Refs have totally choked tonight. Wow.
is there friday night handegg or something?
Refs have totally choked tonight. Wow.
One of these is not like the other, one of these is not the same...
Ref just called strike three on a pitch further outside than a pitch he had called a ball hahahahahaha
Ref is full on melting down. Or he is on the take.
Plus the third strike on Billy when I can get an update.Wow that zone has actually been pretty good aside from that one god awful call.
Okay so maybe I missed something or I'm misunderstanding, but I swear it was against the rules to push someone off the bag during a tag attempt.
Am I wrong?
Stage 1 of 3 headed monster complete.
Refs have totally choked tonight. Wow.
Lmao, saw this shit on twitter. Motherfuckers are fast
If no one scores, we have Wade another inning, Holland, Frasor, Collins, and Duffy for long relief.Cmon, let's get a run here so we don't have to scrounge around for pitchers until 2am.