ITT: People somehow surprised Bill Maher is a fucking lightweight.
I actually appreciate this post as it is the perfect summation of why putting him on was stupid...
He can harass a black celeb and get banned from twitter, publicly target a trans woman and harass her in a speech, can call for trans folk to be ridiculed and humiliated as a public good, but because he goes on Bill Maher and doesn't say that then, well golly he's not that bad.
This is a mistake.
He's a better debater than Maher.
Maher thinks he'll come with these prepared notes, and sweep over this guys ridiculous views. Won't happen, everything Maher will have prepared to say to him, is not something someone else hasn't brought up against him before. He's gonna be ready to blurt out his nonsense in a very logical sounding manner, that will just end up giving him a few new fans.
So he's a troll, a self proclaimed one at that. The backlash was blown way out of proportion. He even had some good points on liberal hissy fits. Surprisingly there was nothing wrong with him being on.
What the fuck? It's over... there was no argument, it was just a twenty minute platform for Milo.
Except... everything he said? I hope you are joking. Or do you believe people can't get hurt through the internet? BLM is a hate group?
Jesus fuck, what else? The earth is flat?
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Ok hold on a second. I'm not saying that he isn't a piece of human garbage, because he is. All I'm saying is that nothing about that interview was some sort of dangerous hate speech that everyone was afraid of him doing. The things he said were basically what I expected him to say, in that he's normalizing the terrible shit he did on twitter. On the other hand he still made some points that Bill has been making for a while now that the liberal sensitivity has hurt their overall cause. That's it.
Quite. Would've gotten turned inside out by someone like John Oliver or Samantha Bee.No wonder Milo agreed to going on the show.
Again, for the millionth time. How was the harassment of a trans student, so bad, that she had to leave school, justified?
Also I don't know how many people were actually believing Milo would go full hate speech on the show.
I know I wasn't, I figured he'd tame himself to appear reasonable and build a persona of respectability from that...
This is PR so that the next time he goes to do a talk and the people who actually pay attention to him protest he can point to appearances like Bill Maher and paint his detractors as the bad guys...
Bill Maher gave him free PR.... thanks man.
Also I don't know how many people were actually believing Milo would go full hate speech on the show.
I know I wasn't, I figured he'd tame himself to appear reasonable and build a persona of respectability from that...
This is PR so that the next time hoe goes to do a talk and the people who actually pay attention to him protest he can point to appearances like Bill Maher and paint his detractors as the bad guys...
Bill Maher gave him free PR.... thanks man.
Her grievance was public info, she did mutiple prior interviews didn't she before he came to the college? If I'm not mistaken her story, likeness and grievance with the school was featured in numerous news sites/web etc.. 6 months before.
I think she was pretty well known before he made her a focal point of his talk briefly in his talk.
Her grievance was public info, she did mutiple prior interviews didn't she before he came to the college? If I'm not mistaken her story, likeness and grievance with the school was featured in numerous news sites/web etc.. 6 months before.
I think she was pretty well known before he made her a focal point of his talk briefly in his talk.
First gay President.This was Bill's equivalent of this moment:
Ok hold on a second. I'm not saying that he isn't a piece of human garbage, because he is. All I'm saying is that nothing about that interview was some sort of dangerous hate speech that everyone was afraid of him doing. The things he said were basically what I expected him to say, in that he's normalizing the terrible shit he did on twitter. On the other hand he still made some points that Bill has been making for a while now that the liberal sensitivity has hurt their overall cause. That's it.
The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.
Its all in good fun right?The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.
What are you talking about?The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.
This is a great post. Kudos, agree 100% with the way you interpreted the interview. You'll get hate from it (and it looks like you already have) but I found him to be a complete idiotic goof, this generation's Ann Coulter saying inflammatory shit, he is human garbage and getting way too much attention.The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.
The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.
How was it not hate speech? People can't get hurt over the internet? Do I need to give you stats about how many kids killed themselves over social media bullying? FFS
This is not about liberal sensitivity. I'm all for free speech. But that speech must be CHALLENGED with REASON, DECENCY and COMPASSION. If you want to grab a microphone and preach your hateful crap, prepare for a rebuttal. Except, that didn't happen here.
It's apparent to me exactly why Maher had Milo on. It's because he wants to blow the liberal dog whistles and see what kind of fake crybaby outrage he is going to muster on the left. A theme he's been going after this season is the left getting upset over idiotic things that don't matter and honestly, the amount of people wishing ill of him in this thread alone is proof that it's working.Fuck Maher for giving that nazi piece of shit more publicity. Hope his show goes off the air.
It's apparent to me exactly why Maher had Milo on. It's because he wants to blow the liberal dog whistles and see what kind of fake crybaby outrage he is going to muster on the left. A theme he's been going after this season is the left getting upset over idiotic things that don't matter and honestly, the amount of people wishing ill of him in this thread alone is proof that it's working.
The only troll on that stage was Maher tonight.
Ugh...It's apparent to me exactly why Maher had Milo on. It's because he wants to blow the liberal dog whistles and see what kind of fake crybaby outrage he is going to muster on the left. A theme he's been going after this season is the left getting upset over idiotic things that don't matter and honestly, the amount of people wishing ill of him in this thread alone is proof that it's working.
The only troll on that stage was Maher tonight.
So did it suck or is it still going on?