GAF is equating theft to murder?
What the ....?
What the ....?
However I just don't get why home invasion is given a pass.
I agree with this, not defending his actions but, having your house broken into 8 times you could see how that fear could make you crazy.Dude sounds like he went off the deep end... not sociopathic. Even his recantation of the story makes it obvious. I've never seen anyone get shot and "laugh". Not even meth addicts.
Guy snapped when his home was broken into for the ninth time, saw his fucked up work in front of him, put the kids out of their misery, rationalized the shit he did in his head by himself as hours no doubt felt like days in a house by himself, then turned himself in.
Its not like he shot kids while sitting on his porch after drinking Red Stag and watching the Cowboys lose.
Good thing they're dead.
So what's your point? Is the fact they stole meds before surprising to you?
At least one or two people here threw out the idea that he lied about the robbery.
Good thing they're dead.
I was just getting ahead of the people who would use this as justification for the old man executing these kids.C'mon, was this really necessary?
Okay... Not too many people have seen others completely lose their shit with a gun in their hand. I have. Not too many people have seen people gurgling on their own insides while bleeding out on the floor with some otherworldly look in their eyes. I try not to think on it.
It sounds like he snapped. It sounds like he reigned it in at some point and began to rationalize as things were still in motion. Seeing fucked up kids on the ground that you feel aren't going to make it... I can understand it. Not condoning it at all.
GAF is equating theft to murder?
What the ....?
You can once again see how deeply the history is rooted in alot of American people.
And how there is nearly zero trust in the police force...
Trust is earned. Hard to trust the police when there's a good chance I'll get shot in the face and have crack sprinkled on me for my trouble.
Doubly so when the courts have decided police have no legal obligation to protect people.
At the end of the day when you invade someones home you are effectively risking your safety, your freedom, your life. They seriously should have considered the risks they were taking doing so.
Not to say dude was justified in executing them. Absolutely not. If they happened to die from the incapacitating shots then so be it but the law is clear once the threat is nullified.
Well the police get to figure just how much of a "threat" these thieves actually were. The whole thing about home invasions is that as much as someone might see them as a threat, it's not a black and white issue that you can just do whatever you want to someone on your property without your permission. Even people there to commit a crime have some rights. That's what gets lost in these arguments.
There are stipulations. For example, the people have to actually be breaking in. If you leave your door unlocked, and they just come right in, then they haven't broken in to your home. Why should the home-owner who is trying to simply be left alone and protect himself and his family take the risk of fully determining the threat of an intruder? An intruder breaking in to your home in the middle of the night is one of those few situations where you are better off shooting first, and asking questions later. Let's make a hypothetical.
You awaken to the sounds of intruders breaking in to your home. You cannot tell how many there are. You grab your gun and quietly listen to where they are going. You see one person down stairs. He is sacking all of your valuables. He looks very nervous. He is wearing a jacket that could be concealing a weapon. Do you take the shot or announce yourself? If you scare them off, who knows what will happen. Maybe they never come back, maybe they do. What if there is another intruder that sees you as a threat and is willing to take you out as you are distracted with the intruder you found? What if they are unwilling to wait for the police to arrive and are willing to fight back? There's too many what-ifs that the innocent home-owner must risk himself with. The intruder made the choice to invade the home. It shouldn't be up to the home-owner to attempt reason when it could get him killed.
There are stipulations. For example, the people have to actually be breaking in. If you leave your door unlocked, and they just come right in, then they haven't broken in to your home. Why should the home-owner who is trying to simply be left alone and protect himself and his family take the risk of fully determining the threat of an intruder? An intruder breaking in to your home in the middle of the night is one of those few situations where you are better off shooting first, and asking questions later. Let's make a hypothetical.
You awaken to the sounds of intruders breaking in to your home. You cannot tell how many there are. You grab your gun and quietly listen to where they are going. You see one person down stairs. He is sacking all of your valuables. He looks very nervous. He is wearing a jacket that could be concealing a weapon. Do you take the shot or announce yourself? If you scare them off, who knows what will happen. Maybe they never come back, maybe they do. What if there is another intruder that sees you as a threat and is willing to take you out as you are distracted with the intruder you found? What if they are unwilling to wait for the police to arrive and are willing to fight back? There's too many what-ifs that the innocent home-owner must risk himself with. The intruder made the choice to invade the home. It shouldn't be up to the home-owner to attempt reason when it could get him killed.
Well the police get to figure just how much of a "threat" these thieves actually were. The whole thing about home invasions is that as much as someone might see them as a threat, it's not a black and white issue that you can just do whatever you want to someone on your property without your permission. Even people there to commit a crime have some rights. That's what gets lost in these arguments.
People who are saying that he shouldn't be send to jailWho is arguing that executing once the threat is gone is okay?
I don't know what you're arguing. I'm arguing for the basic rights even criminals breaking into your home have. Being unlawfully detained or murdered isn't allowed simply because they broke in. There's a reason that the homeowner has to establish that they were defending their life, in most states, if the people breaking in are killed or injured.
Question (and I get where you're coming from completely I'm just curious and find this a great conversation):
Let's say he shot them once to incapacitate but they died. Should he be charged with murder? I would say the law is very clear: No. And most times when someone uses a firearm for home defense they do NOT want to hurt anyone and they definitely don't want to kill anyone. But being put in the position to defend themselves they take action. Sometimes the intruder lives, sometimes they don't. In this case that's not what happened and I'm pretty sure we all agree: That's murder.
It's like in my state I can't fire a warning shot. I can't shoot someone if they're fleeing. But at the same time I have no duty to retreat in my house. Outside is a different story.
I think it's completely dependent on the events. If someone is say in the process of stealing something and instead of ordering them to stop you shoot them in the back and your argument is "to incapacitate", I'm just not buying it. I think people are entitled to defend themselves though, if someone is running after you and or has a weapon themselves (which they seem ready to use) and you happen to shoot them in the face they died, well fuck 'em, you defended yourself. I also don't think some of these rules apply to all people. For example when that little 12 yr old girl shot an intruder, I didn't blame her at all.
You assume the intruder will react rationally. What if the intruder simply fires at you when you warn him? Isn't it plausible the intruders have a plan of action if they are caught? There is a good chance they won't simply comply with you and wait for the cops. How can you be certain they don't have a partner outside? The problem is you think you have the situation under control just by brandishing a gun when you don't.I think it's completely dependent on the events. If someone is say in the process of stealing something and instead of ordering them to stop you shoot them in the back and your argument is "to incapacitate", I'm just not buying it. I think people are entitled to defend themselves though, if someone is running after you and or has a weapon themselves (which they seem ready to use) and you happen to shoot them in the face they died, well fuck 'em, you defended yourself. I also don't think some of these rules apply to all people. For example when that little 12 yr old girl shot an intruder, I didn't blame her at all.
You assume the intruder will react rationally. What if the intruder simply fires at you when you warn him? Isn't it plausible the intruders have a plan of action if they are caught? There is a good chance they won't simply comply with you and wait for the cops. How can you be certain they don't have a partner outside? The problem is you think you have the situation under control just by brandishing a gun when you don't.
You sound like the better alternative is to order them to stop. I disagree. I think if you simply fire at an intruder with no warning, you've done no wrong. It's not your responsibility to risk it.That's why I said it's dependent on the course of events. Are you even reading what I'm posting? Mammoth is.
You sound like the better alternative is to order them to stop. I disagree. I think if you simply fire at an intruder with no warning, you've done no wrong. It's not your responsibility to risk it.