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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Braves finally recalled Jose Constanza. Heyward can take his rightful place back on the bench now.


Windu and Cygnus will be so happy now.
Jesus, my fantasy season is crazy:

Previously on the DL:
Matt Kemp

Carlos Quentin

STILL on the DL:
Pablo Sandoval
Nolan Reimold

Just added to the DL:
Jonathan Lucroy
(probably) Jered Weaver

Fuckin' A. Luckily my team has managed to stay in 1st place, but I cannot believe it will last long if my team keeps getting injuries to all of my stars.
I have Ellsbury, Gardner, Neftali Feliz, Evan Longoria, and Cespedes out rite now. Dem injuries

Damn Rangers, 3 yrs in a row fo sure.


Looking to buy some subway series tickets for Citifield. Already tried StubHub, any other places yall would recommend, yanks/mets age?
Looking to buy some subway series tickets for Citifield. Already tried StubHub, any other places yall would recommend, yanks/mets age?

Try scorebig.com, i used it for yesterdays game. U make the site an offer and they let you know if they accept or not. Only thing you cant choose specific seats, theres different tiers of seats. Yesterday I saved 8 bucks on two seats in Section 135 third row LF. Earlier saved 20 bucks on Ceasar Box seats. Check it out n see if you find a good deal.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Braves are batting the pitcher eighth tonight, interesting. i like it. Minor improvement, but a improvement nonetheless. And i guess constanza is the best option considering all of the freak injuries. Also i hope he has saved up enough money for food this time, i dont think pine tar is very nutritious.
That Whole Hitting The Pitcher Eighth Thing

The Cardinals and Brewers have hit the pitcher eighth in the past, and it's actually a smart, albeit insignificant, strategy.  Yes, giving an awful hitter more plate appearances by hitting him higher in the lineup is costly, but the benefit of having a better number nine hitter interacting with the top of the lineup is worth the trade-off, by about two runs per season.  By putting a decent hitter at the bottom of the order, the top spots in the lineup will have more runners on base to advance with walks and hits and drive in with hits.

This strategy isn't as worthwhile in the American League, because even the worst position player will be on base significantly more often than a pitcher when the top of the order comes around.  Only bat the worst hitter eighth when he's significantly worse than anybody else -- maybe someone like Adam Everett or Tony Pena Jr.



I signed Oswalt in The Show so I was kinda excited when I saw the story about him throwing for us. I mean, why not? Shame it looks like he'll be headed back to the great state of Texas.


Wow, so Brett Lawrie sucks something awful, eh? No wonder he tried to get ejected for a month, he's embarrassed by how shitty he is.

He's been murdering me since Evan went on the DL. My league has some pretty wonky stats including OPS and he's basically about on par with Ichiro who I'm about ready to finally give up on as well. I dunno if I should just release Lawrie or what.. he played so well last year. :\ If he can get some SS eligibility, I'd be more inclined to keep him around... looks like he's played it in at least 1 game.


CAC (and Bowman) thinks Andrelton Simmons might get a call up to the show pretty soon.

I'm ready for that. Pastornicky sucks.


Nolan Ryan's family is REAL close with Roy Oswalt's. Oswalt's wife is a friend of Nolan's daughter and was in her wedding. No way Nolan was going to let Oswalt go anywhere else.
Glad to see Roy O back in Texas. What a class act he was with the Astros. He's great to watch. Gets the ball from the catcher, and RoyO's ready to hurl it back. I think I watched a 1 hour 50 min. game with him pitching once. It was a great game.
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