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Mike's Fantabulous Day of Hijinks and Tomfoolery

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Lets do this chronologically, eh?

I start off waking up this morning at 10:00am (which is early for me), as I'm going golfing with my aunt today, been looking forward to it all week. She gets here an hour later, we drive a few blocks, then I ask her to pull over at the 7-11 so I could get a Jolt to wake me up before the game.

Right in front of us, there's a big car accident. Apparently the woman in the car that received most of it got hurt and taken to the hospital. So we pull in and park, I get out, get into the store, get my drink, and go up to the clerk, who's this girl I've known for 10 years (as a 7-11 clerk). I decide to make a little small talk to wake myself up.

(me) "Man, that's a crazy accident, huh?"

(her) "Yeah, this morning has been insane. First the Royal Bank on Broadway was robbed, then that accident."

(me) "The bank was robbed?? When??"

(her) "This morning."

As an aside, I was planning on going to the bank to deposoit my work check. This morning. I ended up doing it on my way home from work last night because it was right next to Safeway, and I needed to get some groceries. So that would've been fun, or live endangering, one of the two.

So I pay for the drink, get in the car, and get to the course. We luckily get on in 10 minutes from arrival, which is insane for a Friday game close to noon on a fucking gorgeous day in Vancouver (we played at McCleery for any Canucks wondering). I birdied the 7th hole, which I'd done once a year ago, and then I sunk a 20 foot putt on the 18th to birdy it too. It was the first time I'd gotten 2 birdies on one course. It was awesome, the day was going perfectly.

So we put the cart back, get in the car, and start driving to her (my aunt's) place so I can look at a couch I'm considering buying for my basement that she wants to get rid of. So yeah, we're talking about the couch.

(her) "You know our whole family always passes furniture down through the generations."

(me) "Yeah."

(her) "Like that wicker couch your mother used to have back when she was married to Robin, she gave that to your cousin later on."

(me) "................ who is Robin?"

(her) ".....uh-um... who?"

(me) "...married to Robin. My mother. Married to Robin. Who is Robin?"

(her) "oh, n-no, her friend Robin..."

(me) "...."

(her) "...."

(me) "Who is Robin?"

(her) ".... you don't know? Seriously?..... no, you're yanking my chain...."

(me) "So who is Robin?"

(her) "Oh no."

So yeah. I just got home about 20 minutes ago, had a nice discussion with my mom, discovered even more incriminating things about my entire family which I can't even mention (though none directly involve my family). I'm not mad at her for being married before my dad (my dad was married twice before he met my mom). I was just angry/bitter for her never telling me. Apparently she did tell me when I was a kid, and I'd forgot.

So yeah, this is why I never wake up early.
fenekku-gitsune said:
Oh no dude, I'm cool. It just went from a surprising morning to an few hours at the course, to a shocking afternoon revelation, to a calming period. It's just been a discombobulated day.
That's crazy, I don't think I'd be able to keep a secret that big for close to 2 decades.

Can't be that important if you haven't heard anything about it until now, though. How long was she married to this Robin fellow?
ItalianStallion said:
Sounds like something someone tied to the mob would say ;)
Don't joke about that with me, buddy, heh.

But yeah, she was just married to the guy for a few years just out of college, so it wasn't a big deal at all.
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