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MLB Playoffs 2016 | Only thing worse than a Trump win is another Giants win

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There's gonna be lots of deserved and undeserved goats for the Dodgers if they can't force game 7. Hopefully people can get off Kershaw's back.

Kershaw has been money as fuck this postseason. Regardless of what happens tonight anybody who tries to bring back that "choker" narrative is an idiot.


never heard about the cat, apparently
I think I realized (and I just realized it now for some reason) why I hate Buck: He never speaks in complete sentences or narratives.

yep. Announcers are better when they treat TV like radio and describe things more. Aka vin scully.
I wonder what Tommy Lasorda is doing right now.

Probably the same thing Ken Griffey Jr is doing...

lmao at these Hillary ads. i'm going to shut this shit off and listen to Charlie Steiner. *shudders*

At this point I enjoy those ads because you know some group of idiots is spending millions of dollars to run them all for nothing because Trump is getting bodied in 3 weeks


I hate the fact that Kershaw is going to be blamed for losing the whole series, when this shit offense is an embarrassment.
Kershaw game 5
go up 3-2
lose game 6
tied 3-3

Kershaw x the other guy for game 7 and cubs would be shook at all the curse talk
but no, you let the cubs win two straight in LA
Cleveland becoming Titletown isn't good for America.

Guess I'm a Cubs fan for the next two weeks

Off to learn the difference between Dexter Fowler and Jason Heyward
Never made sense to me to not pitch Kershaw game 5.

if he doesnt have his stuff on full rest what makes you think he would have fared any better on short rest?

Ultimately the amount of runs Kershaw gives up will probably be irrelevant because the Dodgers offense is going to get shut out.


Baez is going to knocked the fuck out by one his teammates.

Dodgers offense should just stand there and not swing at anything. What a terrible time to play like shit blooming like the 2015 Dodgers.

Velcro Fly

Kyle Hendricks always has that demeanor like someone just shot his dog outside the park right before the game starts. For tonight that is exactly what is needed.
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