Holy crap, two threads now, together almost 200'000 views. So much about not giving him a platform. He is really in a lot of peoples head, this is pretty obsessive. I don't think even Milo thinks about Milo as much as some people in this thread do.
Holy crap, two threads now, together almost 200'000 views. So much about not giving him a platform. He is really in a lot of peoples head, this is pretty obsessive. I don't think even Milo thinks about Milo as much as some people in this thread do.
Holy crap, two threads now, together almost 200'000 views. So much about not giving him a platform. He is really in a lot of peoples head, this is pretty obsessive. I don't think even Milo thinks about Milo as much as some people in this thread do.
Honestly ignoring is the only thing that works. He's only popular because he's hated, the hate goes the alt right will dump him.
I mean he says outright that he's a troll. Unless you find the troll entertaining the only smart reaction is ignoring him.
Just don't look
Age of consent in for example Germany is 14 I think, so I guess it wouldn't be pedophilia there. Having a blanket law like that is kinda weird though, like it's one thing to say that a 14 year old and 16 year old can have sex, but it's another to say that a 60 year old can have sex with a 14 year old. The way you'd justify the first doesn't justify the second.Well yeah, of course he doesn't support pedophilia. He even says so in the videos in question, where he makes it very clear that 13-14 year old boys having sex with adult men is super cool and totally not pedophilia because they aren't prepubescent. The semantic argument is a real winner.
He's been arguing that gay people shouldn't be trusted because they're all pedos for a while now. Honestly we should have seen this coming.The pedophilia business was an unexpected twist.
Trump school of accusing others of your own sins.He's been arguing that gay people shouldn't be trusted because they're all pedos for a while now. Honestly we should have seen this coming.
You defend a pedophile.
How does that make you feel. What value did we gain by putting him on air.
You defend a pedophile.
How does that make you feel. What value did we gain by putting him on air.
He's been arguing that gay people shouldn't be trusted because they're all pedos for a while now. Honestly we should have seen this coming.
Holy crap, two threads now, together almost 200'000 views. So much about not giving him a platform. He is really in a lot of peoples head, this is pretty obsessive. I don't think even Milo thinks about Milo as much as some people in this thread do.
Holy crap, two threads now, together almost 200'000 views. So much about not giving him a platform. He is really in a lot of peoples head, this is pretty obsessive. I don't think even Milo thinks about Milo as much as some people in this thread do.
The poster didn't defend such a thing. Now, this is a thing that pisses me off these days, twisting someone's words for ones own agenda.
Fuck right off with that shit.
You are awesome. I said he is a Troll, against all that "don't give him a platform he is a nazi" crowd and now he starts to expose himself as a lot of people expected.
And now you try to make this your thing and blame the "let him talk he is a troll" people. If mental gymnastics ever get olympic nobody will take the gold medal from you.
lol if this pedo bullshit is the line that people choose to draw in the sand, while transphobia, racism, homophobia, and misogyny weren't
You are seriously surprised?
You said a lot of things. 52 posts in this thread as of right now. Don't try to boil it all down to that one line. And he didn't expose himself by getting on Bill Maher. These things were known which is why we don't want to give him a platform. Not sure why you keep defending him.
You keep downplaying what he says, does, what their impact is, who his followers are, and why we should be concerned.
Isn't that exactly what different opinion means, that people see things differently and have a different ideas how to handle things that could mean, they don't see it the same way you do.
Is that so incredible hard to accept, you made your points, I made my points and usually people would accept that. But you keep attacking people if they do not share your view.
You and I have different opinions on the importance of Milo and how to handle him and why is that so hard for you to accept that. Why do you try to spin that, that different opinions mean supporting something? Do you realize how many people you would alienate with discussion techniques like that outside of the internet?
This is like when Buffalo Bill does that dance in the mirror, right?
Like "hell with it, let's just dance" huh.
This isn't "giving him a platform." This is denouncing/ridiculing/shaming without allowing him to provide any sort of self-defense. It's the opposite of giving him a platform. It's kicking out the boards propping up his trash and pouring gasoline on the pile of kindling that's collapsed in on itself.
"ignoring" is enabling in this case. Leaving them alone and uninhibited is enabling. You don't stamp out Milo by letting him retreat to some corner and consolidate support. You stamp him out by making sure people know what he says, preventing him from providing a mealy-mouthed defense, and hammering the living fuck out of his reprehensible ass as loudly as you can while amplifying any voices directly affected by his bullshit so people know where to place their empathy.
What you're advocating is a pie-in-the-sky scenario where the path of least resistance is the morally correct and most successful route.
It isn't.
Of course he's in our heads. He's a piece of shit spreading vile hate to harm innocent people.
We need to focus on this fool and get his platform eradicated by both sides.
What exactly is being proposed here? Some kind of 24/7 pogrom until M*lo and anyone who shares a single one of his views is no longer talked about (outside of the endless pogrom of course)?You don't ignore a weird lump on your skin, you get it diagnosed and take appropriate action.
Milo needs to be focused on. There's no way the mainstream right will back him up once his vile shit becomes prominent, and when they start denouncing him in numbers he'll lose a lot of perceived credibility and find himself slumming it back to the fringes of the shit-web.
Fucker needs to be taken out pro-actively.
How many people do you think you've alienated in this discussion with your approach?
Bigotry and pedophilia - a difference of opinion. The Trokil story.
You're welcome. Pops... If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.
I like that movie until the ending.like to quote the movie 8mm for you, because you deserve it.
They used to call the devil the father of lies. But for someone whose sin is meant to be pride, you'd think that lying would leave something of a sour taste. So my theory is that when the devil wants to get something out of you, he doesn't lie at all. He tells you the exact, literal truth. And he lets you find your own way to hell.
You defend a pedophile.
How does that make you feel. What value did we gain by putting him on air.
Because I have a different opinion on something. Ok, I understand why Milo is getting so under the skin of some people.
Well, done. So you are using Milo techniques now? I guess he would be proud. I like to quote the movie 8mm for you, because you deserve it.
You're caping for a child predator. But don't worry, that's just my opinion. It's different than yours, but you have to accept it for reasons.
This failure is why Batman has never defeated The Joker.So to beat Milo you have become Milo. Impressive, I guess.
So to beat Milo you have become Milo. Impressive, I guess.
This failure is why Batman has never defeated The Joker.
Don't see why they would, this would be on Bill dropping the ball, the core idea of *debate and shame him* would still have its appeal.I wonder if anyone who argued vehemently for Milo to be "openly debated" now feels like a fool.
Don't see why they would, this would be on Bill dropping the ball, the core idea of *debate and shame him* would still have its appeal.
Don't see why they would, this would be on Bill dropping the ball, the core idea of *debate and shame him* would still have its appeal.
I have not followed this latest twist. So Milo has admitted that he is sexually attracted to kids?
Don't see why they would, this would be on Bill dropping the ball, the core idea of *debate and shame him* would still have its appeal.
People here are ok with the Joker as long as he only attacks the other side, they support violence, death threats, oppression and anti-democratic movements as long as it seem fit for them. Perhaps the sad thing is, a lot of people on the left hate democracy just as much as people on the right. Look how the act, what values they try to advocate. Look how fast they adapt to techniques the other side is using.
And all the things people are using against him now; also to attack people who said he should talk, he told on a platform he should not had in the first place. And they don't even see how this is a contradiction, because they are just right: always.
You got to explain this a bit more, because it makes little sense. So people can not attack him for what he said, because he said it on a program they didn't want him to come on? That is not a good argument against attacking him for what he said there.And all the things people are using against him now; also to attack people who said he should talk, he told on a platform he should not had in the first place. And they don't even see how this is a contradiction, because they are just right: always.
Milo is against the current age of consent for reasons that only exist to justify wanting to have sex with a child. He supports "intergenerational relationships" and does not consider it pedophilia if an adult man grooms a 13 year old. But ahah - says he. It isn't pedophilia. It's ephebophelia! And he has historical arguments in support of how it can enrich the young person's life.
Is he a pedophile? I guess his argument depends on what you consider a child. He hasn't admitted to being attracted to children. He only admitted to the predatory relationship he had with a catholic priest and how it benefited his life and how he admits how prominent it is in his community.
He wouldn't be above smearing his opponents, so it's fair game to use against him or any of his defenders.Seems completely uncalled for to call him a pedophile then? Maybe the also very unflattering "making excuses for pedophiles" or even "supporter of pedophilia", but calling him a pedophile seems to be an unnecessary exaggeration.
He wouldn't be above smearing his opponents, so it's fair game to use against him or any of his defenders.