the Yankees stank is real tonight.
Cubs fans started that, I think.
Now lots of teams do it. I know the Phillies do too.
It's the unique blend of drunkenness, belligerence, and...New Yorker-ness that you can only find in the Bronx
It's the unique blend of drunkenness, belligerence, and...New Yorker-ness that you can only find in the Bronx
I know a Mass-hole isn't talking shit.
You are correct. I'm not from Mass
I'm a no-good out of town pink hat Sox fan. Sue me
BTW,how much longer do you have to wear that... thing of an avatar?
BTW,how much longer do you have to wear that... thing of an avatar?
It could be worse, you could be Makio in Persona-GAF!!
February. And if the Patriots win their division this year, I'll be wearing another ghastly creation throughout 2016.
I keep making...poor decisions in the NFL thread.
Nothing is worse than some furry avatar.
hehe, that you do. Give ya props for not welching on it.
fuck losing y'all
Mets-Jays world series!!!!!
Lol Jays arent making it out of the First Round.
Lol Jays arent making it out of the First Round.
And you think the Mets will?
wut r u doin' blue jays?
Lol. I guess you haven't seen Giants postseason baseball.They will play a West team, I'd honestly go with the Mets at this point unless the Dodgers or Giants have a good month.