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MLB - Official 2012 Season Thread: Where Curt Schilling & Marlins will never find us.

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Nice inning at bat for the Yanks. Gave Nova the lead with a 2 out hit and made Matusz throw 30 pitches in the first.
So clemenx, is this like the 4th straight season in Spring he was like "I'm going to throw more sinkers, I'm going to vary my pitches and not just rely on the 4 seamer" and the minute the season starts he starts goin gback to nothing but 4 seamers? I swear Dan Warthen is about to donkeypunch this fool.


Nova lookin' good. Hit 96 on his fastball and kept the ball down for the most part. He needs a good start, seems like he was really down on his ST starts.

hi jango.

Herro H3ro

If we lose the game, the gods will not be happy, but I won't mind it as long as Matusz looks ok. Would be great if he reverted back to 2010 form and not the god awful 2011 version.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
The time has come for Yu. Let the reckoning begin.


Oh girardi...



I haven't seen Chipper's dad since...my 1995 World Series VHS.

I'm going to go cry in a corner.

Oh, I'm glad this moron Fredi is giving Jason the night off. Way to show confidence.
Yu was a member of my favorite NPB team, but he's going against my M's. Can't root for him.


edit: Watching NHK's broadcast, too. They're excited. They'll lose their shit when Ichiro comes up!
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