When run and gun games are brought up, or even action games in general, the Metal Slug series is always mentioned with the best of the best. Well known for its heavy action, beautiful 2D environments, cartoonish charm, and incredibly detailed animations...but what about the soundtrack?
The music in Metal Slug series, although hardly ever mentioned, really does drive that action packed feeling that we get from playing the games, and its pretty catchy to boot. I'm sure many of us have found ourselves humming or just having the music randomly pop into our heads, long after a session of blasting shotguns or letting loose enemy chasers. Lets get this mission started, and check out some of what the series has to offer!

The one that started it all. Alot of people still view this as the top of the series, since its pretty clean cut and focused. I like how jazzy some of the themes can get, which is really unexpected with the game's subject material.
Main Theme
Can anyone who has played any of the games hear this music and not have "Mission...start!" pop into their heads? And i'm sure no one expected the build up and then transformation the theme takes on at the 1:25 mark. For me, that was when I knew I was playing something that would end up in the top ranks of action gaming history.
Inner Station
This theme will be heard several times throughout the series. When this kicks in, you know its about to get real.
Works as more or less a Sonic style midi, and wraps up the game nicely. Fits really well with the environments scrolling by and lets you reflect on a job well done.

*Now I know Metal Slug X has some slight additions to themes, but i'm just going to use MS2's for space sake.*
Prehistoric Site
This feels like it would belong right at home in some legendary adventure movie. Exuding mystery, I really like everything about this theme and its stage.
Livin on the Deck
The series gets its first fast paced mobile stage, and a great track that really drives that feel to go along with it! I always get fired up and focus when hitting this stage.
Back to the China
Very unique, and almost just as fast paced as Livin on the Deck.

The other competitor for series best, Metal Slug 3 pulled out all the stops, with a deeply diverse range of environments and equally so for the music featured.
Blue Water Fangs
Marine Diver
Midnight Wandering
You can just feel those foul flesh munching, slime spewing, zombies creeping around to this. I'm still curious about the story behind this stage's boss.
Shallow Sea
Hard Water
This remind anyone else of Rushing Beat / Ninja Warriors music?
The Desert
The Pyramid
In the Void
I know everyone overuses the word epic these days, but this theme truely embodies the word's meaning. If you haven't played Metal Slug 3 yet, know that everything that takes place from this stage forward, is one of the best series of events to take place in all of action gaming.
Into the Cosmos

The scene of a Hard Battle
Getting a real secret agent vibe.
Lets run through

Heavy African
Ruins Excavation
Windy Day
Who would've ever thought you'd hear a spaghetti western inspired track in Metal Slug of all things?

Now of course this isnt a full showing of what Metal Slug has to offer, since I havent had the chance to play Metal Slug 6 or 7 in depth, or Advance, 1st or 2nd mission either. But i'll no doubt have to update the thread after seeing what they have to offer, both gameplay and audio wise. Also I wonder what happened to the composer of the games, or the Nazca side of SNK as a whole. You've got Gunforce 2 and Into the Deep as predecessors to the series, but when will we see an actual successor to the series?