Gabriel Knight

Men with small penises have this advantage over well-hung guys
This brings new meaning to job compensation — just in time for #InternationalMensDay.

However, the well-endowed shouldn’t fret too much, as a July study by dating site Big One found that 8 inches was the optimal size for making a woman climax.
Men with small penises have this advantage over well-hung guys
This brings new meaning to job compensation — just in time for
Who gives a fuck about making women climax?
Men with small penises have this advantage over well-hung guys
This brings new meaning to job compensation — just in time for
Your asking the wrong person OP , he is not a big money earner and has a micro penise.
nothing like a hard punch to the pussy to get a woman over the edge
Well thats fine then......for a second I thought they were suggesting of punching a penis.nothing like a hard punch to the pussy to get a woman over the edge
you dont need a penis for that anyway... just your tongue
Exactly, many woman can't have vaginal orgasm anyway. Clitoris is the most important part
nothing like a hard punch to the pussy to get a woman over the edge
Ellen DeGeneresWho gives a fuck about making women climax?
Those ladies milling outside the gay clubs-