To be honest with you guys, only until I switched to zone hitting did I really start to enjoy hitting. That and pulse pitching.
I opened a 20 pack bundle and of course the two diamond cards I got were a ritual and a pair of sunglasses. Do you guys ever keep diamond equipment or do you always turn around and flip them? I could probably get about 11,000 stubs for the two.
Not a bad way to start a fresh 20 pack...
Also picked Verlander and Grenkie from the packs. Tigers are now completed.
Why are you the luckiest SOB on the planet?
Dude. You pop in here every other day with a new diamond. Meanwhile I haven't gotten a fucking diamond since the first day of the game and I've opened at least 300 more packs since then.
I got Clayton Kershaw in the first pack I ever opened. I opened another pack tonight and got Bryce Harper. I've spent $0 on packs, haha.
I sold both. I've got 251k stubs right now.
I got Clayton Kershaw in the first pack I ever opened. I opened another pack tonight and got Bryce Harper. I've spent $0 on packs, haha.
I sold both. I've got 251k stubs right now.
I got Clayton Kershaw in the first pack I ever opened. I opened another pack tonight and got Bryce Harper. I've spent $0 on packs, haha.
I sold both. I've got 251k stubs right now.
Yesterday I got my 100th walk and it got me enough to get a 20 pack.
I opened my 10 pack from manifest destiny and got nothing.
I want to say I've learned my lesson but my luck eventually has to hit.....
they'd love you in vegas
Some of the markets are a bit bananas right now. I need one card to complete the AL Central but the Andrew Miller market is insane right now. I refuse to pay 100k for a reliever no matter how good.
I've played over 800 games each year for the last few years. I played last years version all the way up until the release of the new one. I already have played over 50 games this year. I can say with confidence, this is the first year the gameplay has taken a step backwards. I'm not the only one either, many are complaining on Twitter.
Way too many HR's.
Way to many hard hits on balls out of the zone.
Perfect PCI hits popping up.
PCI feedback saying I chased balls in the zone on the inside.
Please fix this SDS.
It's gotten a lot harder now that resale prices have tanked on most golds and silvers. I miss the day when I could get 4k for a Gary Sanchez
With the HRs, bad CPU bullpen logic, and all the online issues, I regret not holding off for a sale this year. Very disappointed.I've played over 800 games each year for the last few years. I played last years version all the way up until the release of the new one. I already have played over 50 games this year. I can say with confidence, this is the first year the gameplay has taken a step backwards. I'm not the only one either, many are complaining on Twitter.
Way too many HR's.
Way to many hard hits on balls out of the zone.
Perfect PCI hits popping up.
PCI feedback saying I chased balls in the zone on the inside.
Please fix this SDS.
With the HRs, bad CPU bullpen logic, and all the online issues, I regret not holding off for a sale this year. Very disappointed.
I just went balistic on the brewers, game took like 90mins.
It sure is. Poor Christian Bethancourt.
Any changes to red sox? Or place I can see? Not near my ps4 for a while and been debating if itll be worth it to restart franchise.
Just completed the Mariners team epic... Edgar is a monster at the plate. Working on the Nationals now.
Nationals is way too expensive, maybe if I pull a Harper and Strasburg I can make it work lol
I hate all of you that have pulled diamond players =/
I have had 3-4 Diamonds already this year.
Downloading 1.04 patch (1.7gb). I need to find the notes.
Patch notes here - http://www.operationsports.com/foru...-1-04-available-now-patch-notes-included.html
I have had 3-4 Diamonds already this year.
I hate all of you that have pulled diamond players =/
Pulled a Ran Braun to go along with the one locked in my collection, 16000 stubs, not bad
And how much have you paid so far?
Is the retro mode worth it? I really want to play retro mode.