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Minor Headhunter 2 impressions (with a little bit of OutRun2)


Sega held a press junket or whatever you call it a couple of weeks ago, and handed copies of these games out. Finally got them sent to me and I've been trying them out all day.

Headhunter is surprisingly nice compared to how it first looked, but it's also a little disappointing at the same time. The camera kind of sucks in that "would you please stop doing that shit?" kind of way, as do the running controls. This is a beta copy, though, so perhaps it will be fixed. What's interesting and implemented pretty well, though, is the shooting controls. Hold R and a targeting reticule will appear over an enemy Leeza (haven't played as Jack yet, if that is even possible) automatically locks on to. So, said reticule will fly around the enemy, and it's up to you to time your shots right by pressing the A button when the enemy is somewhere in your sights. I think better hits yield bigger damage, but that's kind of just a hunch for now. Pretty good little simulation of how gun shooting would be, I think, and even though it sounds like you're a sitting duck with that kind of system it really does work out thanks to the evade button where Leeza will do some random acrobatics to fuck with the opponent's aiming.

Jack, by the way, is like 55 now. Pretty interesting choice. The first bit of intro shows a man trying to kill his daughter, and 30's Jack we know busting in and in turn shooting him. The girl, of course, grows up to be Leeza. Her name, by the way, isn't as stupid as it first sounded. The X is because she grew up in Population Farm X (not sure about the actual name but something like that) where I guess all the kids get an X as to erase their pasts. It's still a bad name, but at least feels a little bit better now.

Speaking of intros, though, the animation is absolutely terrible. In both cutscenes and gameplay, it's like early PS1 stuff almost. Disappointing for sure, but I can live with it.

All in all, I'm kinda into it for some reason. The graphics look good and set a nice atmosphere with it's dirty world design and kind of blurred/glowing look. The voice acting is pretty good, as is the dialogue. The story is completely predictable from the get-go, but I'm curious to see what they do with it. The original game did have a pretty surprising twist right at the end that made it all great. (They continue that story, by the way, including the end twist.)

I'm sure it might end up being an unplayably sloppy mess if it gets much harder than it already is, since the bad controls do pose a problem in rough spots, but hopefully there'll be a decent curve or maybe I'll get better at using them. Either way, it's looking good enough for me to keep checking out.

Oh, and yeah, OutRun 2 fucking rules it on the Xbox. Smooth and nice.

Edit: Oh yeah #2, Worms Forts fucking blows. Hard.


If by special courses, you mean the Daytona and SCUD Race tracks, I haven't managed to unlock them yet. I assume they're prizes given in Mission Mode, but that shit's way unbalanced in this preview code.

One stage I'll be AAA'ing with a blindfold on, the next I'll be getting smashed to pieces and can't stand a bloody chance. Hopefully, this will be very tweaked for the final release, because it's very annoying to hit a cement wall when you're starting out and just want to have fun with the game. I had to go into the debug (?) options and tweak the AI to stand a chance in this one race. They just had insane acceleration and top speed that I just plain couldn't beat on my skill level. And that was mission four out 140.

Aside from that, it seems they want me to play mission mode with the four unlockable cars unlocked, but I have no idea how to get them yet.

Anyway. New characters? I assume you mean the girls? The game is divided into "OutRun arcade" and "OutRun challenge". Arcade has the blonde in two different outfits, one for race and one for Heart Attack mode. Now this could be just because it's a beta, but challenge only has one girl with one outfit, and she's an ugly brunette with short hair and stupid-looking poses. I do like her voice though.

Other than that, I'm not sure what to say. It's fun, really good fun. The drifting works like an absolute charm with the analog sticks. Easiest and most fun drifting I've ever seen, but then again I don't play that many racers. Oh yeah, I'm sure this is something everybody knows already, but the graphics are awesome and I can't tell if there's been any downgrading at all. On top of that, the framerate is absolutely rock solid. Never a drop as far as I can see. Makes for an awesomely smooth experience.

In short, I guess I'd say that this game plain rules, but that it'll hopefully receive some much needed tweaks.


Just FYI, I've gone as far as I can in my preview version of OutRun and still haven't unlocked anything, but I haven't gone very far. It crashes in the second stage of mission-mode challenges, leaving a whole tun of junk left to unlock.

Pretty boss game. The framerate hitches a little bit in the race stages where it tries to stuff in like six rival cars and a shitload of traffic, but otherwise okay, and I assume they'll fix that in between now and the final version.



WarPig said:
Just FYI, I've gone as far as I can in my preview version of OutRun and still haven't unlocked anything, but I haven't gone very far. It crashes in the second stage of mission-mode challenges, leaving a whole tun of junk left to unlock.
Mine doesn't crash there, although it did freeze once when I finished a Heart Attack round. I did unlock one thing, despite the terrible mission balance. A new song, which is cool by me since seven songs I'd already heard a bunch in the arcade was little on the low side.


aku:jiki said:
Mine doesn't crash there, although it did freeze once when I finished a Heart Attack round. I did unlock one thing, despite the terrible mission balance. A new song, which is cool by me since seven songs I'd already heard a bunch in the arcade was little on the low side.

In mine, it dies at the midpoint of the first Math Mayhem mission in the second stage of challenges. That's as far as I can get. I unlocked the song you're talking about, the Splash Wave euro mix. Okay tune, and I'm glad they included more music.



WarPig said:
In mine, it dies at the midpoint of the first Math Mayhem mission in the second stage of challenges. That's as far as I can get. I unlocked the song you're talking about, the Splash Wave euro mix. Okay tune, and I'm glad they included more music.

Does that mean you stood a chance in that one, uh, whatever it was called where you're supposed to stay over the minimum speed limit? 'Cause I sure don't.

Too bad, though -- the Math Mayhem one is pretty fun.


The bug in my version's Math Mayhem is weird. The track isn't complete, so the world just "stops" when you hit the point where you're supposed to go into the second stage.

I beat the minimum speed challenge the first time, I think. Looks like we both got a raw deal...



That's really weird, though, isn't it? How your earlier copy has a better tweaked version than mine. Makes no sense at all to me.

But Sega USA haven't handed out these games over there? That'd be a first, I guess. They tossed them around over here. (The games were OR2, HH2, Worms Forts, Spy Fiction and Sega SuperStars. Didn't get around to the last two yet.)


WarPig said:
Played EyeToy Groove? There you go.

Somehow, I don't think SuperStars will include many of the songs that made Samba such an enjoyable experience. That's what really burdens my soul.


Thanks for the OutRun 2 impressions! I can't wait to play the damned game. :D
I'm guessing a custom soundtracks option won't be included? Atleast more remixes are being put in. I hope some of the remixes from OutRunners and Super GT's Beginner "Daytime" song are included.


Glad to hear some positive Headhunter 2 impressions, its out very soon in europe. Not sure to pick it up for Xbox or PS2, which version are you playing?

Sounds like the games pretty flawed, in similar ways as the first, but i enjoyed the first quite alot so I hope the same for this one.


Newduck said:
Glad to hear some positive Headhunter 2 impressions, its out very soon in europe. Not sure to pick it up for Xbox or PS2, which version are you playing?

Sounds like the games pretty flawed, in similar ways as the first, but i enjoyed the first quite alot so I hope the same for this one.
I'm playing Xbox. Not sure if I noticed anything in the way of framerate or something that could be different between the two. From what I've seen, they're probably the same. That's just guessing, though.

Your assessment is dead on, though. Pretty flawed but enjoyable if you like, I dunno, the atmosphere/story I guess? I'm not exactly sure what made me keep pressing on in HH1, but from what I remember it did play a little bit better than this does. Although, I've only played in "rookie mode" (training, I guess) so far. Not sure if that meant skills/options were locked, or if it just meant that I got those info pop-up boxes. I don't have the codebreaker yet, for instance.

I forgot one thing. It's weird, but it has scanning, straight out of Prime. You can scan a lot of stuff too, but it feels totally unnecessary when you don't unlock stuff in a list like in Prime..
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