He's bad at baseball.What now
He's bad at baseball.What now
The Nats just out-card'd the cards tonight. Yesterday was the same thing but to a much less humiliating degree, I'm sort of numb to the inept play we've seen all night tonight.wow hadn't noticed that, Waino just outhit the nats
Wong bases loaded twice and nothing to show for it
Lol, that sequence of three scoring wild pitches from the Jays was probably the worst baseball I have ever seen.
Where was the pitching coach during all this?
Probably one of the most embarrassing displays I have ever seen from the Blue Jays. Absolutely pathetic.
There's no way a major league team should allow six runs in an inning where they only give up one hit, especially when that one hit isn't a homer. This would be an embarrassment for a Little League team.
I don't agree.We all agree it's a been a shitty season so far?
I'm with youWe all agree it's a been a shitty season so far?
I don't agree.
We get to beat up on some D-Backs today. Let's grab first place for ourselves!
We all agree it's a been a shitty season so far?
We all agree it's a been a shitty season so far?
Tanaka and Pineda have been great so far so, nah.I'm mean besides your own obvious biases. And your ass would be the first to jump in if The Braves would of started off slowly.
Evan Gattis has zero walks this year. Think he is hitting above .300 too.My fantasy league has OBP as a stat and I noticed Nolan Arenado's was only .298 this season. Looked at his Avg and it's .296. Dude has 1 walk thus far -- gotta learn some plate discipline, kid! Can't decide if I should jettison him or Norichaka Aoki when I need a slot open..
Wow @ Arizona's runs against. Woof.
Back-to-back! My guys.
Meh. If there is one thing I'm not worried about on the team besides Felix throwing Ks, it's Cano hitting homeruns.
he has 7 homers in his last 90 games. and he just signed a 10 year deal. His power is what separated him from the other second basemen. if he hits 15 homers a year now, mariners are fucked.
Nah, M's can hit home runs just fine, we just need more XBH. Not worried about Cano just yet, it's barely been 3 weeks.