am just trying to gauge if people who bought early are still playing. Now that we've had a month and a half, what's the general buzz? Have there been patches? Any rumors of new content?

So, yeah. How 'bout that Heroes VI, guys and gals?

It's real good, still not done since the campaign is like 120 hours long so it'll be a while before I cap it off.

No patches yet unfortunately.


Ubisoft FINALLY released patch 1.2 yesterday and here are the notes:

Ubisoft said:
Hello Heroes,

the patch 1.2 is now available. To download the patch connect to the game and launch it.

Here is a quick list of the main fixes brought by Patch 1.2:

• Unit abilities fixes

o Sun Raider’s Charge not awarding damage increase
o Imperial Griffin’s Dive Assault not dealing any damage
o Fire Elemental’s Cremation not dealing any damage

• Dynasty weapon fixes

o ‘Vanishing’ Dynasty bug fixed and missing weapons are awarded.
o Various Weapon abilities
o Dynasty Weapons now gain XP when equipped by secondary Heroes

• Ability fixes

o Water Magic ability now affects the Ice Bolt ability normally
o Pain Mirror now has a damage limit
o Duck and Cover now works normally
o The Terror ability does not cause damage anymore
o Retribution Aura III now deals less damage

• General fixes

o Critical Hits triggered by Luck not doing the extra damage
o Week of plague
o Town and mine income
o Tactics phase setup is now remembered from one battle to another.

• Map fixes

o Stronghold 2 message is now clickable by the users that upgraded their avatars on Stronghold
o Custom heroes can be properly selected at the final campaign screen.

• Skirmish AI tweaks:

- Tries to defend all owned town (previously the AI focused on its starting town)

- Previously if a hero stronger then the AI's hero threatened a town, the AI hero let that town undefended. Now the AI calculates all of its nearby hero's army and creature growth and defends the town if it finds it possible

- Always defends the last owned town if it can causes reasonable losses to the attacker hero

- Huge speed improvement, AI thinking is approximately 2-3 times faster than in the previous version

- Further improvement of cooperation among primary and secondary heroes

- Improved exploration and target priority

- Pre-calculated army contraction. The AI calculates how many creatures can the target collect (including possible creature growth) before the AI's hero can reach it and calculates if it is worth to chase it.

- Further improvement of Town portal usage

- In case of an FFA the AI tries to attack and capture towns from a weaker player

- FIXED: Sometimes the AI attacked a much stronger hero than itself

- FIXED: Sometimes without reason the AI split its army into 2 and lost against a stronger hero

- FIXED: Sometimes the AI miscalculated the cost of a town portal and spent too much points before trying to use it (resulting an undefended town)

- FIXED: The AI ignored some neutral buildings

- FIXED: Several smaller bug fixes

• Combat AI tweaks:

- General target choice improvement for the units

- Improved ability usage

- Improved racial ability usage

- Improved ability selection and different builds for Magic/Might, Tears/Blood heroes

- Improved creature ability usage

• Gameplay improvements:

- The unit setup after using the Tactics ability is remembered from battle to battle

• Intel support:

- Fog calculation

- Variance shadow mapping vs. hardware shadow mapping

• Balance tweaks:

- Rage II-IV gives +10 Might Attack instead of +15

- Rage points generated by attacks reduced to 16(friendly)/8(enemy) (from 20/10)

- Guardian Angel: Good moral gives 70 racial points (instead of 100)

- Retribution aura cooldown increased to 5 instead of 3

- Haste initiative bonus increased to 12 (from 10)

- Slow initiative reduction increased to 12 (from 10)

- Mass Haste initiative bonus increased to 6 (from 5)

- Mass Slow initiative reduction increased to 6 (from 5)

- Father Sky damage increased to 380 (from 353)

- Idol of Air damage increased to 276/318/366 (from 240/277/319)

- Martyr Might Resistance and Health bonus reduced to +10.8%/12.4%/14.3% (from +21.6%,24.9%,28.6% Might Resistance, +13%,15%,17% Health)

- Hour of Judgement bonus damage increased to 31% (from 21%)

- Hell Hound Might Defense increased to 5 (from 4)

- Cerberus Might Defense increased to 6 (from 4)

- Kirin and Sacred Kirin movement reduced to 6 (from 7)

- Kirin Magic Defense increased to 33 (from 32)

- Sacred Kirin Might Defense reduced to 31 (from 33)

- Sacred Kirin Magic Defense reduced to 33 (from 35)

The patch also fixes a number of smaller issues.

Best regards,

the M&M team

The community is still incredible upset with the development team, as there are a lot of bugs still unaddressed and it took way too long to get this patch live. It's pretty frustrating, given that this game has a lot of potential to hold a candle to HoMM 2 & 3, but there are so many bugs and missing features at this time that you just have to sit and wait.


Still no connection to the Conflux server possible after 36 hours (great timing with the 50% Steam sale) . No information from Ubisoft on the situation either. This is highly unprofessional.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
So how is this going? I recently played some Armored Princess Crossworlds and thought of the newest homm game.

It seems people have been rather negative towards this but is it still a good game? Just like I like Civ V even though it apparently is worse than IV in many ways.

Is it worth getting?

edit : oh shit, just realized this is in community,talk about sent to die after 1 page :(


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I guess a 1 page OT-thread is indicative of how many people bought this. Maybe I should make a thread over in gaming asking people what they thought...

...Who am I even talking to?
I didn't even know this page got moved to community, wow. I just saw it pop up. Yeah, HOMM6 is one of those games where it's certainly playable, there's nothing wrong with it, and it's a lot of fun, but it feels lacking in a lot of regards. as mentioned earlier in the thread, it feels like the dev team left this game out to dry. Not enough patches, and the features fans begged for are absent (namely, as the title will tell you, town screens are gone and haven't come back). It really is a shame, because there is a great game underneath all the flaws. You just have to hope and pray that they game gets the polish it deserves.
apparently there really is not much interest in this game hmm

I am wondering if this is worth getting, it's on sale on Steam atm and i never played a HOMM game, so would this make a good buy if i enjoyed King's Bounty the Legend?

Or would i be better off simply installing Crossworlds/AP and call it a day? hmm
A general lack of support keeps me from recommending HoMM6, unfortunately. Pick up HoMM3 off GoG and dream of what could have been. The 1.3 patch has been pushed back more than once, and this is after literally months of silence.

shame as it looked nice in screens oh well, i won't go back to an older game right now, i loved KB so i will look into Crossworlds instead, thanks though!


Finally picked this one up on a Steam sale for $10, and that's definitely still overpaying. The campaigns are just terrible. The story is the same as the one from Clash of Heroes: some human-town duke dies and his six children all end up leading separate factions, somehow. Is that the story in all Might & Magic games now? It feels goofier and more contrived the second time around.

The campaign maps are huge, but you're penalized severely for exploring the map or doing anything other than making a beeline for your primary objective. Every week, you get a piddly 10-20 units no matter how many towns you control, while the AI spawns progressively larger armies to attack you. I just spent ~3 hours on the first map of the necropolis campaign (it really is huge!) until they started spawning 200+ enemy units every week and I just couldn't keep up. Reaching a dead end so deep into the map is infuriating; I don't know if I'll even try it again. And that's on "normal" difficulty.

Campaign aside, the town screens have a 2D painterly look, which doesn't mesh well with the otherwise slightly dated 3D look. The music is forgettable aside from a few songs I recognize from the older games. There's no tower town type, and dungeon is only available as DLC that costs more than I paid for the full game. Poor effort overall; this series deserves better.
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