Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Each 8 servo motors are connected to a serial servo controller which is a small circuit that takes serial commands and controls the motors. There are 108 such controllers in the mirror. Each 11 controllers share a serial communication line to the computer. There are 10 serial communication lines going to the computer, the two built in ports plus 8 more on an add-on board. Also connected to the controllers are 4 power supplies supplying 100 amps of electricity for the motors. In the center of the Mirror a tiny video camera is concealed. It sends the viewer's picture to the computer via the AV port. The software on the computer (Macintosh 8600 AV ) is a combination of custom software written in C and Macromedia Director. The software digitizes the video and reduces its size to 35 X 29 pixels . It then converts the color information into gray levels and adjusts the brightness of each pixel to compensate for the various shades of the wood pieces.
Here's a video of it doing its stuff.
I guess it's been around for a while, but damn, that's cool.