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Military Experts: With ISIS in El Paso, Ft. Bliss in Danger of Terrorist Attack

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Fort Bliss security is some of the most lack I've ever seen a military base. Normally most military installations require at least one person in the car to have a Dependent/CAC card to enter... At Bliss they only require a drivers license and they don't even check if it's in date or anything. I even questioned one of the guards and their response was "Nahhh man no terrorist attack is ever going to happen here!"... If there is a threat they really need to step up security and actually check IDs. There have already been cases of illegal immigrants wearing military clothing and getting fake CAC cards anyways. Of course this was in summer of 2011 so hopefully things got better but from what I hear they have not.

Also Juarez/El Paso/Bliss are all horrible places, just awful.


My aunt would listen to kfi when we used to carpool. I seem to remember Bill Handel being the more reasonable of the shows. John and Ken are pretty crazy, but they are especially perturbed about illegal immigrants.

Those morons fumed the recall of Gray Davis and helped get Schwarzenegger into power pretty much ruining our state. Thankfully these idiots get proven how stupid they are time and time again.
It's just wild rumors that pop up here and there. I remember after 9/11, there were rumors that cocaine was being laced with anthrax. Why would they want to kill off their consumers?

Little Juaritos, in the news for the wrong reasons. Been a while since I have been out there.

We've been hearing about AQ using the border for 13 years.


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't they loot like half a billion dollars from Iraqi banks as they were tearassing across the country?

Half billion is close to what narcos have stuffed under their mattress. Plus I doubt that ISIS would risk moving that much money moved to a foreign country. If I were a narco, I would just take the money and do nothing. What are ISIS going to do? Go to the police?


Time to have the military at the border.

Maybe invade Mexico.

And the sea.

There will be no more muslum crustaceans under the sea.


Semi-related, but I read that ISIS is in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). Since it's near the border, their presence puts Fort Drum in danger of a terrorist attack. I'm citing this post as my source.

Mike M

Nick N
Based on internet chatter, I once viewed NPR as some right wing propaganda station until I started listening to it and hearing unbiased, multi-viewpoints and mkre often thwn not, people in the entertainment industry or scientists giving interviews during their fresh-air segment at lunch time (12pm). What's the deal?
Where would you hear NPR is right wing?
ISIS could easily spread Ebola all over our country. All it takes is one infected person infecting others in one of the stash houses on Mexican side. With 2-21 days before symptoms those illegal immigrants will be spread across the country by the time they get sick. Symptoms are like malaria and illegals will avoid hospitals. Since people from all over the world are taking advantage of the porous southern border a West African would not stand out.

oh my god


Semi-related, but I read that ISIS is in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). Since it's near the border, their presence puts Fort Drum in danger of a terrorist attack. I'm citing this post as my source.

and? Don't bother us with that Murica only cares when its brown people coming across the border.


Unconfirmed Member
Semi-related, but I read that ISIS is in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). Since it's near the border, their presence puts Fort Drum in danger of a terrorist attack. I'm citing this post as my source.

Plus Muslim terrorists have actually crossed from Canada to commit crimes.
OP, you keep on visiting that retarded site that is plastered with conspiracy shit and posting those articles here.

Not only that, but as others pointed out the contents of the article is filled with ridiculous statements.

OP stop being crazy
It will be up to us Texans to use our god given rights to defend our country with our arms. The rest of the world laughed, but soon they will be silenced.
CNN touched on it

although they were talking shit about Rick Perry

but they still covered it

Uh huh

Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter offered candid remarks to CNN on Friday regarding the militant group ISIS, stating his office is prepared for terrorist cells attempting to cross the border into Texas.
When CNN anchor Don Lemon asked what message Painter wants conveyed to the terrorist group, he firmly stated, “If they rear their ugly head, we’ll send them to hell.”

Painter previously spoke with a Midland TV station regarding ISIS, and he said CNN likely contacted him in response to that story.
The sheriff said he received an alert bulletin that ISIS — Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — may have formed a terrorist cell in or near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, a Mexican border city across from El Paso. He said the alert warned law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for such activity.

The Reporter-Telegram contacted the FBI for a statement on the reports, but the organization is currently not commenting on the subject.
This is a serious issue for Painter, the former president of the Sheriff's Association of Texas. He said the situation is made worse by Texas’ open border.
Painter said a reported 10 million to 15 million “undocumented aliens” have crossed the border. However, like the ISIS report, there is scarce evidence to support both claims, he said.
But Painter said the reports should be treated as a real threat. ISIS agents or cohorts, he said, might already be inside U.S. borders and planning a potential attack on American soil.

“I think it’d be naive to say that (ISIS is) not here,” he told CNN.
Painter said he worked near the border at Presidio for eight years, and during that time, he noticed areas where people could easily slip into the U.S. He said many immigrants in the U.S. with visas might go unchecked when renewal time comes around and there are lax efforts for keeping tabs on people entering the country.
“Where is the safety and where is the security for this nation if that’s not taking place?” he asked.
Midland County deputies go through emergency management training twice a year in coordination with other local and federal law enforcement agencies. He said the multi-agency partnership is beneficial in creating a prepared response.
“You have to work with each other,” he said to CNN. “There’s no way you can do your job without depending on the public and without depending on each other.”

Gov. Rick Perry previously warned that terrorist forces from Iraq might already have crossed into the United States through an unsecured border with Mexico. He said this is an important issue that needs to be resolved, according to Reporter-Telegram records.
Painter said that President Barack Obama and the federal government need to take quick and appropriate action to weaken ISIS leadership. For Painter, that means striking ISIS hard at the source: Iraq and Syria.
“What needs to happen is that there needs to be enough bombs dropped on (ISIS leaders), that every time they hear a jet propeller they urinate themselves down both legs.”


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'm a military expert. last I heard was that ISIS got control of some nanomachines and they started linking up all their soldiers together to feel the same pain and know when the others needed backup. Now they've gotten access to this new machine called Metal Gear. Shit's crazy son. Watch out, metal gear coming at you!
These same assholes were whipping up hysteria a few years ago about the Hezbollah selling heroine in Mexico to subsidize their arms cache.


Ah, the memories.

Back in 2002, when Mexico was being pressured to vote in favor of USA's invasion to Irak, the national TV suddenly got a surge of "Security experts" stating how the CIA had clear indications that the country would be blank of myriads of terrorism attacks in the upcoming months. Apparently, all the cartels had been infiltrated by these Al Qaeda-Hussein-Iran (might be Nazi and the Ayatollah Khomeini's forces mixed as well, can't recall) super hidden cells.

Mexico still voted against. So far, no bombing at sight.


get some go again
yeah the cartels totally want to help isis so the u.s and mexico pour millions of dollars into mexican special forces and have them go nuclear on the the cartel.
I love this trick they report on a report about a report on a national media arm and then the blog reports the reporting of the original report to show legitimacy.

yo dawg. I heard you like reports with reports within reports.

seriously, anyone find the op's username in conjunction with the article hilarious?
Yes, retired military sources. Mmhmm.

I wouldn't completely discredit all retired military sources. I can tell you for a fact, that as quickly as technology is advancing in the military(and trust me, it is), infrastructure and security is still very much a real problem. It was worse 20 years ago, but it's still bad now.
Attacking a US military facility on US soil would probably be one of the most counterproductive things ISIS could ever do... American apathy is their friend.


wtf...come on man..I just moved here like 3 weeks ago lol

Then again I don't really move around much thanks to a busy schedule at the uni
Fort Bliss is taking additional security measures for 9/11 anniversary not for ISIS threat. There is a new commanding general and he is being more cautious than the last one.

The original source is some random website that claimed ISIS was in Juarez, so the Texas Department of Public Safety issued a bulletin to all local law enforcement agencies. FOX News got a hold of it and ran it as such.

Everything that is being done is proactive. Nothing more, nothing less.

Source: I live here


my cake, fuck off
So, is GAF going to start a militia? I'm sure some guild leader from games side could work logistics. I have a cheap glock knockoff and 40 rounds I could bring along. I'd be willing to put half my rounds in the militia bank for new recruits.


Fort Bliss is taking additional security measures for 9/11 anniversary not for ISIS threat. There is a new commanding general and he is being more cautious than the last one.

The original source is some random website that claimed ISIS was in Juarez, so the Texas Department of Public Safety issued a bulletin to all local law enforcement agencies. FOX News got a hold of it and ran it as such.

Everything that is being done is proactive. Nothing more, nothing less.

Source: I live here

well hello there! and that's certainly good news


Fort Bliss is taking additional security measures for 9/11 anniversary not for ISIS threat. There is a new commanding general and he is being more cautious than the last one.

The original source is some random website that claimed ISIS was in Juarez, so the Texas Department of Public Safety issued a bulletin to all local law enforcement agencies. FOX News got a hold of it and ran it as such.

Everything that is being done is proactive. Nothing more, nothing less.

Source: I live here

its good to hear that this is one theory
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