The entire concept of DLC in a mainline M&M rpg makes me faintly nauseous, but on the flip side, the concept of a new mainline M&M is sort of a miracle, so I guess it balances out
Well, the game IS only $30. Clearly "experiment grade" pricing. If this sells well, I'm looking forward to a much better polished $60 title. Preferably on my PS4 to boot, because comfy couch.
Shame the saves from the prerelease don't carry over. With just one more day though, it's all good. Maybe I'll play some PS4 before mothballing it for a month.
I totally forgot this was coming. I don't really trust Ubisoft with M&M after what they did to Heroes, but on the other hand this looks surprisingly good and Grimrock is the only game I've had to scratch this itch in a long time... Might have to get this as well.
Couldn't tell you whether or not it's going to have Grimrock's polish, as the prerelease hasn't been updated in months.
I would say that if Grimrock is more Eye of the Beholder, Might and Magic is, um... well... Might and Magic. Maybe Dungeon Master II if you remember that one.