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MLB Playoffs 2016 | Only thing worse than a Trump win is another Giants win

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What an amazing moment. Tough luck, Nationals. I gave you guys crap for years for always underperforming but you guys are close to something really special. Thanks for the great series and better luck next year.


Ugh, more west coast games. Hopefully I don't have to stay up until 2am again to watch.

Liking the Cubs chances in the NLCS. Don't screw this up.
Roberts had some questionable moves here and there, but the upgrade from Mattingly to him was pretty damn clear. Roberts/Friedman vs Maddon/Theo is the kind of series to drive Joe Morgan to suicide.

I don't see why. It's still a monkey on your back to finish out a clutch situation, even if the situation is short.

Nah I'm talking the other way around. Clayton already was the best pitcher in the game. I didn't need a 7 pitch save to confirm that for me.
Grats to the Los Angeles Balkers for cheating their way to a "victory ".

if 7 pitches is all it takes to excise the Postseason demons, that should tell you how dumb the whole choker/clutch narrative is.
That's baseball for you. Momentum and perceived curses are bigger in that sport than any of the other major team sports. This was huge for Kershaw's confidence in the postseason.
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