Being the Expos,back!!!
Also, I don't think we actually have the audience to really support a team for however many local games you get in a season... Especially if the team is struggling which would be normal for an expansion team at the beginning.
Contract the Rockies. Baseball at altitude is a mistake.
Sounds like Coors Field is the new Petco Park!
No need for 32 teams. Just keep it 30 and move baseball out of Florida. Montreal gets a team, Vancouver gets a team. Do away with divisions all together (way too many teams in different time zones in the same division) and go back to the old days of National League and American League:
Red Sox
Blue Jays
Brewers (back in the AL where they belong)
White Sox
Astros (back in the NL where they belong)
Create a balanced schedule again while your at it.
I'd like this. It feels weird walking around Charlotte/Greensboro/etc and seeing Braves merchandise everywhere.I think a major league team would do great in either Charlotte or Raleigh, but that would mean the Braves or O's/Nats giving up TV coverage. Either way I think expansion right now is a good idea. Attendance is up, TV contracts are getting even more insane, and the new division alignment would add an extra playoff team to each league, if they follow the NFL's playoff system.
National League East
New York Mets
Philadelphia Phillies
Pittsburgh Pirates
Montreal (Expos?)- Expansion Team
In its first 5 years while playing at Parc Jarry (1969-73), the Expos averaged 1.3m per season, which is right at the NL average over that span.
During the late 70s and into the 80s, the Expos drew between 1.6-2.3 million per season, and outdrew the NL average every year.
It was only in 1998 and later had attendance figures started falling driven by a ton of factors.
Maybe Montreal wouldn't get to 3m+ per season, but if they get to 2.0-2.5m per season that would put it right in the mid-tier of the Mets, Brewers, Rockies, Pirates, Rangers, Orioles, Reds and Padres.
Montreal would absolutely, unquestionably draw more than Tampa, Cleveland, Miami, Oakland and the ChiSox.
Mets and Braves is an on-again off-again rivalry, so I wouldn't want that to go away.
Oh and eliminate the DH once and for all. Get rid of interleague play so the WS matters more. It's ridiculous that there was interleague play Opening Day. Totally misses the point.
I like the idea of San Antonio getting a team.
I've been a lapsed baseball fan for quite some time since what happened with the team I support (Marlins) was just too egregious to keep on supporting them. (The swindling of money, the sell-off of players and false promises - multiple times, the disgusting rebrand so I don't recognise them as the team I liked anymore)
But I like these ideas. What would be cool is if this meant inter-league play was diminished and ring-fenced into one part of the season again. Or even eliminated. I don't and never have watched bullshit DH baseball outside of the World Series. Even as a small child (before the marlins joined the league) my affections would float between teams, but I refused to watch or support AL teams and that has stuck with me my whole life. (I was a Cubs / Braves / Giants fan as a kid depending on the season until the Marlins came along in 93.)
I like the idea of the Marlins being in the NL South and playing Atlanta and New Orleans. Could be fun. I'd miss the games against the Mets and Phillies though. I remember going to see a Mets - Marlins game live and warning fellow foreigners that baseball was pretty boring, only for about 25 runs to be scored between the teams. Good times.
Fake edit: I see people are already talking about eliminating baseball in florida. As an ex-marlins fan and someone who has been to see the rays play in tampa...
I really don't blame you.
we would PROBABLY draw more than those bottom 5 IF the marketing is great and IF we have a good TV deal and IF the blackout rules aren't too strict and IF the ballpark is downtown
lots of if, but still possible
Contract the Rockies. Baseball at altitude is a mistake.
Wrong wrong wrong
Home runs are the best, they should get rid of the humidor and give Salt Lake City a team so there is another high elevation crazy home run friendly park
Or just force the Rockies to be sold to an owner that cares about winning
I like this
They should shrink the season schedule, though.
Give NYC another team and put it in Brooklyn.
Wrong wrong wrong
Home runs are the best, they should get rid of the humidor and give Salt Lake City a team so there is another high elevation crazy home run friendly park
Really? I think most Blue Jay fans would love to get out of the AL East and away from the teams who keep buying their playoff spots.Of course, the Orioles would never want to leave the East and those Yankees/Red Sox games, so whatever.
One team that I could potentially see move to a new city is Arizona. I was reading last week that they want to renovate Chase Field (For AZ fans: Why do they feel it needs renovations? It's still fairly new-ish and looks fine) and were threatening to leave if that didn't happen.
Someone said too much time zone confliction, so take that into account
its annoying on occasion, but I dont think its a problem
The Marlins exist for..
Really? I think most Blue Jay fans would love to get out of the AL East and away from the teams who keep buying their playoff spots.
New Jersey
PRO: Largest population base and TV market in North America. The area supported three teams for decades until the Dodgers and Giants left. Many New Jersey baseball fans would love to have a team in their state and not have to travel into NYC for games.
CON: The massive indemnity payment -- likely in the billions -- that a New Jersey team would have to pay to the Yankees and Mets in order to share their territory.
The economic side of expansion means that it won't happen for like 100 years, if ever.
New Jersey- It would work but TV money will be the wedge that holds it back. I think that regional TV contracts will be a serious threat to MLB within the next 10 years.
Montreal- I think it is a matter of when.
Charlotte- This is Braves country so it might be a hard sell.
Portland, Oregon- I think there is potential if the right stadium is built.
San Antonio- There is potential but if the NFL plants a flag there then I wouldn't bother.
Sacramento- Too close to San Francisco and Oakland. The TV rights are hurting those two teams as it is.
Las Vegas- NHL will probably be the guinea pig in Sin City.
Columbus, Ohio- Hard to build a fan base with two teams that have been around for over a hundred years each.
Indianapolis- Not impossible but it would be a hard sell. I could see it happen.
Nashville- Kind of along the lines of Indy and Charlotte. There is potential but the threat of current fan bases might hurt their chances. Memphis might be a better chance than Nashville.
Charlotte should get a team. The south could use another team other than the Braves, and that is probably the best market for it. The Knights are a pretty popular minor league team, think the support and interest is there.
I think Virgina Beach or Richmond should get a team. Virginia still the most populous state without a pro sports team DC doesn't count.
Time zones are really only a factor in the NHL since the concentration of teams is heavier on the east cost than the other leagues.
As for the Marlins, I would move them but they have a new stadium so I won't even bother with that.
My only hesitation with expansion teams is that the talent pool gets more spread thin, but I don't think that would be as much of a problem in baseball than it is in something like the NBA.
I do think the season should be shorter though. Make the games have more meaning.
Sounds like Coors Field is the new Petco Park!