What a dumb motherfucker.
lol he scared the shit out of Pedroia
I have Pierzynski/Beltre/Cruz in fantasy. They need to get their shit together.
Beltre and Cruz have been good this year
He's gone at least 5 innings in every start. A World Warriorryu pitched a gem
Bases loaded 0 outs. The outcome? 0 runs.
Together we are Giants.
I sure hope so. At the way the team's playing we'll miss next year's playoff too. :/odd numbered year theory
Too bad he didn't do that to this entire umpiring crew, which is absolute trash.
Kind of feel for the Giants fans. Can't believe we got that win.
I think we can officially retire the Derek Lowe cooler gif. David Ortiz bat smash is the new king.
I'm surprised that a Cubs fan feels bad for a team who won 2 out of the last 3 World Series.Kind of feel for the Giants fans. Can't believe we got that win.
Hilarious that the only Phillies team out of that entire run to win the World Series was the team with Adam Eaton in the rotation.
You just had to go there.True, but I would rather have them win then the Dodgers. Can't stand Puigmania.
Yeah but that was the team with the best bullpen so they could overcome poor starts better that year.
True, but I would rather have them win then the Dodgers. Can't stand Puigmania.
Rangers are talking about trading Nathan. I wouldn't be opposed if they get a really good deal.
what do the rangers need right now? Good bat behind the plate and at first, and some better starting pitching?
Where do you stand right now, YH? You have to be leaning towards selling right now.
I think both of the Youngs should be moved if possible. I would like to move Papelbon. Rollins can be moved if he has any value.
I want to keep Utley and Lee if possible. You can't move Howard. What does free agency look like right now?
Too bad he didn't do that to this entire umpiring crew, which is absolute trash.
Guy can fuckin curse loldont
i'll miss it
It's hard to remember life without Derek Jeter. Since 1996, we have had a steady stream of his greatness. Moments etched in the Yankee Timeline. We've seen him grow into a living, breathing Hall of Fame plaque. There was nothing he couldn't do. No moment too big. No play that couldn't be made. But it all came crashing down last October. The body broke. The Captain was down. Suddenly, a life of light was shrouded in the shadows of doubt. But today, The Captain returns. The highlight reel can take on additions again. Today, there is finally a sense of normalcy in the Bronx. Derek Jeter is back
Ughhhhh I just threw up and the throw up is dripping down my chest.
Jeter is a great guy, but man this post .... lol
No offense sangreal its in my blood to hate the yanks, love ya.